The last confession of E. Howard Hunt: US government/CIA tea

JFK Assassination
Nerrilyn Diefenbach
Posts: 19
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Post by Nerrilyn Diefenbach »

Cappy Erikssen said:
I can tell you that every post on this forum supporting the 9-11 conspiracy theory is a post that removes credibility from the sustaining members as well as the webmaster, and consequentially drives away potential members.

With respect, I couldn’t disagree more. I also came to this site to learn more about the JFK assassination, something I have been passionate about for more years than I care to remember. I am, at times, skeptical about certain opinions posted on this web site regarding subjects that I believe I am relatively informed about, but having for years been treated as a crackpot for my opinions on JFK, I am not going to do the same to others who hold opinions on topics that at first may appear to be unrelated to JFK or perhaps a bit ‘wacky’. There is no one in my immediate world that I can have an informed conversation with about this subject. Basically, no one cares! This website has opened up a new world for me, where I am able to explore a whole variety of issues related to the assassination of which I was totally unaware, as well as have the privilege of reading the threads of others whose opinions I am coming to respect and value. If I judge the thread to be too ‘over the top’ I simply disregard it. Currently I am in the process of reading books re 9/11 so I can determine for myself how true these claims may or may not be.

People have a right to their opinions. No one is forced to read threads they don’t want to. Those who express opinions about 9/11 do so because they believe there is a strong link through the Bushes to JFK’s assassination and therefore it is relevant to this forum. This forum is titled “Who killed JFK and why?â€
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Nerrilyn Diefenbach

Have you viewed the JFKII documentary ? ... 0737304741

Its 1 1/2 hours long, and is a absolute must to any credible and in depth researcher.
Nerrilyn Diefenbach
Posts: 19
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by Nerrilyn Diefenbach »

Billy Bloggs asked:

Have you viewed the JFKII documentary ?

yes! I purchased it a few months ago and have viewed it several times now. It has made me go back over Wim's info on this site and past threads because there was just so much I missed the significance of and dismissed as 'a bit wacky' the first time round. That's why I had to comment. I thought I was relatively well informed on JFK and world events but am beginning to realize that I was looking at the whole JFK thing in isolation. Honestly, it is all a bit overwhelming and dare I say it ....scary. If the purpose of this forum is to inform and make people think about things even if it does take you out of your comfort zone than congratulations. You are succeeding.
Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

Yes, comfort zone, and getting out of the comfortable "Box". There is just so much to absorb. My brother had to watch it 10 times to get it. But then again he isn't what you might say, the sharpest tool in the shed lol. I still love him though.

I suppose the two things that got Kennedy killed was going after the federal reserve, and denying nuclear weapons to Israel. Its all long story, but if you take the time you will see the bits and pieces of the puzzle. "By way of deception".
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Post by M.C.Newton »


I can only imagine that Cappy is referring to me as the one whom called him "stupid", but once again once we look over the facts we see a different story.

Cappy states "I was called "stupid", in so many words, for not agreeing with the status-quo. I may be wrong about certain things, but calling me "stupid" is the reaction of a person who can't think of a rational argument to neutralize my thoughts."
In order to save space here I will only provide a link to my rebuttal of Cappy's flaming. ... ight=#3466

My post is the last on the page, and also the last time Cappy posted before joining this thread. Just to set the record straight, Cappy it would seem isn't quite the victim he makes himself out to be. Be sure to view page 1 ( ... sc&start=0 ) as Cappy started the thread with flaming.

Cappy states: "I realize that many of my above comments will appear combative to most of you, and will subject me to further flaming, but I offer no apologies."

Obviously Cappy, you have a very abrasive way about you. Then you go on to say that since people on JFK boards believed in 9/11 as well, you almost believed the "lone nutter" theory. That is absolutely laughable. You're willing to shift your position not based on facts or evidence but on what other people believe. You are surreal. It's a good thing you aren't offering apologies, 'cause I don't know who'd accept them. They're like bad checks.


Very interesting video on O'Reilly, If I were a betting man and O'Reilly was questioned about his JFK beliefs now I'm sure that they would be 180 degrees different.

There's gotta be some footage of him calling Gerald Ford a hero of some sort.
R Croxford
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Comfort Zone

Post by R Croxford »

I like that remark, LOL
Comfort zone, I havent seen that zone in about 4 years. I wish sometimes I had taken the blue pill. LOL Damn it! morpheus.
Please do not even get me going on 9-11. It is a joke! Cappy free your mind man. Its too big right. Nobody could pull that off in our government, Righht? But it is very easy for you to believe that a group of guys from the desert that live in caves can do it right?
I will say it one more time to prove that no one out there really truelly cares.
Tell me this guy is a nut! Please discount and prove for a fact! that everything this man says is a lie. PLEASE!!!!! You know why bro? Because no one else can do it. No one can say this man is full of shit! WHY?!
In the same year that this man was involved with this plan, Bush was CIA director and this guy ted was on the loose. Was rumsfeld in any government office in 1976? Where was Cheney?
Who commisioned the towers to be build? What year as that? Clue? The nickname of the towers were the twin brothers named after the the man and his brother that seen to the building of the towers. That piece of crap Bush has been planning this attack on the CFR and the overthrow of the current leaders of the world for quite awhile now.
Amschel Rothschild graduated from City University of London in 1976By YOUSSEF M. IBRAHIM Published: July 12, 1996Amschel Rothschild, the man who many people believed was in line to lead the Rothschild family's legendary banking dynasty, committed suicide this week, the company said today. N. M. Rothschild & Sons, the privately held family bank, confirmed that the death was a suicide after two French newspapers reported that a chambermaid had found him hanged in his room at the Bristol Hotel in Paris on Monday. But relatives of the 41-year-old Mr. Rothschild refused to give any details of his death, which was originally reported as having resulted from a heart attack.
Was this a message?

OK> heres the deal bro. This is a riddle, and plain and simple if you feel the need not to try and solve it? I do not care. But I really do not think you speak for the world when you give advise. People who come here looking for something will find it. Those with close minds that cannot believe anything other then what is spoon fed them will go on else where. So they can drink their latte' and feel that nice warm fuzzy feeling that does'nt make them want to choke the crap out of all the people in the world that keep trying to silence them and tell them that they know what is best for them and to be afraid of something. Fear you will not find here my friend, only truth and the people are just crazy enough to find it.

Tim McNiven is giving names and dates and is a proven government operative! No one can debunk this man. So take your 9-11 doubts and shove em. The US government does not care about you, me or anyone else thinking about 9-11 or JFK.
They know, that we know, that they know, they are full of Crap! LOL