JFK Assassination
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Post by Bob »

Hopefully at some point in time, Files will provide some more pieces to the puzzle. Until then, we need to continue researching every avenue. We have some really good researchers on this board, and I believe we can put some pieces to the puzzle together ourselves. Emotions are running high now because I would say most of the people in this forum think JFK was a good President. Yes, he had his flaws. But all in all, he was a visionary that made good policy decisions for the most part. His biggest "failure" was the Bay of Pigs. He took responsibilty for that "failure", even though he had nothing to do with the planning of it, as it was a plan put together by Dulles and Nixon. But if you look at the big picture, the Cuban Missile Crisis, his stance on Vietnam, civil rights legislation, breaking up the CIA etc., he was a damn good President. Yes, his behavior was sometimes very reckless, but overall he was very deliberate in his decision making. I will say it again, his response in the Cuban Missile Crisis was one of the greatest foreign policy maneuvers of the 20th century. The world was staring at nuclear war. JFK was very shrewd and the Soviets blinked. Millions of lives were saved. That decision alone made JFK a GREAT President. Just my opinion.
Dawn Meredith
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Post by Dawn Meredith »

I am confused. Has Tim Carroll been kicked off this forum again?

I wonder about the the threads just attacking JFK, how this has anything to do with who killed him and why.

I think it greatly detracts from a serious forum.

But it's your forum Wim, it you want every thread to be about why JFK deserved to die, I guess that's your right.

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Post by dankbaar »

Those are NOT threads about why "JFK deserved to die". They are merely threads from Bruce informing on less positive qualities of JFK.

I think it is remarkable how many of you are offended by that, without really challenging the issues Bruce raised, which in turn are merely issues raised by Seymour Hersh.

Let me ask you Dawn. If this were your forum, what would you have done with those threads and what would your reasoning be?

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Post by Pennyworth »

If James Files will not mention the name of a live person that was involved in the killing , that he has first hand knowledge of being involved in being a major player the murder of JFK, and Tippet, it is probably because as this man is said to be incarcerated, then he is worried to death of any prison retribution that the killer could arrange through money and favors. Mr. Files is presently serving a 50 year sentence, and is worried about harm befalling him in prison. I think though that this is only a chance ,and if he were guaranteed top security , then he would not be afraid to talk. It might also be a matter of loyalty ties to his collegues..the law of omerta...
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members,

Maybe one of the reasons that JFK'S Presidency and Assassination did not even come up last week is that nobody really cares anymore ?

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Post by Pennyworth »

I did come across an article that stated that JFK had nothing to do with the coup with Diem,,that is was a falsehood and set-up...Give me some time I will try to retrieve the article...
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Dave Cannon:Dave - Read and study this in conjunction with your other Comment Posted today under If The CIA Had Called Off The Hit...?In addition, please read, evaluate, and study very carefully what I wrote after your Post located in The Headline, If The CIA Had Called Off The Hit...?There is room for intelligent, analytical discussion. Also, there is a major point that I tried to make 4 years ago, and I am trying to make again today within both of these inter-related Headlines. Not trying to be mysterious, I'll give you a very strong clue, it strongly involves General Edward Lansdale. Let me know what you think.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Post by JDB4JFK »

BRUCE YOU ARE WAY OFF BASE HERE AND YOU KNOW IT! EITHER SHOW CONCRETE EVIDENCE OR DISMISS! Like I said earlier today that your post from yesterday was your best! Everybody knows Kennedy hated the CIA and stated he was going to crush them into 1000 pieces, so why would he cut deals with them? WHY DID he fire Dulles, Cable, Bismark if he was such buddies with them? Why did he have an executive order 11100 stating that the milatary was going to be in charge of all covert operations instead of the CIA?SORRY BUT YOUR THEORY DOESN'T HOLD WATER!
Jerry Craig
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Post by Jerry Craig »

My belief is that Kennedy was not the best president but he was trying to get the situation under control and run things himself he might have been involved to an extent but he wanted control and the CIA was not going to let that happen
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Prove it.

Post by jfkanon »

Citing "The Dark Side of Camelot" and accepting it as the truth is like citing the National Enquirer as historical fact. It requires the kind of gullibility that was necessary to swallow the magic bullet theory. The fact that something appeared in print is not evidence. It's very easy (and profitable) for anyone to write a book of conclusory allegations. If you're going to slander a dead President with such extreme accusations, then you should be prepared to present real evidence to support your claim. Let's see it. Prove that "JFK was actively involved in CIA assassination plots."