The day RFK was shot

JFK Assassination
kjell roald
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Re: The day RFK was shot

Post by kjell roald »

kjell roald wrote:kjell roald wrote:About 37 minutes out in "The Second Gun" they talk about Robert Kennedys jacket, and how the left sleeve has gone missing. the latest update on this website, Rose Lynn Mangan tells about how she wanted to have a criminologist examine Robert Kennedys jacket.( Page 6 in the first PDF on the page. )
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The End Of An American Dream:

Post by kenmurray »

The Assassination Of Robert F. Kennedy: ... 1486181780#
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Re: The day RFK was shot

Post by Bob »

Here is more on Sirhan... ... WFpbg--Any updates from your end Michael Calder?
Michael Calder
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Re: The day RFK was shot

Post by Michael Calder »

Bob,I'm two thirds done with the FBI files. I'm tracking the gunman as he flees the pantry as well as the possible programmer who is there of course. I finally nailed Gary Dotterman as the "unidentified kennedy aide" and am building a more complete file on him. What I have not been able to do is identify who specifically spoke to RFK backstage and informed him that plans had been changed and he was going to go toward the Colonial Room, if that was what was told him. No one is volunteering that they personally met RFK backstage and informed him of the need to go the opposite way he was intending to go. Also, everyone who was back stage there with him aren't identifying this person. It's a shot in the dark but i'll laugh if it turns out to be Jerry Bruno who is suppose to be on a plane flying back east at that moment.
Phil Dragoo
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Lifton to ARRB on Bruno 9/17/96

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Jerry Bruno, who worked closely with JFK, was the political advance man for the Dallas trip. The Warren Commission never interviewed him. (Not only didn't they interview him---they didn't appear to know who he was. I have seen one memo in which one Warren Commission attorney said he'd heard there was a "Bruno" connected with the planning the trip; and maybe they should look into that. They never did.)Bruno's role was first discussed in the William Manchester book, Death of a President. In 1971, Bruno published a book, Advance Man, with Jeff Geenfield (who we regularly see on ABC evening news)---a book in which he spelled out in detail the argument between himself and Governor Connally and other political players in Texas over the Dallas luncheon site, which in turn determined the motorcade route.In 1976, the House Select Committee on Assassinations was created. I went to Washington DC. spoke with Belford Lawson, the staff attorney in charge of that area. He too, had never heard of Bruno, and was unaware of the fact that Bruno had written a book. I told him who Bruno was and why he must be called.The document Belford Lawson wrote summarizing my meeting with him is now available. In 1978, Bruno was deposed by the HSCA; but when the HSCA report was released in 1979, the transcript of his testimony was not included in the published documents. In fact, it had been placed under seal for 50 years---which meant it would be available until 2028---28 years past the millennium.Now, in 1994, as a result of the JFK act, that transcript is available. And it is immensely important.I'd like you to understand what this law has meant to me, in terms of my own time scale. I was 31 years old when I read Bruno's book, 36 years old when I met with HSCA and said: "Call Bruno. You must call Bruno"; 38 years when he was deposed in a closed door session; 40 years old when the HSCA report was released, and I found, to my chagrin, that the Bruno testimony was locked up for 50 years.And then, two years ago, when I was 54, and because of this law, I was finally able to read Bruno's sworn testimony, for which I believe I was somewhat responsible
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William Pepper On BOR

Post by kenmurray »

Discusses Sirhan's Parole hearing which was denied:
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Lisa Pease On BOR

Post by kenmurray »

Talks about the RFK Assassination:
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The Second Dallas

Post by kenmurray »

Has anyone seen this documentary on the RFK Assassination? is the trailer for it:
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Re: The Second Dallas

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:Has anyone seen this documentary on the RFK Assassination? is the trailer for it: saw it before Ken. Another great find by Link Murraydale.