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Re: Former Agent: Plot to Kill JFK in Chicago Foiled

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 11:44 am
by Jsnow915
very interesting comment Bruce......"It is now accepted that "THEY" were plotting to kill JFK "seemingly everywhere" he went that year, yet when he was Assassinated in Dallas, Texas on 11.22.1963, we are certain that it must be a single incident involving a Lone Nut. The Warren Commission tells us so."

Re: Former Agent: Plot to Kill JFK in Chicago Foiled

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:53 pm
by Dave Cannon
Ken,Thank you for the reference. It collaborates what I read and believe.

Re: Former Agent: Plot to Kill JFK in Chicago Foiled

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 4:57 pm
by kenmurray
Dave Cannon wrote:Ken,Thank you for the reference. It collaborates what I read and believe.You welcome Dave. If you haven't heard this yet, you may want to check this out. scroll down to the April 29th 2010 show with Edwin Black article on the Chicago Plot.

Re: Former Agent: Plot to Kill JFK in Chicago Foiled

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:28 pm
by Dave Cannon
Ken, Thank you again.Dave

Re: Former Agent: Plot to Kill JFK in Chicago Foiled

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 8:29 pm
by Kirk
Personally I think this was to set up JFK for Dallas. To give him confidence in the Secret Service that they were on the case, and protecting him completely. I have read, watched and heard many times that JFK had a death wish or was cavalier about his safety. I doubt that because he knew he had a job to do, and a purpose. I am sure that he had made peace with the fact that nothing in life including security is 100% guranateed. I bet he trusted the Secret Service completely, but even if he was ambivalent about his own safety, he would not have been so with his wife's safety. He would not have allowed her to be in the line of fire or even near the scene of an assassination attempt. I think he felt total trust in the Secret Service, and even more so after Chicago. It is another reason why I do not buy into him telling the Secret Service how to do their job, and to tell them not to ride on the back of the Limousine.Just my opinion as ususal

Re: Former Agent: Plot to Kill JFK in Chicago Foiled

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:25 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
09.17.2010Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:11.23.2007 - Mr. Kjell Roald Posted this Headline that I found very interesting before, and more so recently with later publications.06.27.2010 - I Posted under Kjell's Headline some thoughts then.Interesting discussions and points developed by many good JFK Forum Members.Recently, I have noticed that Kjell has returned. Welcome back, Kjell.At your convenience, review your Old Headline, and the Newer Posts. I invite your thoughts and reflections today.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this subject matter ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.

Re: Former Agent: Plot to Kill JFK in Chicago Foiled

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 4:30 am
by Kit Carp
Abraham Bolden has recorded his experiance working as the first African American Agent on the Kennedy Secret Service detail in his interesting book "The Echo from Dealy Plaza". While other books about Secret Service and Assassination are mostly second hand, here is what Bolden himself heard and saw in times working as a Secret Service agent for Kennedy, and into the crazy days after the assassination. ... &sr=8-1The book is interesting in that it records a bright young African American's poor treatment by his fellow agents, while being handled with dignity by the president himself. There is only a little that deals directly with the assassination, but a bit of tantalyzing first hand information about what was going on behind doors with the two Chicago attempts on Kennedy's life shortly before Dallas. Sounds like cuban gunmen with caucasian handlers trying to hit Kennedy from multiple-story city buildings.This book is introspective and offers an exceedingly fresh perspective on the Secret Service found no where else. It is not a long book...but it is quite inexpensive, and a valuable, historical look at the "feel" of those times. Bolden was terribly mistreated, and tossed into jail for making a ruckus about sloppy Secret Service handling of the President's protection. If you want an honest, unvarnished account of the Secret Service during Kennedy's reign, this one is personal and straightforward.I think Agent Bolden was another casualty of this case, an unsung hero who is lucky he is still alive, and deserves much better than he recieved.Kit

Re: Former Agent: Plot to Kill JFK in Chicago Foiled

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:21 pm
by tom jeffers

Re: Former Agent: Plot to Kill JFK in Chicago Foiled

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:59 pm
by kjell roald
Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Recently, I have noticed that Kjell has returned. Welcome back, Kjell.At your convenience, review your Old Headline, and the Newer Posts. I invite your thoughts and reflections today.Thanks Bruce.This is pretty embarrassing. Just about two hours ago, I was in on the "Rense" website. And I found the link to the James Fetzer interview with Abraham Bolden, and I thought ; Wow, this is interesting. Never heard of this before...Then I come here, and realize that I made a thread about this three years ago.Really embarrassing, and like "The Police" once sang : "Too much information / Bullet through my brain".( I had to google it, and realize that they were actually singing "running through my brain". Darn, I allways thought it was "bullet through my brain". )Thanks for reminding me of this. It is really a wakeupcall, when you forget something like this.

Re: Former Agent: Plot to Kill JFK in Chicago Foiled

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 3:01 pm
by Dealey Joe
Kjell never fear, as Bruce well knows advancing age causes many strange things.