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Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 2:13 am
by mark ferguson
I have been interested in the JFK assassination since 3rd grade over 30 years ago. I came across the first James Files interview in 1996 and found him very interesting and then after finding Wim's website was able to put more details together. I believe Files fired the shot from the grassy knoll. I do think there is an obvious connection between David Atlee Phillips, George H. W. Bush, LBJ, and J. Edgar Hoover. It is also quite compelling to view the Judyth Baker DVD. I really wonder how many more years will go by until the truth comes out or if it ever will. I think Wim's research is credible and is on track to answer many of the skeptics that are out there. This is a valuable forum for this tragic historical event that has changed our nation forever.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 2:51 pm
by Bob
Keep chiming in Mark! Good to hear from you. We need more folks to chime in as well.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 9:36 pm
by Pennyworth
Billy Boggs wrote:Follow the money.............For those who know, and those who don't, there is a great conspiracy at work on this planet.Jack Ruby had personal experience with it, and tried to bring it to light. How many of you listened to what he said? many of you listened to President Kennedy when he tried to bring it to light, and was killed over it? ... ech.mp3Yes, the conspiracy is so great, and so encompassing, and so "In your face", you cant see it. Its not the New World Order,[PP: HOW DO YOU SURMISE YOURCONJECTURE???] its not the Bohemian Grove, its not the Skull & Bones, its not the Jesuits,[WHAT OTHER CONSPIRACIES ARE THERE, PLEASE INFORM US ,BB] Its not the Federal Reserve, its not the Builderburgs, Its not the Government of any one country, Its not Freemasonry,[PP:PLEASE SUBSTANTIATE YOUR STATEMENT] its not the higher learning institutions, Its not aliens from outer space. All of these things were created for your amusement and detraction.[PP:PLEASE ELABORATE AND PUT SOME EVIDENCE BEHIND IT] Do you find this unbelievable?[PP:YES ,yOU ARE ONE AND THE SAME BEHIND SOME NAMES ON THIS BOARD If you look very, very closely at Abraham Zapruder, Jack Ruby, and the Bosch family, oh I'm sorry, Bush family you will find the strings that lead to the truth.[PP: SHOW US WHAT YOU KNOW ]

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 11:34 pm
by Billy Boggs
Paul Pennyworth, I am only one name on this board, unlike yourself!!!

For being one who follows the money, you should already know who owns the money supply, and what family they represent. I would suspect you are iNTELLIGENT enough to have put it together without the help of the general public.

Show us what I know? SHOW US WHAT YOU KNOW!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 11:39 pm
by Bob
This is between Billy and Paul, but I'm guessing that the family's name starts with a R.

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:00 am
by Ricky Clow
I wonder what Rich family that could be