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Re: Oswald autopsy

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:38 pm
by tom jeffers
Chad Duncan wrote:So Tom, how do you think the Dallas police got so involved as far as staging the backyard photos and being such willing partners in the coverup? It just stretches my brain that the dpd would be willing partners in a coup. I know many were kkk, but I guess I needed to be alive then to understand how the world worked.most of the police were just doing their job, they knew nothing. the fbi controlled the investigation from day 1. they were responsible for the presentation and logging in of evidence. look at the fbi rather than the dallas police.Namaste'

Re: Oswald autopsy

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:51 pm
by Bob
Yes Tom, most of the Dallas police were just doing their job. There were only a few that were in on the cover up at least. But as in the CIA and FBI, I also think that only a few were in on the actual assassination as well. But the few that were in on it, were VERY important players. Speaking of doing their job, how about poor Roger Craig? Look what happened to him because he was seeking the truth.

Re: Oswald autopsy

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 9:38 pm
by tom jeffers
its guys like roger craig that either greatly helped or hurt the investigation. other key witnesses saw what happened to guys like him and forever remained silent. while he is in the jfk hall of fame, by him coming forward, he may have unknowingly kept others from coming forward with important clues.

Re: Oswald autopsy

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:04 pm
by Bob
For those that are new to this site, please look at these videos of Roger Craig, a hero that tried to tell the truth about what really happened on 11/22/1963... ... re=related

Re: Oswald autopsy

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 12:17 pm
by Chad Duncan
Craig is the only one of them all I really feel for. You can tell his honesty in the whole situation. It suprises me he didnt lash out somewhat as to why people were trying to knock him off while he was merely telling the truth. May he rest in peace.

Re: Oswald autopsy

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:28 pm
by John Beckham
It's an intersting thought about the "Oswald Opossum" theory. Didn't enter my mind. That's the good thing about dicussion boards. It is amazing how fast he is unconscious, taken away to not be seen till autopsy photo's and the exhumation. Yes, where's a real real autopsy report? Intriguing Captain. Seems to be some conspiracy life form! Thanks!

Re: Oswald autopsy

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:04 pm
by Brian White
Beware of this Brian David Andersen character- this is the guy who put out the idiotic "My God,I'm Hit" book, claiming that the assassination was faked by JFK on orders of the Jesuits, and that the head shot was a squib, such as used in movies to simulate gunshot wounds-riiiiight! Real gunshot wounds usually don't look like what you see in movies-a lot less spectacular- I think Chad is right- compressions done in theambulance probably made things worse- intentionally or not.Modern,trained EMT's weren't around then.He was unconscious immediately because of shock.

Re: Oswald autopsy

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 7:29 pm
by John Beckham
Roger Craig...seems like the discreditors of his story keep focusing on depression and drugs. the last few years of his life were hell... so, it's Ruth Paine's car he see's pick up Lee? like Roger said Lee said that evening? (are the Paine's part of the abort team? or setting Lee up?) what about the other stationwagon near the Tippit scene? supposedly belonging to Tippit's friend? is it the same one they track and catch in Ft. Worth? i've tried to find answers before posting, so, please, a little patience and help!

Re: Oswald autopsy

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 4:41 pm
by Bob
Again remember this...the Paine's were introduced to the Oswald's by George DeMohrenshildt. You know, the guy who committed suicide (yeah right) with Poppy' Bu$h's telephone number and address in his address book just before his was supposed to testify before the HSCA. Who was the CIA director at that time then? You know, the guy who stopped all cooperation with the HSCA...Poppy Bu$h. Others were killed as well during that time period, including Sam Giancana, Chuck Nicoletti and Johnny Roselli. Also, when Barry Seal was murdered, he also died with Poppy Bu$h's telephone number in his vehicle at the time of his death.

Re: Oswald autopsy

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 7:49 pm
by John Beckham
i'm beginning to become confused (ok, not beginning, just even more) if De Mohrenschildt and the Paine's may have been on Lee's side, in on the set-up, or used just as pawns. these 3 people are getting complex. like everything/eveyone else. and the rambler Craig and others saw, belonged to Ruth Paine, who was driving? Givens? his testimony changed to get his smokes on the 6th floor. is the crazy bus, cab story just to cover Ruth's ass? obviously there was a plan, or backup to get Lee out of Dealey. i guess the fact he was picked up, and in Ruth's car shows Lee wasn't alone. so, i guess the question is... De Mohrenschildt and Paine's, out to do good, out-duped, outlaws?