What does the world think of the U.S.A.

JFK Assassination
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Post by Bob »

What I can't believe is the same people have had power in this country for over 100 years. People like the Rockefeller family. Or the Rothchild family. Or the Bu$h family. All have sold their souls to the devil. But the Bu$h family has been able to have enormous political power as well, while at the same time committing VERY treasonable acts. Acts like Samuel Bu$h selling arms to the Germans in WWI. Acts like Prescott Bu$h playing a large role in a coup that failed against Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Prescott Bu$h also invested in and profited from the Hitler war machine. Yet those sins were swept under the carpeting by the MSM, so Prescott could become a Senator in 1952 and still play a large political role. That led to Poppy Bu$h's role in the Bay of Pigs and the JFK assassination. Plus his role as working with Nixon, and being CIA director and stopping all cooperation with the HSCA. Then came his role as VP, and the attempted assassination of Reagan. And Iran/Contra, drug running and later the first Gulf war. Now we have Dumbya Bu$h. The absolute WORST "President" in the history of our country. He lied about going to war in Iraq. He tried to do the same thing about going to war with Iran. He has given us 9/11, the war in Iraq, war profiteering, treason, torture, illegal wiretapping, Plamegate, ineptness with Katrina, being in bed with Big Oil and lies upon lies. What a resume. The internet, or internets as Dumbya calls it, has helped us get out the truth. Some of us know it. Most of us don't. The MSM will never help us find out the truth. We must hope that a Watergate type situation happens with Dumbya. I mean he has enough scandals to do it right now. But will it happen? I wouldn't count on it.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

amen to that bob. good post. sad but true.
Nerrilyn Diefenbach
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Post by Nerrilyn Diefenbach »

I had never heard of Keith Olbermann. I am really impressed. “irresponsible hyperbole”, “transcendentally stupid”, “pathological liar”, “idiot-in-chief”, “cataclysmic deception”, and my favourite, “an unhinged, irrational Chicken Little of a president.” Ouch! How subtle!!

I guess the best way to describe how I feel about America is ‘cynical’. I just find so many things about America hypocritical and …..well, a touch arrogant I suppose. I’m talking about the government here, not the people. I really don’t know any Americans personally, and have never visited your country, but I’m sure the majority in America are just like the majority everyone else in the world, decent hard working people who just want a fair go. Certainly that is the impression I have gained from reading the posts on this web site.

To me it’s simple – like we tell the kids in the playground at school. “Be safe, be respectful and be a learner, and remember DO NOT EVER DO, WHAT YOU DON’T LIKE DONE TO YOU!!!!”

In other words: if you don’t want people dropping bombs on you, don’t drop bombs on them, especially when you’re only doing it because you want their resources for yourself. That is not nice.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

Most americans don't want the war in iraq however the majority were in a "lets kick some butt" mode after 911 because of all the propaganda that came out. We wanted somebody to pay, it didn't matter as long as it was some brown people. Sadly, our country is still plagued by racism and a small amount of white imperialism still perpetuates our country. Most americans are decent hard working people but you are right, we sometimes are a little arrogant. I don't know if I would want to live anywhere else however, I still hang on to the dream that we will actually be the country that we hold ourselves out to be. Unfortunately, big money prevails and corrupts. You may email me and we can exchange views and then you can't say that you don't know any americans. tomjeffers@verizon.net
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Post by Bob »

Great thoughts everyone. I definitely believe that most Americans don't believe in the Bu$h doctrine, whatever the hell that is. Although I am considered to be somewhat liberal, I know a lot of so called conservatives that can't stand Bu$h and what he has done to our country. The biggest problem has definitely been the MSM. They are in bed with those in power, and they don't want to ruffle too many feathers. Plus Congress has a lot of folks on the take, just like Dumbya, and that includes Democrats and Republicans. But I truly believe that overall we have a great country, but those who are in power now, have a "new world order" agenda, just like Poppy Bu$h preached about many years ago. In other words the people are great overall, but our leaders right now are embarrassing. Hopefully, we will be able to take back our country, but it will take courage and a willingness to tell the truth. The REAL truth.
tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

when I was younger, I was liberal. as I got older I became conservative. these terms mean nothing now. as you say bob, they're all in bed together. i hate to say it because it sounds like I am talking down to the masses but the american public just doesn't understand what is taking place. i remember bush sr. talking about the new world order and I remember thinking that was a great idea. we all get along and work together. i was so naive as to what it meant. i think the world is the same way, they do not understand the significance of the term new world order. the americans think that means democracy rules the world and we are democracy so we rule the world. we on this foprum all know what the term really means. it is scary. the snowball is rolling downhill, getting bigger and faster as it goes, can it be stopped? probably not but maybe if we all pull together, the path might be changed enough that the world has a chance.
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Hugo Chavez on the U.S.......

Post by Pennyworth »

Excerpt from HUGO CHAVEZ post; 'New World Order 'thread....

Moreover, Chávez accused the government of the United States of attempting to turn Colombia into Venezuela's adversary, after U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld suggested that Colombia and other countries would be concerned over Venezuela's recent military purchases. "The U.S. empire doesn't lose a chance to attack us and try to create discord between us," Chávez said. "That's one of the empire's strategies: Try to keep us divided." The Colombian government did not take sides during the incident.[82]

According to Datos Information Resources, family income amongst the poorest stratum grew more than 150% between 2003 and 2006.[83]

President Chávez initiated a program to provide cheaper heating fuel for low income families in several areas of the United States. The program was expanded in September 2006 to include four of New York City's five boroughs, earmarking 25 million gallons of fuel for low-income New York residents at 40% off the wholesale market price. That quantity provides sufficient fuel to heat 70,000 apartments, covering 200,000 New Yorkers, for the entire winter. Chávez offered heating oil to poor, remote villages in Alaska, though many reportedly refused the offer despite economic hardship.[84] Some have questioned the motives of this generosity. Conservative legislative leaders in Maine have asked that state's governor to refuse the subsidized oil,[85] and New York Daily News criticized his offer by calling him an "oil pimp".[86] In 2007, Chavez signed a deal with Mayor of London Ken Livingstone for a similar program.

On 20 September 2006, Chávez delivered a speech to the United Nations General Assembly condemning U.S. President George Bush.[87] In the speech Chávez referred to Bush as "the devil", adding that Bush, who had given a speech to the assembly a day earlier, had come to the General Assembly to "share his nostrums to try to preserve the current pattern of domination, exploitation and pillage of the peoples of the world."[88] Although it was widely condemned by U.S. politicians and media,[89] the speech was received with "wild applause" in the Assembly.[90][91]
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Fidel's sentiments of Bush...

Post by Pennyworth »

Fidel Castro: "Bush couldn't debate a Cuban ninth-grader"
Front page / World
17.02.2004 Source:

Shortly after US president George W. Bush praised a plan to realize a “transition to democracy” in Cuba, Fidel Castro challenged Washington to be “clear” about such plans, and criticized American capitalism.

“The US economy hangs by a thread”, told the 77-year old revolutionary leader, in a 4 Ѕ hours speech addressed to economists from all around the world, in Havana.
In his speech, Castro also wondered whether those plans involve a plot to kill him. Since he took power in Cuba in 1959, the CIA has plotted to assassinate him 600 times, all unsuccessful, of course.

Castro, also made a defense of his revolution stating that Cuba, after four decades under Washington's economic blockade, “continues to offer free health care and has an infant mortality rate lower than that in the United States”. "The great difference" between Cuba and the United States is that Cuba "has learned to do a lot with very little," Castro said at the Sixth International Meeting of Economists on Globalization and Development Problems.

However, Castro's attacks to the US Bush-led administration did not end there. After laundering “keen observations” made by the US economist, Daniel L. McFadden, the Cuban leader said that the United States, with a fiscal deficit of more than $520 billion, was handling its economy as a “banana republic”.

Then, the attacks were straight to the White House. Making fun of George W. Bush mistakes, Castro said Bush couldn't debate a Cuban ninth-grader," as he leaned across the podium.

Fidel Castro also lashed out at what he called the foolishness of the US economic blockade, saying it has not stopped Cuba from surpassing the United States in many areas. Cuba, he said, has no illiteracy, a lower infant mortality rate than the United States, lower student-teacher ratios, and higher levels of educational achievement.

George W. Bush promised to set up a plan “to drive Cuba into democracy” early this year, as part of his campaign to obtain Cuban-exiled in Florida at the presidential race of 2004. However, neither the White House, nor the State Department made clear the details of such plans.
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Post by Bob »

Fidel Castro: "Bush couldn't debate a Cuban ninth-grader"

Fidel is right.
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More of Fidel on Bush....also Bush on Fidel...

Post by Pennyworth »

Fidel Castro Claims Bush Could Spark WWIII | Latest NewsHAVANA (AP) -- Fidel Castro wrote Tuesday that President Bush is threatening the world with nuclear war and famine - an attack on Washington a day before ...
http://www.freshnews.in/fidel-castro-cl ... wiii-17090 - 40k - Cached - Similar pages

Taipei Times - archivesFidel Castro accuses Bush of plotting a new Cuba conquest ... Cuban President Fidel Castro accused US President George W. Bush of plotting a new conquest of ...
http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/world/a ... 2003384669 - 28k - Cached - Similar pages

Fidel Castro: ¿Bush, Mambi?Fidel Castro: Bush, Health and Education ... Fidel Castro: The Good Lord Protected Me From Bush ... Fidel Castro Slams Bush's Interference in Europe ...
http://www.escambray.cu/Eng/Special/Ref ... 029811.htm - 38k - Cached - Similar pages

Bush urges Cuban reform - Los Angeles TimesWith Fidel Castro, 81, in questionable health and keeping largely out of the public eye, Bush said, "the day is coming when the Cuban people will chart ...
http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld ... ines-world - 41k - Cached - Similar pages

Castro Mocks Bush Visits To Albania And Bulgaria - washingtonpost.comMEXICO CITY, June 12 -- Convalescing Cuban leader Fidel Castro on Tuesday mocked President Bush's trips to Albania and Bulgaria this week in an editorial ...
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 01871.html - Similar pages

Fidel Castro Questions Bush MenaceFidel Castro Questions Bush Menace. Bush Expects Everything to be Solved with a Bang. Havana, May 26 (Prensa Latina) President George W. Bush has the money ...
http://www.sierramaestra.cu/eng/news/ne ... 071100.htm - 27k - Cached - Similar pages

Fidel Castro 'determined to outlast Bush' - TelegraphFidel Castro is terminally ill but is determined to survive until President George W.Bush leaves the White House, as the Cuban dictator made his first ...
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jh ... tro222.xml - 45k - Cached - Similar pages

granma.cu - Bush, Mambí?Reflections of President Fidel Castro Bush, Mambí? Viva Cuba libre! (Long live free Cuba!). That was the war cry throughout the plains and the mountains, ...
http://www.granma.cu/ingles/2007/octubr ... ex1-i.html - 27k - Cached - Similar pages

Fidel Castro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaAs a comment on Castro’s recovery, U.S. President George W. Bush said: "One day the good Lord will take Fidel Castro away." Hearing about this, Castro, ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fidel_Castro - 273k - Cached - Similar pages

Bush Imagines Cuba After Castro's Death - washingtonpost.comNEWPORT, R.I., June 28 -- President Bush on Thursday openly anticipated the death of ailing Cuban President Fidel Castro, picturing it as an opportunity to ...
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 01321.html - Similar pages

Castro charges Bush ordered him killed before he took office ...HAVANA, 25 (AFP) - Cuba's communist leader Fidel Castro accused US President George W. Bush of ordering him killed even before moving into the White House. ...
www.cubanet.org/CNews/y07/jun07/25e5.htm - 47k - Cached - Similar pages

Fidel Castro pokes fun at George W. Bush | Politics | ReutersHAVANA (Reuters) - Ailing Cuban leader Fidel Castro poked fun at President George W. Bush on Sunday for proclaiming Long Live Free Cuba, likening it to ...
http://www.reuters.com/article/politics ... 3920071028 - 92k - Cached - Similar pages

Bush urges Cuban reform - Los Angeles TimesBush urges Cuban reform. template_bas. template_bas. President says the U.S. will assist the post-Fidel Castro regime if it embraces democratic change. ...
http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld ... ines-world - 41k - Cached - Similar pages

Bush rallies nations to help Cuba move toward democracy » Kuwait ...WASHINGTON: President George W. Bush blistered Fidel Castro's government in Cuba yesterday and challenged the world to help the people of the communist ...
http://www.kuwaittimes.net/read_news.ph ... M0MDIzOA== - 17k - Cached - Similar pages

George Bush calls on Cuba to overthrow Fidel Castro's regime ...President Bush yesterday called on Cuba’s army to overthrow the “dying” regime of Fidel Castro and side with the forces of democracy, the latest attempt by ...
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/w ... 733249.ece - Similar pages