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Re: Beverly Oliver

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 6:13 pm
by kenmurray
Bob wrote:Believe it or not, Beverly is a forum member, but she hasn't posted in almost 4 years. Her name is now Beverly Massegee. Perhaps a PM might solve this issue.Bob, that would be great if she would come back and post some.

Re: Beverly Oliver

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:42 pm
by kenmurray
JFK Assassination: The Babushka Lady ... bedded#!Oh Yes She Was! Oh No She Wasn't! Oh Yes She Was!: ... verly.html

Re: Beverly Oliver

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:12 am
by ThomZajac
Unless I'm missing something (which does happen more than I care to admit), this is much ado about nothing. Wasn't her film confiscated within minutes/seconds of when she took it? If so, I doubt very seriously that there will be a smoking gun (figurative or literal) found on whatever may turn up now. I'll review the links...

Re: Beverly Oliver

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:00 am
by Dealey Joe
If she says she is the Babushka Lady then that is good enough for me.Any living witness is VERY IMPORTANT.The problem over the years they have been neglected and/or ridiculed to a point where most have withdrawn.James Files has thrown in the towel.Look what happened to Judyth Vary Baker on the prestigious Education Forum.She has quit.Beverly has been very helpful to me by furnishing me some photos.It is hard to imagine the fact that Beverly was 17 years old and working in a club.I would think she would have been considered underage? Jailbait we called them.She and her husband, a minister, have a traveling evangelistic company and she is pretty busy.I emailed her and asked her about the film but so far no reply, she probabbly will not comment on it.She appeared in a movie and I think it is available on their web site? at least a book. ... ations.htm