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Re: Politics today in the U.S.

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 6:00 pm
by Bob
To me, the Obama administration has proven my theory about the CIA having another man in the White House. Why? First, Barry O has been pro-war, pro-big banking, pro-big oil and most definitely pro-CIA. He has escalated the war in Afghanistan. By the way, never believe that our troops or contractors will ever leave either Iraq or Afghanistan. Too much oil and too many drugs (opium). Have we ever left Germany or Japan? Just look at the cabinet members Barry has appointed. I knew something was up right away when he made Hillary his Secretary of State. When they opposed each other for the Democratic nomination for Presidency, the biggest difference between the two was the foreign policy visions they had. That's why it made absolutely no sense to make Hillary the leader of foreign policy. Barry also made Rahm Emanuel his Chief of Staff. A pro-war and pro-big banking shyster if I ever saw one. The citizens of Chicago know what I mean now (he's Mayor there). Timothy Geithner was made Secretary of the Treasury. Geithner was big banking supporter, as he came from that same industry. The new Secretary of the Treasury (Jack Lew) has the same background. Bob Gates (Former CIA Director and a major player in Iran/Contra) was kept on as Secretary of Defense. Bottom line, the people he puts in his cabinet are almost always like the people they replaced. In addition to that, we now live in a police-state. Wiretapping is rampant, and anyone who goes after the power-elite (like Occupy Wall Street) will be beaten down. Drones have become common place. Obama lied to his supporters as he is now looking to make changes to Social Security. At the same time he protects big banking and all that criminal acts they have done (like the $1.4 TRILLION dollar bailout in 2008/09), as well as protecting BP after the worst environmental disaster in US. history. He has also protected the CIA with their torture tactics. Finally, just like in the administrations of Poppy Bush, Bill Clinton and Dumbya Bush, there have been false flag operations that have taken place. Another CIA calling card. Bottom line, the bed partners of the CIA are big banking, big oil and big war. Have those industries flourished the past 20 years or so or what? They are all making obscene profits, but Barry wants to go after the elderly, disabled and poor (Social Security) to find some money for his budget.

Re: Politics today in the U.S.

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 1:30 pm
by Bob

Re: Politics today in the U.S.

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:36 am
by R Croxford
A conspiracy person asked Obama when he was campaigning the 1st time around if he knew what the council on foreign relations was? His response was " I am not a card carrying member so I really don't know, I guess they are a think tank." Someone forgot to tell Obama that we know his wife was the director of the CFR in Chicago.