Chauncey Holt

JFK Assassination
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Re: Chauncey Holt

Post by Bob »

ThomZajac wrote:How confident are you guys that Files was a shooter, and that he shot from where he said he did, and that it was his shot that entered at the right temple?Fairly confident. I truely believe that two shots hit JFK simultaneously in the head (Dr. Cyril Wecht believs it as well), which caused the horrific impact. One was from was from the area where Files said he was based on everything I've read and studied.
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Re: Chauncey Holt

Post by ChristophMessner »

I'm not that sure about Files anymore. I think he was mainly the driver of Nicoletti. Files was either a spotter behind the fence or there were other guys. The real shooters more probably were those, who tried to kill Castro as well. Some guys the CIA really would cover. In TSBD there was only mockup probably. Mockup and real fire at the exactly the same time when umbrella man signalled.
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Re: Chauncey Holt

Post by dankbaar »

ChristophMessner wrote:I'm not that sure about Files anymore. But you are sure about Pam Ray, right? Wim
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Re: Chauncey Holt

Post by ChristophMessner »

Wim, I'm not sure about Pamela Ray either anymore. Well, I'm sure that she has good intentions with her political enlightenment and that there are a lot of truths in the James Files story and that there is a religious dimension in the whole JFK thing, but I just think, it could be possible that Files was just a spotter or something and that you and Pam came at odds with each other in a very unnecessary way and it's both your fault about 50-50 and for the sake of the truth you should not continue your personal fight with each other. You should both rather discuss publicly the contradictional parts of the James Files confessions and why you can't do research together although you have the same goals. Chris
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Re: Chauncey Holt

Post by neab »

Bob wrote:Fairly confident. I truely believe that two shots hit JFK simultaneously in the head (Dr. Cyril Wecht believs it as well), which caused the horrific impact. One was from was from the area where Files said he was based on everything I've read and studied.I too beleive there was 2 shots almost simultaneously, there's an accoustics audio thingy somewhere I heard that confirmed this. I too agree that 1 was behind and the other was behind the knoll. 1 thing I disagree with on the other forum, the guy I've been speaking with believe's badgeman was the shooter. I just dont beleive that whole story,or that the shot was from there. So ,yeah, probably even where Files said he was. Which confirms the testimony of Holland and those railroad guys. I'm in agreement with christoph too on files, I doubt he was the fatal headshot shooter, more likely he was the driver of nicoletti that day. If I was to speculate, I'd go with the knoll being a different team to nicoletti, other than that, I couldn't say much, other than perhaps it was the hired french assassins. They wouldn't be known, can get out of country etc, wouldn't ever be found out etc. Now, as to whom hired them? Maybe tony accardo/giancana at the behest of the CIA. I'm in no position to speak about pamela , but in their little feud;from what I've learnt, I'm more inclined to trust wim's intentions and honour than hers. But like I said , I have less experience on this matter than you forumers.Narciso
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Re: Chauncey Holt

Post by JDThomas »

ChristophMessner wrote: You mean, one of the tramps shot with a Mauser from behind the fence? No, No Christoph - we're accounting for the slugs from the shots from behind first.Remember, almost everyone is in aggreement that Carcano's are junk - even the near bankrupt Italian government after the war decided to spend money on procuring new army guns rather than continue using the hundreds of thousands of MC's (freely available at their disposal) for any length of time.So would any pro shooter worth his salt take such a shot at the president with one of these things? Mama Mia No!. So if 6.5 mm slugs were actually used, how do we account for them, other than from one of these pieces of junk. Holt claims that they did a lot of good work on sabot loading slugs into larger calibre rifles and some of these slugs ended up in Texas. Say, now 'ain't that a bad idea? ... or a clue .... or disinformation
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Re: Chauncey Holt

Post by ChristophMessner »

Well, of course the real assassins could not have used junk rifles to shoot JFK successfully at that distance. So the junk rifles served one goal only: to set a wrong track. And of course the mafia did some weapon sabotage. So that was Chauncey Holt's way of alluding to some junk-rifles just were smuggled into the Dealey Plaza to leave them for the police to work with while the mafia used the good ones. Did you see the highly JFK-case-enlightening videos of HelmerReenberg on youtube yet? ... 3Somewhere there was a video of a phone interview of a 85-year-old Mrs "Velma" (wanted to remain anonymous), she tells, how she observed the shooter coming out of the back entrance of TSBD with a "high powered rifle" and that there was a man sitting in a car there, to whom a policeman spoke to and she said that would have been Tippit. Being one single car there waiting would corroborate with witness Howard Brennans observation. So it's not a "mystery car", but a real car, and there were not used mysteriously well-working junk-rifles, but real well-working non-junk-rifles. Listen from 4:40 on:
Brian White
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Re: Chauncey Holt

Post by Brian White »

JD- have you read Craig Robert's book, "Kill Zone: A sniper looks at DealeyPlaza"? Highly recommended,if you haven't. He talks about a sabot being used,probably an underpowered round fired from a 30-06 that would stay fairlyintact,thereby linking the M-C to the crime. Possible origin of the magicbullet. Personally, I think it was planted on the stretcher by someone atParkland, especially since neither Kennedy or Connally was ever on thatstretcher!
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Re: Chauncey Holt

Post by ChristophMessner »

ChristophMessner wrote:I'm not that sure about Files anymore. I think he was mainly the driver of Nicoletti. Files was either a spotter behind the fence or there were other guys. The real shooters more probably were those, who tried to kill Castro as well. Some guys the CIA really would cover. In TSBD there was only mockup probably. Mockup and real fire at the exactly the same time when umbrella man signalled.Actually, after watching James Files' 2003-interview I'm convinced, that he WAS the shooter behind the fence. My certainty just had got an intermediate blow from another forum and I had not seen the interview for a longer period of time. As Tosh Plumlee said, everybody was late at that day on 22/11/63 and after reconsidering it, against my recent statement of an improbability of Nicoletti chosing a backup shooter just 90 minutes before deadline, I believe now, that it WAS possible, because I forgot, that Roselli informed Nicoletti pretty late about the abort wish of some CIA-faction and his, Rosseli's wish to stay out. As Files said, he saw Frank Sturgis, Philipp Alderisio, Aldo Vera, Tony Diaz, Richard Cain and Orlando Bosch there, the probability, that some of those were shooters, too, is very high, but I don't think, they did it from the TSBD, because the detection probability by unreliable witnesses was too high there. As all police and FBI and media was led to the TSBD immediately and almost nobody to the Dal Tex and Records Building, it is almost sure that TSBD was just for mockup.