The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less:

JFK Assassination
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less:

Post by Bob »

You are so right Bruce. The CIA created al qaeda. Ronny Reagan and Poppy Bu$h armed and financed bin Laden in the 80's while he was fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan. Oh, by the way, the Bu$h family has done business with the bin Laden family for decades. The bin Laden family in Texas invested in Dumbya's failed oil company called Arbusto. At the same time, Ronny and Poppy armed and financed Saddam in his fight with the Iranians. Friends then...enemies now. Either way, plenty of money for the MIC and the war profiteers like Halliburton, Blackwater, Raytheon, Bell Helicopter, General Dynamics etc. Dumbya Bu$h may have started the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq (please see the false flag called 9/11), but Obama is just another puppet for the power elite, as he is escalating the war in Afghanistan and has done nothing to get the U.S. out of Iraq. Very disappointing, but not surprising the more I understand how things work in this New World Order led by the power elite.
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Post by SeamusCoogan »

LiAnn Simpson wrote:I wonder who is the better chess player?Bush, Putin, or Bin Laden?LiAnnWell Bin Ladens likely dead until they fake another video thus no more chess for him. No one plays chess with Putin cos they know what will happen to them if the win. As for George Bush. He couldn't play chess because he thought the pieces were different types of butt plugs that was until Rumsfeld said they were all different salt shakers.
tom jeffers
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less:

Post by tom jeffers »

Bob wrote:You are so right Bruce. The CIA created al qaeda. Ronny Reagan and Poppy Bu$h armed and financed bin Laden in the 80's while he was fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan. Oh, by the way, the Bu$h family has done business with the bin Laden family for decades. The bin Laden family in Texas invested in Dumbya's failed oil company called Arbusto. At the same time, Ronny and Poppy armed and financed Saddam in his fight with the Iranians. Friends then...enemies now. Either way, plenty of money for the MIC and the war profiteers like Halliburton, Blackwater, Raytheon, Bell Helicopter, General Dynamics etc. Dumbya Bu$h may have started the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq (please see the false flag called 9/11), but Obama is just another puppet for the power elite, as he is escalating the war in Afghanistan and has done nothing to get the U.S. out of Iraq. Very disappointing, but not surprising the more I understand how things work in this New World Order led by the power elite.right on bob. i have wondered if osama was not a willing participant in being the "bad guy". given his families background with the bush's and his illness which was probably going to kill him anyway, he may have volunteered especially if his family would benefit in some way. and who happened to be meeting with his family members on 911? none other than old gw. i think this idea is feasable maybe even probable. i have seen troops interviewed that were over there saying that they could have cut his exit path off to pakistan but were ordered not to. they never wanted to capture him. it was part of the deal. then when he died from his ailments, they would just get a haji with a towel on his head with a beard and pretend to be him.
tom jeffers
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less:

Post by tom jeffers »

the war on terror has the ideal bad guys. a never ending line up of faceless terrorists that can hide anywhere, move from country to country, move alliances to any country that the cia picks as the present bad guy. we can never kill them all. we can put troops in afganistan, the terrorists will hide in pakistan, we go in pakistan, they hide in Iran. Before you know it, our money runs out and the NWO makes money building up china while we decline and fall from grace.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

07.01.2010Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:07.06.2007 - I Posted the above referenced Headline, The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less.07.01.2010 - I am watching on MSNBC the developing story about the suspected Russian Spy Ring, whose arrested 9 Russian suspects head to court today for arraignment. But not before the suspected Russian spy-ring master, Christopher Robert Metsos, vanished after a very modern INTELLIGENCE - COLD WAR DRAMA rises to the surface.The Cold War has been regrouping. Now some more obvious signs are appearing. My opinion.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, or writingson any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less:

Post by kenmurray »

Photo of Fugitive Christopher Metsos : ... 5886890288
Dealey Joe
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by Dealey Joe »

MOSCOW - (AP) -- Vladimir Putin scored a decisive victory in Russia's presidential election Sunday to return to the Kremlin and extend his hold on power for six more years. His eyes brimming with tears, he defiantly proclaimed to a sea of supporters that they had triumphed over opponents intent on "destroying Russia's statehood and usurping power." Putin's win was never in doubt as many across the vast country still see him as a guarantor of stability and the defender of a strong Russia against a hostile world, an image he has carefully cultivated during 12 years in power.Accounts by independent observers of extensive vote-rigging, however, looked set to strengthen the resolve of opposition forces whose unprecedented protests in recent months have posed the first serious challenge to Putin's heavy-handed rule. Another huge demonstration was set for Monday evening in central Moscow.Putin claimed victory Sunday night when fewer than a quarter of the votes had been counted. He spoke to a rally just outside the Kremlin walls of tens of thousands of supporters, many of them government workers or employees of state-owned companies who had been ordered to attend."I promised that we would win and we have won!" Putin shouted to the flag-waving crowd. "We have won in an open and honest struggle."Putin, 59, said the election showed that "our people can easily distinguish a desire for renewal and revival from political provocations aimed at destroying Russia's statehood and usurping power."He ended his speech with the triumphant declaration: "Glory to Russia!"The West can expect Putin to continue the tough policies he has pursued even as prime minister, including opposing U.S. plans to build a missile shield in Europe and resisting international military intervention in Syria.Exit polls cited by state television predicted Putin would get about 59 percent of the vote. With more than 90 percent of precincts counted nationwide, Putin was leading with 65 percent, the Central Election Commission said. Complete results were expected Monday.Communist Party candidate Gennady Zyuganov was a distant second, followed by Mikhail Prokhorov, the billionaire owner of the New Jersey Nets basketball team whose candidacy was approved by the Kremlin in what was seen as an effort to channel some of the protest sentiment. The clownish nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky and socialist Sergei Mironov trailed behind. The leader of the liberal opposition Yabloko party was barred from the race."These elections are not free. ... That's why we'll have protests tomorrow. We will not recognize the president as legitimate," said Mikhail Kasyanov, who was Putin's first prime minister before going into opposition.The wave of protests began after a December parliamentary election in which observers produced evidence of widespread vote fraud. Protest rallies in Moscow drew tens of thousands in the largest outburst of public anger in post-Soviet Russia, demonstrating growing exasperation with the pervasive corruption and tight controls over political life under Putin, who was president from 2000 to 2008 before moving into the prime minister's office due to term limits.Golos, Russia's leading independent elections watchdog, said it received numerous reports of "carousel voting," in which busloads of voters are driven around to cast ballots multiple times.After the polls closed, Golos said the number of violations appeared just as high as in December."If during the parliamentary elections, we saw a great deal of ballot-box stuffing and carousel voting ... this time we saw the deployment of more subtle technologies," said Andrei Buzin, who heads the monitoring operations at Golos.Alexei Navalny, one of the opposition's most charismatic leaders, said observers trained by his organization also reported seeing carousel voting and other violations.A first-round victory was politically important for Putin, serving as proof that he retains majority support."They decided that a second round would be bad, unreliable and would show weakness," Navalny said. "That's why they ... falsified the elections."There was no evidence that the scale of any election fraud was high enough to have pushed Putin over the 50 percent mark and saved him from a runoff.Putin's campaign chief, Stanislav Govorukhin, rejected the claims of violations, calling them "ridiculous."Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the Soviet Union, has become increasingly critical of Putin's rule. "These are not going to be honest elections, but we must not relent," he said after casting his ballot.Putin has dismissed the protesters' demands, casting them as a coddled minority of urban elites manipulated by leaders working at the behest of the West. His claims that the United States was behind the protests spoke to his base of blue-collar workers, farmers and state employees, who are suspicious of Western intentions after years of state propaganda."Putin is a brave and persistent man who can resist the U.S. and EU pressure," said Anastasia Lushnikova, a 20-year-old student who voted for Putin in the southern city of Rostov-on-Don.Putin played the same polarizing tune on Sunday, thanking the workers at a tank factory in Nizhny Tagil for their support, saying that "a man of labor is a head above any loafer or windbag."He made generous social promises during his campaign and initiated limited political reforms to try to assuage public anger. His spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said Sunday that Putin will push ahead with the reforms, but he firmly ruled out any "Gorbachev-style liberal spasms."Putin had promised that the vote would be fair, and election officials allowed more observers to monitor the vote. Tens of thousands of Russians, most of them politically active for the first time, volunteered to be election observers, receiving training on how to recognize vote-rigging and record and report violations.Zyuganov, the Communist candidate, told reporters after the polls closed that he would not recognize the vote, calling it "illegitimate, unfair and non-transparent."His campaign chief, Ivan Melnikov, claimed that election officials had set up numerous additional polling stations and alleged that hundreds of thousands of voters cast ballots at the ones in Moscow alone.Prokhorov said on Channel One television after the vote that his observers had been kept away from some polling stations and were beaten on two occasions.Oksana Dmitriyeva, a parliamentary deputy from Mironov's party, tweeted that they saw "numerous cases of observers being expelled from polling stations" across St. Petersburg just before the vote count.Web cameras were installed in Russia's more than 90,000 polling stations, a move initiated by Putin in response to complaints of ballot stuffing and falsified vote counts in December's parliamentary elections.It was unclear to what extent the cameras were effective. The election observation mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe noted skepticism in a report on election preparations.The OSCE, which fielded about 220 observers, was to present its findings on Monday.Unlike in Moscow and other big cities, where independent observers showed up en masse, in Russia's North Caucasus and some other regions election officials were largely left to their own devices.A web camera at a polling station in Dagestan, a Caucasus province near Chechnya, registered unidentified people tossing ballot after ballot into boxes. The Central Election Commission quickly responded to the video, which was posted on the Internet, saying the results from the station will be invalidated.Putin got more than 90 percent of the vote in several Caucasus provinces, including 99.8 percent in Chechnya.The police presence was heavy throughout Moscow and other Russian cities Sunday. There were no immediate reports of trouble, although police arrested three young women who stripped to the waist at the polling station where Putin cast his ballot; one of them had the word "thief" written on her bare body.In Dagestan, where attacks by Islamic militants occur on a daily basis, gunmen raided a polling station, killing three police officers. One of the assailants was also killed, according to police.___Associated Press writers Jim Heintz, Maria Danilova, Nataliya Vasilyeva, Mansur Mirovalev, Peter Leonard and Sofia Javed in Moscow and Sergei Venyavsky in Rostov-on-Don contributed to this report.Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Devlin MacGregor
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by Devlin MacGregor »

Members and Readers:Going back to July, 2007 through today, this is an incredibly analytical discussion. Vladimir Putin is a major player, and this needs to be analyzed further as events develop.Who is "Russia" allied with ?What of China, Iran, and North Korea ?Where will their allegiances be in the next five - ten years ?The smaller countries are all pawns. Where will the more powerful players align themselves ?What are their beliefs on the future position of America globally in the next five - ten years ?Watch for signs.Thank You, Joe Hall. Good article.
Harley Ryder
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by Harley Ryder »

Members:President Barack Obama announced in his speech tonight, May 01, 2012 from Afghanistan, that our "support" for Afghanistan will extend until at least 2024. That is through the next 3 Presidential terms. Who will make money from this ? We will have to borrow from China to finance this, as we are broke. What sense does this make ? Is this Obama's payment to the Military Industrial Complex and the War Profiteers to guarantee his re-election ? And this of course creates additional "business" for the Federal Reserve. The Government Accounting Office recently announced that over 50% of American tax dollars is now spent on the U.S. Military and U.S. Wars outside of the U.S. Have we reached the point where nobody really cares about anything anymore ? Think about it.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: The Cold War Will Fully Return In Five (5) Years Or Less

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

09.16.2012Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:A rose by any other name would still smell the same.Is not "stopping evil and terrorism" the Cold War Modus Operandi renamed ? Or maybe regrouping for Reemergence As The Cold War ? I have been analyzing these fact patternsfor years now.But don't count on our Main Stream Media to touch these issues any time soon.I think that stronger signs of The Cold War reemerging will become more evident.If I see the necessity, certainly The Military Industrial Complex and the CIA must.We will need Russia and the U.S. to square off over "A War" soon. My opinion.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, orwritings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.