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Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:07 am
by j.j.c.bruinsma
SCREW YOU JERK James Files is a liar. He's just trying to make money so he can get out of prison early. James Files didn't kill JFK. Oswald did. He's fooled all of you with his "confession".

Who are you too say that,i think also you are: Full of Shit.

Go too JFK Lancer thats your place.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 3:23 pm
by John S. Churchin
Giovanni wrote:Q:Why didn't Oswald fire when the limousine was on Houston Street?A: Because it would've been the worst time to fire such a shot. In order to hit Kennedy, he would have to risk hitting Jackie, Nellie Connally or the limo driver. The best time would've been around frames 210-225 when the limousine came out from under the oak tree. (After the limousine completed it's turn on to Elm Street.)Oswald was in the Marines. He was good at firing at rifle. Those who say he was a bad shot are liars. He's really a good shot. His marine records show that he got 48 out of 50 hits when shooting a rifle and the distance was twice as much than in Dallas.

Let me ask you this. Which shot would you think would be a better kill shot from the sixth floor? This; ... _0452a.htm

or, this; ... _0458b.htm

Your honest opinion please.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 3:34 pm
by john hines
I've never seen these photos before. Absolutely stunning.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 6:36 pm
by Giovanni
I pick photo #2.

Photo #1, If I was Oswald, it would of been a better choice to fire after the limousine turned on Elm.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 9:29 pm
by Pennyworth
j.j.c.bruinsma wrote:SCREW YOU JERK James Files is a liar. He's just trying to make money so he can get out of prison early. James Files didn't kill JFK. Oswald did. He's fooled all of you with his "confession".Who are you too say that,i think also you are: Full of Shit.Go too JFK Lancer thats your place.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:24 pm
by Bob
Paul, I believe J.J.C. was taking that quote from someone else...the author of this ridiculous thread.

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 11:51 pm
by j.j.c.bruinsma
Correct Bob,there are now 5 or more bullshit topic ,s of that asshole.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:07 am
by Giovanni
No, there are 9 idiot.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:48 am
by Pennyworth
Bob wrote:Paul, I believe J.J.C. was taking that quote from someone else...the author of this ridiculous thread. I deleted it mistake...

here's the latest news today on Hunt...

Gosh, we can hardly wait for the CIA's public confessions of guilt for past sins this week. We already know the documents will include details of their sinister plans to work with the Mafia in attempting to clandestinely murder Fidel Castro.

But then, what about that very same team's successful assassination of President John F. Kennedy? That's what Malcolm X meant when he referred to the Kennedy killing as "the chickens coming home to roost."

Of course, Vincent Bugliosi's doorstop in the guise of a book insists there was no conspiracy behind Lee Harvey "I'm a patsy" Oswald, despite E. Howard Hunt's sort of bedside admission that he had participated in such a plot.

My source for the following was an executive at KCOP-TV in Los Angeles in the early 1980s. His office had previously been Mort Sahl's office when he was doing a talk program with news anchor George Putnam.

"Working at KCOP could be very frustrating at times," he tells me, "so I kept a toy Rocky Balboa punching doll in my office for the occasional release of pent-up anger. On one Friday afternoon, I happened to give Rocky a swift kick, sending him careening into the ceiling where he dislodged some of those cheap, suspended ceiling tiles -- and an old, forgotten 'spot reel' of two-inch video tape that had been hidden there came tumbling down.

"Even at that late date, KCOP was still using two-inch video playback machines, so I was able to put the reel up and check it out. It was a pristine copy of the the Zapruder film -- real time, slowed down, blown-up, and configured in all sorts of forensically-inspired ways.

"There is only one reason that this tape would have been secretly stashed where it was. And without ever having the opportunity to meet Mort or otherwise ask him, I am convinced that this was indeed his copy, perhaps residue of the [New Orleans District Attorney Jim] Garrison investigation and probably placed there for protection and forgotten. I stayed late at the station that night and made many, many more copies of this tape in every available video format -- then spent the next day secretly hiding these copies in the ceilings and walls of KCOP for future generations to find--not unlike re-burying the singing frog in that old Warner Brothers cartoon.

"Years later, now being long gone from KCOP, I noticed that the places where I stashed copies of Mort's secret copy of the Zapruder film are now precisely where stands the set of 'Hell's Kitchen.' It would have been impossible for them to have built this set without dislodging a copy or two--but whether they have or not resurfaced after all these years, it seems perversely appropriate that they are stuck somewhere in the sinew of 'Hell's Kitchen.' Until now, I was the only one who knew anything of this story.

"I did, however, employ one of the copies when I produced one of those silly JFK assassination shows with Jack Anderson. We discovered actual photos of E. Howard Hunt on the grassy knoll and confronted Hunt with the evidence -- and Hunt was not too pleased. But Anderson wanted to protect his CIA friends by blaming everything on [Mafia chieftain] Sam Giancana, so the broadcast took a different twist. But that's another story...."

Which, incidentally, serves to remind me: Tony Soprano was shot to death by his daughter Meadow because he had neglected to reserve a parking space for her.

My version of the events of "11/22/1963"

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 3:43 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
11.08.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:06.24.2007 - Mr. Giovanni Posted this interesting Headline.An unusual discussion evolved. While I don't agree with much of thisdiscussion, or its manner, I wonder how many people still think like this today ? Where one speaks or writes like this, hundreds must thinkthis way in silence I must believe.As we approach 11.22.2013, I wonder what most Americans arereally thinking 50 years after the JFK Assassination, about it andall related facts to that subject matter ?Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of thissubject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.