JFK Assassination
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Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by M.C.Newton »

Hey Croxford!

That was a post in a thread that was not started by me, on the topic of 9/11. It was simply an addition to a topic started by Mr. Brycheck. So i don't really see the hypocrisy (that is what you're implying right? I'm a hypocrite?).

I said: "perhaps a better method would be to join in on the threads which contain 9/11 talk. the all caps titles are probably also a bit too much."

It would appear that i've only done in this particular situation what i endorsed doing in my first post. You seem to be distorting reality, hopefully unintentionally.

I stand by my claim of the all caps titles being too much to handle.

moving forward...
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Post by dankbaar »

I didn't say that 9/11 and the JFK coup are not related, or bear no similarities. That doesn't mean the JFK forum should become a 9/11 forum, especially not when credence is given to long disproven theses like a cruise missile hit the Pentagon, like the Twin Towers were taken down by controlled demolition, (building 7 was, not the towers), like mysterious military planes hit the Twin Towers and the commercial flights were made to dissapear .... etc, etc. Yes, it can be quite irritating to counter such diehard myths time and again, the more so if they have nothing to do with JFK, and take away from the core issue that 9/11 was NOT a surprise attack.
R Croxford
Posts: 398
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm


Post by R Croxford »

Newt just an observation.