Moot Court

JFK Assassination
Tim Carroll
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Debate or Whine?

Post by Tim Carroll »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Tim, calm down. I was trying to explain simply to Raul, and other potential JFK Forum Members a little about our Moot Court Idea, and about trying to advance arguments either Pro vs. Con.... I have no intention of arguing both sides at this point in time about JFK, or any other point for that matter. I was trying to explain how law school teaches you to argue both sides of cases, or points, so that you can understand each side better, for both strengths and weaknesses. I am very content to argue the Con JFK side as I previously indicated....As I said previously, the operating logic of attornies and mercenaries has no relevance here. What is the point of Bruce going on and on about the ability to argue both sides of an issue when he immediately recoils from the idea of having to do such with the James Files matter? A person proposing, then falling down on a debate is resorting to a cheap tactic to say, "calm down." I thought I was invited to a debate, not a pillow fight. I'm calmly waiting for a single historical argument to be made by someone who proposed a debate.Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:As to Jimmy Files, I know that he shot Kennedy from the Grassy Knoll. I have been aware of the proof since approximately 1968. I have no need to debate either side, as I have proof.
So Bruce is a strong believer in debate, even moot court-type debate, except when he is sure of himself. Yet he refers to having "proof" that the rest of the world finds extremely questionable. Why would someone who considers their position above debate propose such a process? So the history of JFK's presidency is debatable but James Files' veracity is not? One should be able to argue either side of an issue, unless they have irrefutable, albeit unpersuasive, proof?

Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Tim Carroll,

I have reviewed your latest email.

Tim, I certainly was not whinning, I was trying to explain to you that I was answering several emails to me about getting involved, and I was trying to encourage everybody that asked me.


I am currently writing three (3) books, 2 with Jimmy Files, and one (1) with Dangerous Dan Marvin. What I am putting in my books certainly won't go here at this time, when I can't even encouage anybody but you and Bob to get involved.

Also, most people on this JFK Forum, and others that discuss Jimmy have never seen his two confessions, nor have they read Wim's book about Files on JFK. Wonder why so many people have so many opinions without
ever doing their homework ?

My books, and a documentary that I am working on with Wim take first priority.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Jim Thompson
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Post by Jim Thompson »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:I am currently writing three (3) books, 2 with Jimmy Files, and one (1) with Dangerous Dan Marvin. My books, and a documentary that I am working on with Wim take first priority.Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Good news Bruce! More power to you & good luck on your upcoming books & documentary.

Say, do you find the time you need to complete these great projects? What with all the forum activity? Gee, when are you submitting MS' to publishers? Trine Day & Dangerous Dan sure need the business, don't they? What with the trial & all. So when is the deadline?


Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Miles Scull,

I have reviewed your email.

I answer to my attorneys, and publishers, but it is nice to see your concern for my busy schedule.

Thank You for being so concerned, Miles.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Messers. Bob, and Tim Carroll,

I have reviewed your email posts.

Bob, both you and Tim admit to JFK'S womanizing, and drug addiction. However, that is not good enough, not sufficient, and totally unacceptable for what I intend to accomplish, and prove about JFK.

As an aside, Tim, who previously blasts lawyers, and mercenaries, (although I am not sure what mercenaries have to do with JFK and Jimmy, as Jimmy was 82 nd Airborne, before entering the CIA), and Bob, resort to a suttle technique that most defense attorneys representing guilty, low life, degenerate dirt bag defendant's resort to, that is, admitting the crimes generally, to avoid discussing the heinous nature of the low life perpetrator.

For example, Charles Manson and John Wayne Gacy's lawyers wanted to stipulate that their clients were merely guilty of murder to avoid discussing the heinous nature of their multiple murders, and multiple crimes.

So here to, Bob and Tim wish to stipulate that JFK was a simple, womanizing drug addict. That is like calling Manson or Gacy simple murderers.

As with Manson and Gacy, calling JFK a simple, womanizing drug addict will not suffice. Of course you two wish to stipulate to that, as attorneys for Manson and Gacy would have liked to fast forward to their insanity defenses, and sentencing for mental treatment.

In the case of JFK, admitting and stipulating to him being a low life, womanizing drug addict is not good enough, and totaly unacceptable. I intend to use several highly reputable, indesputable sources to "peel JFK like the stinky, smelly onion that he was." I intend to go step by step through JFK'S life, public and private, and reveal the extent to which he was a low life, degenerate, womanizing drug addict, anti-semetic, anti-black, two faced, hypocrite that JFK was, before I go on to shred his useless, over glorified, pathetic existence in the White House. In addition to pointing out how little of value, if anything JFK actually accomplished in his over extended 1,000 day stay in the White House, while having prostitutes being brought in regularly by the Secret Service, I will further point out what a sham, fraud, and "smoke and mirrors" creation JFK was, due only to the money of Joe Kennedy, and his corrupt political, Mafia, and Nazi connections.

QUERRY: How many know that JFK had Venereal Disease for over 30 years that he could not overcome, because although taking Venereal Disease drugs for over 30 years, JFK never quit sleeping with prostitutes. Nor is there any indication that JFK ever told any of his "lovers" that he had V.D. All authenticated from the files of JFK'S secretary, and personal files on JFK.

Please check the site on the JFK Forum for the book, The Dark Side of Camelot, by Seymour M. Hirsh, which I am updating regularly.

After that, I will be posting other sources.

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Tim Carroll
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Bruce's Prudishness

Post by Tim Carroll »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:I intend to use several highly reputable, indesputable sources to "peel JFK like the stinky, smelly onion that he was."
The above statement, by itself, would simply speak for itself. But in the context of someone who grabs her skirt and cries "rape" everytime anyone asks a question about boy-bitch Files, it's just silly.

These are the same kind of people who wanted to make such a big deal about Clinton getting some BJ action, while downing the WTC for an excuse to go to war, initiating domestic spy programs, and robbing the treasury on behalf of rich benefactors, leaving the debt to our descendents. Hypocritical Puritans.

Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Tim Carroll,

I have reviewed your email.

JFK is a degenerate who had V.D. for 30 years, and the problem is I"m a prude.


Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Tim Carroll
Posts: 106
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Post by Tim Carroll »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:JFK is a degenerate slut who had V.D. for 30 years, and the problem is I"m a prude. Right.
Right. Oh, and one other thing, he was the constitutional president of the United States of America, the leader of the free world. The people who killed him committed a theft against millions of freedom-loving people.

Bruce Patrick Brychek
Posts: 1306
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Tim Carroll,

I have reviewed your email.

My thesis will support why people wanted this degenerate removed,
by "Executive Action," as JFK had others assassinated.

What goes around, comes around.

QUERRY: What did JFK stand for exactly ?

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Tim Carroll
Posts: 106
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The CIA Is Not The Duly Elected Government

Post by Tim Carroll »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:My thesis will support why people wanted this degenerate removed, by "Executive Action," as JFK had others assassinated.
I won't hold my breath, through the course of all the excuse-making. For starters, who did JFK have assassinated? We know as a fact that E. Howard Hunt had an office in the Nixon White House, where he used an exacto knife to create a false State Department cable implicating JFK in the killing of Diem. That's the manufacturing of propaganda, an essential modus operandi for those who seek to deceive.
