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Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 5:44 pm
by Timothy Franzen
Hi Wim,I stand corrected. Also accept my apology. I enjoy reading the discussion.I don't believe that LHO fired a shot and that he was actually drinking a coke in the breakroom when the shots were fired.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 6:54 pm
by Moo Cow
dankbaar wrote:Dear Roberta,Do you have a learning disability?Wim

No I believe its just part of the clown con-artists clandestine conspiracy operation to clog up this board with silly and non-essental posts, in an effort to decoy and detract our viewers from the essential and enlightening and insightful and meaningful posts....


Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 10:41 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
Dear Messers. Tim Carroll, and Wim Dankbaar, et., al.,

I have just reviewed your emails.

I will make copies for Jimmy, and myself.

Tim, Oswald was with Jimmy at the "firing range" for Jimmy to test fire, and sight the guns that Jimmy brought from the Bally Building in Chicago, Illinois, to Mesquite, Texas, then to Dallas, Texas. Oswald's function was to help get Jimmy around Texas, and at times drive, ostensibly, because Oswald appeared at the probable request and insistence of David Atlee Phillips.

Oswald was in charge of "brassing" for Jimmy. That is picking up all spent shell casings from the rifles, the Remington Fireball, and the handguns. Oswald placed all spent cartridges into a plain brown paper bag, which he gave to Jimmy.

Oswald never once fired a shot at the range. Oswald did not like guns.
However, Oswald could drive, and often drove, including military vehicles.

Additionally, I have copies of the parafin tests on Oswald. They only show
very limited traces of gun powder, as is consistent with Jimmy's story. Further, Oswald had no GSR (gun shot residue) on his face, as would be consistent with firing a rifle.

Tim, welcome back. How was your trip ?

Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 1:13 am
by Moo Cow
dankbaar wrote:Timothy, Yes, Roberta is female, she educates about learning disabilities elsewhere. ... 013.htmWim

Then why can she WRITE like this now???Watch out for...

I'm an expert speller my problem is that i can't type Nobody's perfect

OT Response: Trip Report

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 12:59 am
by Tim Carroll
Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Tim, welcome back. How was your trip ?
Please check out my trip report: ... =2006&mm=3

The photo album can be viewed by going to my blog site, located on my profile within this forum.


Learning disability

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 1:30 am
by Roberta Gallant
Hello, Wim -

Yes, I do have a learning disability that causes me to learn
things slowly. I was born with this birth defect. Thank you
for asking.

Roberta Gallant
Concord, New Hampshire

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 6:38 am
by John Bruno
I thought Oswald couldn't drive a car?

Re: Learning disability

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 8:20 am
by dankbaar
Roberta Gallant wrote:Hello, Wim -Yes, I do have a learning disability that causes me to learn things slowly. I was born with this birth defect. Thank youfor asking.Roberta GallantConcord, New Hampshire

Well Roberta, you can learn here that Oswald did NOT kill Kennedy. Quickly or slowly.


Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 6:37 pm
by Roberta Gallant
Hello, Wim -

Thank you very much for telling me that I will learn more things
at Quickly or slowly. I am excited
about that.

Specifically, who killed former President John Fitzgerald Kennedy?What is former President John F. Kennedy's killer's name?

Roberta Gallant
Concord, New Hampshire

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 7:53 pm
by Gibson DelGiudice
James E. Files.
