Jimmy Files and LHO in Dallas

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Jimmy Files and LHO in Dallas

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

tom jeffers wrote:oswald's job was a cia cover and he could come and go as he pleased. after talking with bruce yesterday, i want to clarify what happened that week. oswald just showed up at jimmys motel room that week. only 2 people knew where jimmy was at and for what purpose, chuck and phillips. jimmy assumed oswald was sent by phillips since they both had the same handler but he did not know for sure. oswald and jimmy never discussed what he was there for because you just didn't talk about those things with others that are not in you own little core group. jimmy and oswald drove around during the course of the week and oswald showed jimmy around but nothing was discussed as to why they were driving around. jimmy was gathering information that he needed but again oswald was not told what he needed it for. a lot of the information just came up in casual conversation.jimmys knickname back then was "the kid" because if you see his picture in the motel room, his build and face looked lie a 15 year old kid. he was the kid that ws seen with oswald at the so called shooting range. it wasn't an actual shooting range for the public but an out of the way dump/salvage yard place that the locals went to to shoot guns. while they were there, there were a couple of other people shooting guns.Tom,Regarding the reference to Oswald being seen with a teenaged kid at a make-shift shooting range before the assassination, do you know where that reference came from? I know that it was a man who reported it, but I don't know his name. Is it in the Warren Report? I've been looking for it so I can reference it as a legitemate source of info.
tom jeffers
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Re: Jimmy Files and LHO in Dallas

Post by tom jeffers »

ChristophMessner wrote:There is a photo Oswald took of Files. Are there photos existing Files took of Oswald?none takennamaste'
tom jeffers
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Re: Jimmy Files and LHO in Dallas

Post by tom jeffers »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:tom jeffers wrote:Tom,Regarding the reference to Oswald being seen with a teenaged kid at a make-shift shooting range before the assassination, do you know where that reference came from? I know that it was a man who reported it, but I don't know his name. Is it in the Warren Report? I've been looking for it so I can reference it as a legitemate source of info.here is some links but they are not the days that lee was with jimmy. jimmy was shooting and lee picked up shells.http://www.jfk-online.com/oswaldrifle.h ... ostor.html
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Re: Jimmy Files and LHO in Dallas

Post by ChristophMessner »

tom jeffers wrote:oswald's job was a cia cover ... with FBI-contacts and that was potentially dangerous for Jimmy. tom jeffers wrote:only 2 people knew where jimmy was at and for what purpose, chuck and phillips. and giancana maybe. From whom did Phillips know the motel, if Chuck did not even know about Oswald? Excerpt from 2003-confession: J - And why did you call David Atlee Phillips?JF - Because he always had to know where I was at because he was my controller?J - For?JF - CIA purposes, special operations or something that might be needed done.J - Were you supposed to stay in contact with him?JF - We always stayed in contact. We had numbers to call.J - What happened after that?JF - He said „thank you” and let it go with that. We didn't have any great discussion on the phone, I told him where I was at, the location. And through David Atlee Phillips is the only way that Lee Harvey Oswald could have known where I was at. Because I called no one else. I made two phonecalls.J - where were you staying?JF - I was staying at the Lamplighter Inn, right there in Mesquite , Texas.J - And then the next thing you knew, Lee Harvey Oswald shows up.UnquoteSo obviously Phillips knew Files' stay only from Files. But isn't it curious, that Nicoletti choses a bodyguard who is making things with the CIA? tom jeffers wrote: jimmy assumed oswald was sent by phillips since they both had the same handler but he did not know for sure. oswald and jimmy never discussed what he was there for because you just didn't talk about those things with others that are not in you own little core group. jimmy and oswald drove around during the course of the week and oswald showed jimmy around but nothing was discussed as to why they were driving around. jimmy was gathering information that he needed but again oswald was not told what he needed it for. a lot of the information just came up in casual conversation. Yes, I can imagine all that. But I can't imagine that they both did not lie to each other a little about their real purpose, as young as they were. tom jeffers wrote: jimmys knickname back then was "the kid" because if you see his picture in the motel room, his build and face looked lie a 15 year old kid. He rather looks like 20, I would say. tom jeffers wrote: he was the kid that ws seen with oswald at the so called shooting range. it wasn't an actual shooting range for the public but an out of the way dump/salvage yard place that the locals went to to shoot guns. while they were there, there were a couple of other people shooting guns. Files did not say that in his 2003-confession, he rather said they were alone and nobody cared for looking from far away. I did not read of any reference-name for any potential observer so far.tom jeffers wrote:ChristophMessner wrote:There is a photo Oswald took of Files. Are there photos existing Files took of Oswald?none taken I hardly can believe that, because if Files would have made a photo of Oswald, he would have reduced the potential danger from Oswald considerably. Like Oswald originally wanted to have the photo role developed to have Jimmy in his hands, Jimmy was smart enough to get Oswald in his hands. Excerpt from 2003-confession: JF - So that's how common sense told me the only one that could have sent Lee Harvey Oswald, was David Atlee Phillips. And when I opened the door and Oswald was there, I was kind of shocked to see him, because I didn't know that he knew I was there. And so I asked: Lee, what the hell are you doing here? Because I was shocked, you know. He said: I was advised to drop by and spend some time with you and see if I could help you out. „Help me out?“ He said: Yes, somebody wants me to show you the area. And I said: Okay, come on in. So he came in and we sat down and we talked and I said: I'll be with you in a few minutes. And I was young and cocky at that time and had just come out of the shower and everything and I was combing my hair and actually I had a camera there, so I told Lee: Hey, make a couple of pictures of me while I'm here in Texas! And so Oswald made a couple of pictures of me and then he said: Let me have the film, I can have it developed! No, no, I said, I'll get the whole roll of film. So that's how I got a couple of pictures made, that people have recently asked me about.J - Which camera was it? Yours or ...?JF - My camera. But he was gonna take the film, turn it in and get it developed. But I said: No, no! J - You wouldn't let that film go!JF - I do my own work! (smiling)J - How did he arrive at the motel?JF - He arrived driving a blue Falcon. Ford Falcon.J - Do you remember what year model?JF - No, I don't. It wasn't brand new, it was a couple of years old.Chris