"the vast military industrial complex will lie ..."

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: "the vast military industrial complex will lie ..."

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

12.16.2009Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Mr. Bob Fox - I just carefully read, and re-read Webster Tarpley's above article Posted by you. Mind blowing as I was reading it. Then, I re-read it even more carefully.Have you ever been somewhere, or read something, and in both cases felt that you werethere before ? He who forgets the lessons of history, is doomed to repeat them.I need to put down all of the books that I am reading, and need to re-read Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty's book, JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, And The Plot To Assassinate John F. Kennedy.I am convinced that "The Artificial Construct" used by the CIA to "start the Vietnam War" and join together Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, is strongly similar, if not the same, as is being used now in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The places and players are different. But the"scheme" is strangely familiar. I am almost positive.Damn you Bob, I will have to postpone my hell bent effort to read Bugliosi's book, Reclaiming History, yet again.Bob, this prompts two (2) probative questions in my mind, which I will next Post as two (2) New Headlines:1. Can this current escalation in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan for Obama not only be his Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia ? But can this immediate "ploy" by the CIA be Obama's Bay of Pigs ?2. How much oil can there be left in the world as of 01.01.2010 ?Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts,or writings about any aspect of these subject matters ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: "the vast military industrial complex will lie ..."

Post by Bob »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Bob:Thank You for the Post of Webster Tarpley's article. I will carefully re-read it tonight, as Ionly had a minute to skim it. As I'm sure you have noticed from several of my Headlines andPosts, Obama's 12.01.2009 decision to send 30,000 more American's to Iraq, Afghanistan, andPakistan really awakened "ghosts" in my mind reminiscent of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.This weekend when I am Christmas shopping with my girlfriend, I will try to buy or orderWebster Tarpley's book, George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography.Recommendations from you are very high on my list.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.Bruce...you can also read George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography online if you like. http://www.tarpley.net/bushb.htm
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: "the vast military industrial complex will lie ..."

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

06.17.2010Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Mr. President Barack Obama has achieved a promise from bp to put $ 20 billion dollars into escrow for the bp Oil Tsunami, to pay legitimate damages.Case Closed.Meanwhile, we are continuing to spend $ 20 billion dollars a month on Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan.But President George Bush declared victory years ago. I saw it on T.V. I read it in my newspapers, and on my Apple.And the cause of this, Sadam Hussein, was hanged by the neck until dead. And I think he's still dead.But today and tomorrow more sincere American Soldiers will die for these wars that have no end in sight.No shortage of money for war it seems.Hum this tune:POPULATION CONTROL.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts,or writings on any aspect of these subject matters ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Osama Bin Laden: Dead Or Alive

Post by kenmurray »

Bruce, soldiers dying in Afghanistan each day for what? Especially since in my opinion Bin Laden has been dead for years now and our govt knows it!Here is the BBC documentary that was aired in January 2010:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cpqg9SF2 ... re=related
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Re: "the vast military industrial complex will lie ..."

Post by Jsnow915 »

as I've said before Bruce...theres no profit in peace...I wonder if that could ever change.
tom jeffers
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Re: "the vast military industrial complex will lie ..."

Post by tom jeffers »

Bruce,My son troy decided right after 911 to enter the air force academy to get his education and because he is a fine young patriotic american and wanted to contribute. he is much more naive than me but i spported his decision thinking that there is no way we would still be over there when he graduated. (how naive can i get!) He was the only one in his class to be assigned to the pentagon (had to be on a reccommendation from some big shot at the school) and I was relieved because I thought he would live out his military years being a paper pusher. he just informed me this week that he volunteered to go to afghanistan. he never even talked to me about it. he leaves december 2. he was persuaded by his testosterone military advisors that if he wanted to stay in as a career and get to major he needed combat duty plus this would look good to the cadets (have credibility) that he would eventually be teaching in the academy. (he wants to teach at the academy)he has got the kind of heart that tillman had and you know what happened to him. I think of fogerty's song "senators son" and look at those politicians that send my blood, your blood out to slaughter while their children go to plush ivy league schools and get their experience in some attorney's office. when i saw bush 2 on that aircraft carrier dressed as a pilot and pretending to be one of the boys, i get sick thinking how many of us americans are still buying into this war and that WE ARE FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM! BULLSH!T!NAMASTE'
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Re: "the vast military industrial complex will lie ..."

Post by Bob »

tom jeffers wrote:Bruce,My son troy decided right after 911 to enter the air force academy to get his education and because he is a fine young patriotic american and wanted to contribute. he is much more naive than me but i spported his decision thinking that there is no way we would still be over there when he graduated. (how naive can i get!) He was the only one in his class to be assigned to the pentagon (had to be on a reccommendation from some big shot at the school) and I was relieved because I thought he would live out his military years being a paper pusher. he just informed me this week that he volunteered to go to afghanistan. he never even talked to me about it. he leaves december 2. he was persuaded by his testosterone military advisors that if he wanted to stay in as a career and get to major he needed combat duty plus this would look good to the cadets (have credibility) that he would eventually be teaching in the academy. (he wants to teach at the academy)he has got the kind of heart that tillman had and you know what happened to him. I think of fogerty's song "senators son" and look at those politicians that send my blood, your blood out to slaughter while their children go to plush ivy league schools and get their experience in some attorney's office. when i saw bush 2 on that aircraft carrier dressed as a pilot and pretending to be one of the boys, i get sick thinking how many of us americans are still buying into this war and that WE ARE FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM! BULLSH!T!NAMASTE'God Bless your son Troy, Tom. I hope he comes home quickly and safely. I agree with everything you just said...and then some. The wars we are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan are not for need...but for greed.
Dealey Joe
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Re: "the vast military industrial complex will lie ..."

Post by Dealey Joe »

Tom & Bob Having never served in military as just as I was about to be drafted JFK gave all married men deferment.I have oft admired young men who want to serve in military, but I must say I Never understood it.I think some of it is due to peer pressure, I am not sure how much patriotism fits into it.Neither have I had a child in military. I have watched as anguished mothers and fathers watched their sons slaughteredor return as drug addicts or mental cases.I can't even imagine how those parents felt. I would be compelled to kill someone.If I felt that it was a just cause I would serve today.There is a special place in Hell for the likes of father and son Bush and Barak Obama is making his own bed.and they are only the front men. I think Bush's are closer to the front than some.
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Re: "the vast military industrial complex will lie ..."

Post by kenmurray »

My son goes off to the Navy next week where he will do his basic training in Chicago, then his job training in Connecticut. His job will be on a nuclear sub. Despite what we think about the wars going on today in the world, never forget our troops.
Dealey Joe
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Re: "the vast military industrial complex will lie ..."

Post by Dealey Joe »

Ken that is a problem I have had when I say anything negative about the "WAR"Is it a war?Anyways people get actually mad at me and accuse me of not careing for the boys and girls being sacrificed.Who could be that uncarring? It is not me that don't care, it is the criminals sending them.It is sad but a matter of coditioning I suppose.I am sorry I just don't believe things are settled by military conflict.I am sure there could be a time when war is nessesary. Someday we will have to take controlof whatever is left of our country.Whatever happened to "speak softly and carry a big stick"jJFK seemed to understand that?