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Re: Peace with Pamela Ray

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 2:36 pm
by Bob
Jsnow915 wrote:The bible was commishioned by King James...I'm a it was written by a human...I take it all with a grain of salt.I am a cynic as well. It was written by humans that wanted to express a certain point of view. Some people read the Bible and believe it word for word. I certainly don't. I still have many questions about the after life and things of that nature. I do believe in spirituality. The Bible however, does have many lessons about how people should lead their lives, especially in the New Testament.

Re: Peace with Pamela Ray

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 2:44 pm
by Jsnow915
Bob...I too believe there is a higher power...and the bible was made to keep people in line...the haves can have their riches and spoils and sex...and the have nots have a beleif that if you lead your life a certain way,you'll go to what your told in the bible...a bit oppressive to me...but I try to do whats right.

Re: Peace with Pamela Ray

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 6:37 pm
by Brian White
I'd rather have Pam's Bible, Wim, since I can't read Dutch! The Word of Godis the Word of God,no matter the format!Going back to my original question,are Pam and James back on good terms,andhave they gotten married?

Re: Peace with Pamela Ray

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 4:38 am
by nephew23
Bob wrote:Jsnow915 wrote:The bible was commishioned by King James...I'm a it was written by a human...I take it all with a grain of salt.I am a cynic as well. It was written by humans that wanted to express a certain point of view. Some people read the Bible and believe it word for word. I certainly don't. I still have many questions about the after life and things of that nature. I do believe in spirituality. The Bible however, does have many lessons about how people should lead their lives, especially in the New Testament.LOL! I really don't want to start an in-depth thread on this but your comments are hilarious (and absurd) on several counts!(1) What book is or was NOT written by humans?(2) Have you heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls? For the record ... the printed words of the Bible are indeed written by man, but they are of devine inspiration. In the end, as most everything in life does, it comes down to FAITH!

Re: Peace with Pamela Ray

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:49 am
by Jsnow915
and opinion.

Re: Peace with Pamela Ray

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 2:22 pm
by Bob
Hey nephew, you know why I hate talking about religion? Because of people like you. You have ALL the answers. I do know two things about Jesus. He was a man of peace. And that money is the root of all evil. Why did Jesus lose his temper at the temple? Because money was being exchanged at a place that was meant for praying to God. Look at the world today. Abundant wars and plenty of money corruption, whether it's war profiteering, Wall Street or religion. Is there anyone richer than the Catholic church? The religion that was supposedly founded by Jesus himself. It's a good thing the Catholic church does have plenty of money, with all the litigation ongoing with their pedophile priests. Or how about the Evangelists, like Falwell, Hagee, Robertson that constantly FLEECE the flock with their bullshit and the money they accumulate. Or the wars that were caused by so called Christians like Dumbya Bu$h, like the war in Iraq. What a joke. I'll believe what I want to believe, and you can believe in what you want to believe. Okay Reverend?

Re: Peace with Pamela Ray

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:38 pm
by Pennyworth

Re: Peace with Pamela Ray

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:06 pm
by Pennyworth

Re: Peace with Pamela Ray

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:21 pm
by Pennyworth

Re: Peace with Pamela Ray

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 6:26 pm
by nephew23
Bob wrote:Hey nephew, you know why I hate talking about religion? Because of people like you. You have ALL the answers. I do know two things about Jesus. He was a man of peace. And that money is the root of all evil. Why did Jesus lose his temper at the temple? Because money was being exchanged at a place that was meant for praying to God. Look at the world today. Abundant wars and plenty of money corruption, whether it's war profiteering, Wall Street or religion. Is there anyone richer than the Catholic church? The religion that was supposedly founded by Jesus himself. It's a good thing the Catholic church does have plenty of money, with all the litigation ongoing with their pedophile priests. Or how about the Evangelists, like Falwell, Hagee, Robertson that constantly FLEECE the flock with their bullshit and the money they accumulate. Or the wars that were caused by so called Christians like Dumbya Bu$h, like the war in Iraq. What a joke. I'll believe what I want to believe, and you can believe in what you want to believe. Okay Reverend?Bob, first of all, settle down! My point was about the "accuracy" of the Bible and the fact that it was "written by men." I'm the last guy in the world that will dog you about your point of view, and I'm certainly no Reverend! I agree with almost everything you said above. The biggest reason a non-Christian would never convert is because of the very explanation you wrote ... its called hypocrisy. While I don't know whether Jesus "founded" the Catholic church or not, I would argue that the Catholic church today, and any other denomination around the world, is not at all what Jesus is about. I am a Christian and I do believe in and have faith in Jesus ... but I cannot stand those people and things you speak of any more than you can. Please don't lump me in with that group simply because I respond with a factual statement about the Bible. In actuality, I'm exactly the type of person you WOULD enjoy talking religion with ... because I do NOT have all the answers and don't claim to. Which brings me back to my original closing ... that as most things in life are, it is about faith. Merry Christmas and happy holidays!