The Shell Casing Mystery

JFK Assassination
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Post by dankbaar »

Mr Steffi Chase or Stephi Chase,

I have warned you that I detest unsubstantiated accusasations and/or smearful suggestions like I am "concealing information not favorable to Mr. Files." ... eken&meta=

I maintain you are lying about your identity. A teacher from New York, right? You can prove your id to me by giving me your entry in and/or My email is .

I will then be glad to call you and apologize. And unban you.

For now I believe you are just another disinfo imposter, who has to try soooo hard to discredit this evidence. They come in sneakier outfits each time.

Bye now.

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Post by Pennyworth »

I am curious about how far Mr.Files was standing from Harrelson at the time of the infamous shooting and his site relationship to Harrelson at the time .. . This info might or might not be relevant or significant. Both men claim to be on the grassy knoll; both men were in the possession of firearms, and both can fit into a common denominator.
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Post by Pennyworth »

I wonder if this (these) people are any relation to Chase Manhatten Bank? LOL!!!!
Joe Balliro
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Post by Joe Balliro »

Dear Mr Dankbaar,

I've been reading about the shell casings and everything, and information from Bob Vernon as well. Although the shell casing is pretty important, something that has been puzzling me for days has been a telephone interview with Files' Aunt Christine, the lady who took raised him when he was a boy.

I am curious why Vernon didn't touch on Files relationship to Charles Nicoletti, or if she knew any ties he had with the chicago mafia.

Jim Thompson
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Post by Jim Thompson »

Joe Balliro wrote:Dear Mr Dankbaar,I've been reading about the shell casings and everything, and information from Bob Vernon as well. Although the shell casing is pretty important, something that has been puzzling me for days has been a telephone interview with Files' Aunt Christine, the lady who took raised him when he was a boy. am curious why Vernon didn't touch on Files relationship to Charles Nicoletti, or if she knew any ties he had with the chicago mafia. -Joe

Hey Joe,

Did Jimmy really blow Mary Pearl's head off with a shotgun?

Or is this Vernon disinformation?

Aunt Christine seems to confirm the story.

Anybody know anything about this?

Joe Balliro
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Post by Joe Balliro »

This is where either Wim or Bruce would be benficial. I would think that the police report would have some insight on this murder.

Billy Boggs
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Post by Billy Boggs »

As I said before, I'm not pro or con on files, but. What are the odds that a .222 casing shows up right where files says he was? Come on, these things must be laying everywhere, right? Right?

Oh, yes, the CIA could have planted them there as disinfo years ago. But how would they know files would say anything years later?

The odds of any cartridge being anywhere unexpectedly must be astronomical. Was this area by the fence a shooting gallery in later years? Does everyone shoot .222s just for the heck of it right there?
Jim Thompson
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Not So, Billy

Post by Jim Thompson »

Billy Boggs wrote:As I said before, I'm not pro or con on files, but. What are the odds that a .222 casing shows up right where files says he was? Come on, these things must be laying everywhere, right? Right?Oh, yes, the CIA could have planted them there as disinfo years ago. But how would they know files would say anything years later? The odds of any cartridge being anywhere unexpectedly must be astronomical. Was this area by the fence a shooting gallery in later years? Does everyone shoot .222s just for the heck of it right there?

Hey Billy,

Oops. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the casing (bitten) was found over by the west side of the Pergola, wasn't it? Not by the fence where Jimmy was.

And the other casing (unbitten) was found over by the east side of the Pergola.

Weird! No?
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Post by Pennyworth »

Joe Balliro wrote:Dear Mr Dankbaar,I've been reading about the shell casings and everything, and information from Bob Vernon as well. Although the shell casing is pretty important, something that has been puzzling me for days has been a telephone interview with Files' Aunt Christine, the lady who took raised him when he was a boy. am curious why Vernon didn't touch on Files relationship to Charles Nicoletti, or if she knew any ties he had with the chicago mafia. -Joe

Files also is on record as stating:

"1. He was in the military although his FBI rap sheet shows Files was in court in Chicago on the day Files said he went on active duty, July 10, 1959.

2. His ex-wife, when questioned by Kroll and Associates in 1994, told the investigator that Jimmy had a twin brother and that the twin brother was the one with her in Chicago on November 22, 1963. Files backed this up, at first, but later told us that he had told his wife to say that.

3. He wrote Christine a letter when he was in the service saying something to the effect that "the government has turned me into a killer."

4. Files said he used the name Sutton until 1963 when the name "Files" was given to him by a government agency.

The recording speaks for itself."
Man are these statements full of goobly gobbly gook info...what does Files twin brother being in Chicago with his wife have to do with anything???Did he have a twin?
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Post by dankbaar »

Very strange, because this has always been on Vernon's website before I took over:

41. Files's birthdate, place of birth and various aspects of his younger years were confirmed by his mother's sister to Vernon. His aunt also told Vernon that Files had sent her and her husband letters from Vietnam in the early 60's telling them that the "Government has turned me into a killer."

Was he lying there? Or did Aunt Christine lie? Or does she not remember now because of age?
