A 7.65 Mauser

JFK Assassination
tom jeffers
Posts: 442
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by tom jeffers »

I stated in another thread about the planting of evidence being a little sloppy. The Mauser did not match the bullets found by the window. Any theories on what happened? Was it an accident or a change in the coverup. Just remember that in a coverup the first evidence reported by the press is probably more reliable than the later "cover story" that is fed to the media. Were there more than just 1 patsy being set up originally? After researching elsewhere, I am convinced that there were multiple "patsies" being set up in various parts of the country like Thomas Beckham. Anyone have any guesses on why the bullets didn't match the original gun?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Response To Mr. Tom Jeffers:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Tom Jeffers,I have just read both of your recent posts. I really enjoyed the one about the cheeseburger, etc. You make a very great point in a very humorous way. Excellent. I always make a point of reading your posts. You are among the ten (10) or more that I regularly look for, time permitting.As to the above referenced post. I am not the weapons expert that Lieutenant Colonel Dan Marvin, and Jimmy Sutton/Files are, or that Wolfman was. (Wolfman was The Cover name for the CIA Operative who made the Mercury Tipped Hollow Points for Jimmy for the Remington Fireball, and all of the "other custom" work needed over the years. The Wolfman and The Raven are both now deceased.)I don't immediately recall "The Trade Name," but there is a custom device that can be affixed to the bullet, or shell casing, that allows a smaller calibre bullet to be shot through a larger weapon, that leaves the barrel with the bullet. The major purpose of this device is to cover up the calibre of the actual gun used, so that it appears to be the calibre of the bullet would logically be the calibre of the gun. Balistics experts are then looking for a different gun.Tom, I'm in a heck of a hurry, but I wanted to print this to you. If my hurried wording is not clear enough, I will re-write this tomorrow, or early next week.Also, Tom, Jimmy and I personally admire you for the things you have been through, and the challenges that you overcome. We would sincerely like to meet you some day.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Larry Daniels
Posts: 18
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Post by Larry Daniels »

Are you talking about a "sabot"?
tom jeffers
Posts: 442
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by tom jeffers »

Who said you can't teach an old dog new tricks? I never knew of such a device. I never thought that the shells could have actually been fired through that mauser. I just assumed both were planted. I figured that the real weapons were carried off and disposed of and that someone was in charge of planting evidence and in haste left either the wrong bullets or the wrong gun. Leaving evidence of two possible weapons means two shooters hence a conspiracy. But that brings around another possible scenerio, could there have been another patsy that was also supposed to be framed but the events went a different way and one patsy got smart and got away? Thanks for the info Bruce. Does a bullet fired using a sabot sound different in any way? Some of the witnesses said they thought they heard firecrackers instead of guns.
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

A sabot round is a rod not a bullet, it's shell falls off to leave a titanium rod traveling at emense speed. Fired by the m1 a1 abrahm main battle tank. I suppose it could be done in a smaller version. It would be nothing but a rod not a bullet tho.
Larry Daniels
Posts: 18
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A sabot round is more than the tank round

Post by Larry Daniels »

A. A Sabot round (pronounced sah-bow') from the French for "shoe" is simply a cartridge that utilizes a smaller than bore diameter projectile held in a bore diameter sleeve. The use of this technique allows higher velocities than normal since the projectile is much lighter than the round's standard projectile and it still has a large base area for the propellant gases to push against. It also provides ballistic advantages over simply using a very light weight bore diameter projectile since the smaller diameter projectile will have a better ballistic coefficient and sectional density for a given weight. The most common commercial uses of this concept are in the Remington Accelerator rounds which fire a 50gr - 55 gr .22 caliber bullet from some common .30 caliber rounds and the new saboted 12 gauge slugs which fire a nominal .45 caliber projectile of about an ounce in weight which give better ballistics that a conventional shotgun slug.
R Croxford
Posts: 398
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Post by R Croxford »

Let's get technical shall we?
Posts: 999
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Post by dankbaar »

Chauncey Holt made sabots for Thomas Masen shortly before the JFK assassination.

He was to testfire Mannlicher Carcano's and reload used Carcano bullets in higher caliber rifles. Another term is "neck down". He lays it all out in the DVD:

