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Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 4:15 am
by R Croxford
Outrage? Where the F%$# is it? This man was tried and found guilty of breaking the LAW! WTF? This is prime example of the state of the union.
We are screwed. This man should have at LEAST gone to jail for some period of time, I do not care if it was 1 day at least he went. My god. Must be nice to be a politician in the wimpiest country on the planet. Everyone is going to just sit back and watch and go, that ain't right. and nothing will change. Sicko was great but unfortunately , No one cares. Health care, property rights, imprisonment and poverty are all acceptable things for my fellow countrymen. Whatever. Buy guns and ammo, Your going to need them. lol

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:53 am
by LiAnn Simpson
I am in total agreement with Tom, but he left out one thing. For God's sake lets get rid of the IRS!
Yes, gentlemen, things are looking very bad. Very bad indeed. But being the eternal optimist that I am, I believe it is not too late for this country to turn things around.
If you were around in the 60's, you will remember the "underground". Well, guys that is what we are, back then it was radical newspapers being printed in some hippie's basement. Remember how the "establishment", that is what they called the government back then railed against the underground newspapers? This is the underground of the technology age. The revolution of the 60's which brought to an end the Vietnam War and brought down Nixon is coming back, in a big way. They even brought back the Black Panthers!
I can sense it happening now, people aren't even listening to Bush anymore, he has zero credibility. He is looking and acting more nervous and tense now than I have ever seen him. Good. He'd better be.
I can't even remember the last time he gave a press conference. Everything is getting more and more secret.
And you know what, he will probably be brought down in the end by one of his own. Just like Nixon.
It's a start.


No Democracy, No Constitution:

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:46 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Fellow JFK Forum Members,

Yesterday Harriet Miers and Sara Taylor both testified before Congress that President Bush had ordered them not to cooperate.

No only do we not have a Democracy, we are not even akin to a Constitutional Monarchy.

We are emerging publiclly more and more daily as a Fascist, Military Industrial Complex Dictatorship.

Especially read all of Bob's posts about the Bush Dynasty, War Profiteering, and related topics.

Any thoughts ?

Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Fascist Military Dictatorship:

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 4:41 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Fellow JFK Forum Members,

The War in Iraq is NOW going to take two (2) years or more to win. But I thought that we won it four years ago, according to President Bush ?????

The House, the Senate, the Presidential Candidates are all using great rhetoric.

The War in Iraq rages on.

A part of the Iraq government is on vacation because it is hot. Yet a major report on the progress in Iraq, and with its government , is due in September, 2007. No progress with the Iraq government while they are on vacation. Its hot. What about our American men and women ??? I guess their being hot is not an issue for the Iraq government.

The War in Iraq rages on.

The American men and women get no break. For some, death will come first.

They held a sleep over in Congress. Folding beds, pizza, coke, etc., etc. Sounded impressive. Nothing got done.

The War in Iraq rages on.

Tomorrow, more American men and women will die.

Why ???

We have no Democracy.

We have a Fascist, Military Industrial Complex.

We are all rats in this maze.

The War in Iraq rages on.

Comments ?????

Bob, Jeffers, Croxford, Newton, and others I am sorry for not listing your names, what do you think ?????

Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Democracy Is The Opiate For The American People:

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 8:53 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

Democracy Is The Opiate For The American People. At best, and if at all, Democracy only works on low level matters like library boards.

Democracy as it is taught in schools is a historical to present day opiate - a placebo, if you will.

Who really believes that we have a Democracy ?

Maybe we should invade the U.S next in an effort to bring Democracy here ? I realize that My Trusted Friend Tom Jeffers' previous post along the lines of a revolution will never come to fruition.

I have absolutely no faith in our political system. With over twelve billion dollars a month being spent on The War In Iraq alone, as our infrastructure continues to age and fail, we are being bankrupted by our Military Industrial Complex.

John F. Kennedy saw the logical extension of where the Military Industrial Complex and the CIA would take us. To me, that was JFK'S Greatest Accomplishment. His effort to avoid where we are today, as we were in Viet Nam, all ended in on 11.22.1963.

Really, what can be done ??????????????

Giving up is not an option. But where do "We the people..." go from here ?

Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:24 am
by Dan
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
Groucho Marx (one of the Marx brothers - Karl wasn't invited into the act)

clinton, Obama, Edwards - all the same - stick your finger to the wind and go with what ever it takes to get elected (of course the election fraud they pull every time helps)!


Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:51 am
by R Croxford

election fraud

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 6:56 pm
by tom jeffers
speaking of election fraud, it seems that i remember going to bed in 2000 as the news media announced that gore was our next president. when i woke up the next morning we got bushwacked. he was good, moved quickly with brother jeb's help and before you know it, the whole thing was swept under the carpet. by 2004, the new method of stealing elections was well established, computerized voting. hell, your better off going to las vegas and playing their slot machines instead of the new voting least the slot machine pays out occassionally.

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 7:19 pm
by Dan
it seems that i remember going to bed in 2000 as the news media announced that gore was our next president. That was CNN and CBS- and we all know the fraud Dan Rather 2004, the new method of stealing elections was well established

Yes, how can anyone forget the nightmare of algore trying to skirt established election laws to selectively recount districts!

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 7:28 pm
by M.C.Newton
oh boy...