Please read this link

JFK Assassination
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Post by Bob »

RC has been here for a long time as he states. His takes are indepth and take time to study. But I have yet to find anything that he has brought up to be false. Anybody can find gray areas in just about any subject. I also know that this site has had it's share of disinformation agents. Is M Klein one? I'm not saying that. But it's not a good sign when one wants to try and censor or silence any subject matter, however related to the JFK murder puzzle.
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

R Croxford, Bob, you beat me to it, I was going to rant on M Klein LOL.

To Mr M Klein, congratulation's on your promotion to Politically Correct Officer of this board. I know you must be proud of your promotion. Now, Bob, and Mr croxford, please get in line on this. M Klein has been put in this position because of his vast knowledge in all subjects and he knows better than anyone else What to, and what not to investigate. So please, in the future, check with M Klein and see if he wants to qualify your information. LOL LOL LOL
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

07.26.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:03.18.2007 - R. Croxford Posted this Enticing Headline. It received a short discussion, with somefacts, information, and opinions by some of the Best Former and Current JFKMS Forum Members.IF I AM ANALYZING, STUDYING, AND TRYING TO UNDERSTAND A MILES LONG FREIGHT TRAIN, CLIMBINGONTO THE CABOSE AND TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT IS LEADING AND PROPELLING THE TRAIN, AND TRYING TO DETERMINE WHERE THE LONG FREIGHT TRAIN IS HEADED AND WHO IS ENGINEERINGIT, JUST DOESN'T SEEM TO MAKE SENSE TO ME. LOOKING AT WHERE THE TRAIN HAS PASSED, AND THESTATIONS THAT IT HAS LEFT, DON'T PROVIDE ME SUFFICIENT INFORMATION ABOUT WHERE THE TRAINIS GOING, ITS POSSIBLE/PROBABLE JOURNEY, AND PERHAPS POSSIBLE/PROBABLE DESTINATIONS. My Opinion.R. Croxford's Link has an analytical, focused, intense, powerful, developmental history of the MajorGlobal and Financial Institutions of the World, their reign and stranglehold on countries and leaders, the manipulation of countries and economies AND THE CONTROL, PERPETUATION, REGULATION, ANDTIMING OF WARS.CONTROL OF THE POPULATION.GENOCIDE.POPULATION CONTROL.WEALTH, POWER, AND GREED.Read, research, study this with an open mind. Then apply it to today, and the World we live in,and where we seem to be headed in Your Opinion.Look at the Pattern from before and through Lincoln, JFK, MLK, RFK, and through 09.11.2001,and beyond.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and study a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher'swho may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Posts: 829
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Re: Please read this link

Post by kenmurray »

Synagogue of Satan: 1936-2006: