How did they keep everyone quiet??

JFK Assassination
LiAnn Simpson
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Buying the Killer's Silence

Post by LiAnn Simpson »

In the movie, Executive Action, the killers are told that they will be flown out of the country and paid a certain amount of money right after the hit. They are given more money after 5 years, even more after 10 years, and even more after that. Really when you think about it, it makes sense. If you pay them ALL the money up front, what is their incentive to remain silent??? The CIA and Mafia types were always ratting each other out and switching sides to gain an edge and save their own skins. Giving them the money for the hit in increments if they remained silent would have been the ONLY way to shut them up for a long period of time.

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Re: How did they keep everyone quiet??

Post by dankbaar »

Arthur Overweel wrote: How did they keep everyone of them quiet???

They didn't .

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: How did they keep everyone quiet??

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:I just watched a Special on The Manhattan Project.They claim over 150,000 people were involved in the creation of the Atomic Bomb.Virtually nobody talked.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Re: How did they keep everyone quiet??

Post by dankbaar »

They always use this line: If it was such a vast conspiracy, why did nobody talk? In all vast conspiracies, loads of people talked. Just make a list of people in the JFK conspiracy that talked. It's endless. Just do it for fun, you'll see I am right. But the media keep brainwashing the public that nobody talked. Or they try to tell you that every person that talked, was nuts. Like the 76 % of ALL Dealey Plaza witnesses that heard and saw a shot coming from behind the picket fence under that tree on the grassy knoll. Ask yourself why you never see this clip on CNN: same is true for the less vast conspiracy of the secret cancer bioweapon under Ochsner's guidance, that Ed Haslam writes about. Jennifer Lake, or whoever the hell she is, tries to say in admittedly clever an "woolly" wordings that Ed is full of shit. So Judyth Baker becomes "questionable" also. Ed will address her "questions" soon, which requires more patience and selfcontrol than I possess. Wim
Dealey Joe
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Re: How did they keep everyone quiet??

Post by Dealey Joe »

I have had a load of contemplations today.It is amazing how many do talk but how little it means to everyone.The only way to accomplish anything is to be of One Mind and of One Accord.This is evident with the lone nutters. They all say the same thing, Oswald did it, and they all tell the same story.Slowly we are being silenced. Just a few we know,Judyth Vary Baker has been silenced.James Files is now silent.Paul Craig Roberts has thrown in the towelWhat is happening?We are thrown off course by every little thing.Did so and so live on the North Side of L.A. or the south side?Is someones father still alive?was someone killed in 1963 or 1965, why would you lie about that?how many other little details did you lie about. you can't be did no research. there must have been more the two shooters.shot from the front? I just can't bring myself to believe anything. Did the windshield have a hole in it? on and on.Why would people intentionally cause conflict????
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Someone Would Have Talked

Post by kenmurray »

The book by Larry Hancock. I have the book and while I don't agree with everything Hancock says, it's still an interesting book. Hancock does list some people that "did talk":