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Re: I Found The "Real" Zapruder Film

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:43 am
by ChristophMessner
Sara, Pasquale, in my opinion the results of weapons and warfare have to be shown in mass media as naturally as possible: all the mutilation, blood, body parts, burnt body, screams, chaotic help-trys of bystanders, ... It's no good to ban the real effect of weapons and attacks from the mass media screens. Watch the recent authentic videos of the Palestinians after an Israeli attack! It's a duty to show these real videos about that and other battlefields and results of mass killings at schools, weapon production companies and in parliaments! Idealism needs realism. Christoph

Re: I Found The "Real" Zapruder Film

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:13 pm
by Chad Duncan

Re: I Found The "Real" Zapruder Film

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 2:09 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
ChristophMessner wrote:Sara, Pasquale, in my opinion the results of weapons and warfare have to be shown in mass media as naturally as possible: all the mutilation, blood, body parts, burnt body, screams, chaotic help-trys of bystanders, ... It's no good to ban the real effect of weapons and attacks from the mass media screens. Watch the recent authentic videos of the Palestinians after an Israeli attack! It's a duty to show these real videos about that and other battlefields and results of mass killings at schools, weapon production companies and in parliaments! Idealism needs realism. ChristophI agree. People certainly DO need to see it to be educated. Absolutely. I've often wondered why naked people are banned from television here in the U.S., but you can show dozens of people getting shot and it's not a problem.

Re: I Found The "Real" Zapruder Film

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 2:18 am
by Jsnow915
isn't it a shame we can't settle our differences with a chess game or an arm wrestle?Obviously war is just for big government contracts with weapons manufacterers and also to knock down our population....welcome to the real world John

Re: I Found The "Real" Zapruder Film

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:26 am
by ChristophMessner
After all these discussion about whether the Zapruder film was altered or not, I come to the conclusion that the most decisive part of the Zapruder film is it's proof of a headshot from the right front. There are so many frames documenting how the head was thrown back by the impact that one can say beyond any doubt that all these frames from Z315 to Z335 cannot be altered enough to disprove that only the impact of a bullet had the force to throw the head back so rapidly from a forward movement (of the first headshot) to a backward movement (of the second headhsot). No spasm ever could have produced that. The proof of the rapid reversal of impulse is the most decisive part of the Zapruder film and any dispute about alleged forgery has to focus on that part. Imagine any investigator would find a real proof of two men behind the fence with a rifle or a gun. The representatives of the official theory would perhaps say: "This does not document anything. These were secret service men. And the Zapruder was forged." Then the conspiracy scientists have to prove, that this statement is a lie. Will they be able to prove that then? I think yes, because of the rapid impulse reverse.

Re: I Found The "Real" Zapruder Film

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 3:01 pm
by saracarter766
Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:saracarter766 wrote:in some ways i would like to see it but a part of me does not it would be to painful to look at it's painful enough that i've seen the one we've all seen anybody know what i mean? Certainly don't look at it if it will make you feel bad. The headshot is VERY messy no matter which version you are absolutely right pasquale people do need to see it but you know what i mean don't ya about me wanting to see it but a part of me doe'snt don't ya buddy? i'm just very tender hearted that's all.

Re: I Found The "Real" Zapruder Film

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:30 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
saracarter766 wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:saracarter766 wrote:in some ways i would like to see it but a part of me does not it would be to painful to look at it's painful enough that i've seen the one we've all seen anybody know what i mean? Certainly don't look at it if it will make you feel bad. The headshot is VERY messy no matter which version you are absolutely right pasquale people do need to see it but you know what i mean don't ya about me wanting to see it but a part of me doe'snt don't ya buddy? i'm just very tender hearted that's all. I completely understand. Once you've seen it, you don't really have to see it again, unless something is pointed out where you kind of HAVE to watch it, I suppose.Don't worry. I'm with you! The only reason I recently watched it again myself was to see if JFK's head actually does seem to move forward a split second before it's thrown back and to the left. It's actually there. The link is somewhere on the left side of this page, but it's there.It happens faster than you can say "Slap chop!"

Re: I Found The "Real" Zapruder Film

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:41 pm
by Frenchy
Chris the NOVA program you are talking about is on youtube mate

Re: I Found The "Real" Zapruder Film

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:45 pm
by ChristophMessner
When did I talk about a "Nova program"? What is a Nova program?

Re: I Found The "Real" Zapruder Film

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:33 pm
by saracarter766
i've only seen the one version we've all seen but not the good one robert j groden has in his possession.