Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

JFK Assassination
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Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Post by Jsnow915 »

Christoph....Pasquale is right...I'm making fun of the commercial not the Germans(I'm part German)....we have some commercials here in the Billy Mays 9OXY CLEAN!!!!) who yells and either you mute your TV or you make fun of them.I do both
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Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Post by Bob »

Chris, Germany has learned it's lessons from the early and middle 20th century. I think it is a fantastic country now. But there are some leaders in the U.S. that agree with the ideals of Nazi Germany and we see some of the same patterns now here in the United States. I always compare 9/11 to Operation Northwoods, but I would also compare it to the Reichstag fire of 1933 that really put Hitler in power. 9/11 gave Bu$h and Cheney unbridled power. That's why we have seen the Iraq war based on bullshit, the Patriot act, illegal wiretapping, stolen elections, torture, no habeas corpus and on and on. It took Germany a long time to recover from it's sins (by the leaders, not the people), and it will take a long time for the U.S.A. to recover as well.
John Beckham
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Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Post by John Beckham »

Mike, can you share the picture with us? a good topic about the autopsy, is to take it one subject/picture at a time. when the whole Bethesda tug-o-war over Jacks corpse, to the techs, doctors, and yes, the pictures. there is alot of info to be talked about. it's a somewhat misunderstood portion of the cover up. on another note: seems your post took a wrong turn. LOL! i'm sorry i helped that along and got it off subject. it seems it even lead to someone being offended (another sorry). i had to ask someone what sham-wow was, 'cause i don't watch television. see all the great stuff i'm missing!
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

All I can say right now is "SHAM WOW!"
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Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Post by saracarter766 »

Rofl Pasquale smartass lol .
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

saracarter766 wrote:Rofl Pasquale smartass lol . I couldn't resist! If I'm too serious for too long, I lose more of the hair on my head.
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Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Post by saracarter766 »

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Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Post by ChristophMessner »

Hi Pasquale and the others, please forgive this offtopic Germany-ad, let's go back to the thread's topic and to "Who shot JFK and why?". So, JFK's head was lying on a shamwow towel, made in Germany, to suck off all of his brains, and the right-wing friends of LBJ had to cut out the black stripes of the swastika on the photos, that's clear. The guy who wiped out these stripes could have only been a German, so profoundly was it done. In the sum it is obvious, that the cover-up of the whole JFK-case up to now, could have only worked so well, because it was regulated by the German BND, the pupils of former nazi secret service under Gehlen, who taught the CIA, etc. as well, how to rule the world and the media and have more than 2 months a year for vacation at the same time ... So don't despair on being overworked, especially with solving the JFK-case! There is always a German to help you! You're not on your own! Only sheeple believe in the leaders who tell otherwise, the Germans have learned that lesson .... ChristophBob, very nicely and friendly spoken, friend, but I think the Americans won't be blamed for their sins in the future that much, because they are stronger than the Germans and keep up to date more quickly.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

ChristophMessner wrote:Hi Pasquale and the others, please forgive this offtopic Germany-ad, let's go back to the thread's topic and to "Who shot JFK and why?". So, JFK's head was lying on a shamwow towel, made in Germany, to suck off all of his brains, and the right-wing friends of LBJ had to cut out the black stripes of the swastika on the photos, that's clear. The guy who wiped out these stripes could have only been a German, so profoundly was it done. In the sum it is obvious, that the cover-up of the whole JFK-case up to now, could have only worked so well, because it was regulated by the German BND, the pupils of former nazi secret service under Gehlen, who taught the CIA, etc. as well, how to rule the world and the media and have more than 2 months a year for vacation at the same time ... So don't despair on being overworked, especially with solving the JFK-case! There is always a German to help you! You're not on your own! Only sheeple believe in the leaders who tell otherwise, the Germans have learned that lesson .... ChristophGood one, Christoph! LOL
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Re: Autopsy table - white towels/striped towels??

Post by Bob »

ChristophMessner wrote:Hi Pasquale and the others, please forgive this offtopic Germany-ad, let's go back to the thread's topic and to "Who shot JFK and why?". So, JFK's head was lying on a shamwow towel, made in Germany, to suck off all of his brains, and the right-wing friends of LBJ had to cut out the black stripes of the swastika on the photos, that's clear. The guy who wiped out these stripes could have only been a German, so profoundly was it done. In the sum it is obvious, that the cover-up of the whole JFK-case up to now, could have only worked so well, because it was regulated by the German BND, the pupils of former nazi secret service under Gehlen, who taught the CIA, etc. as well, how to rule the world and the media and have more than 2 months a year for vacation at the same time ... So don't despair on being overworked, especially with solving the JFK-case! There is always a German to help you! You're not on your own! Only sheeple believe in the leaders who tell otherwise, the Germans have learned that lesson .... ChristophBob, very nicely and friendly spoken, friend, but I think the Americans won't be blamed for their sins in the future that much, because they are stronger than the Germans and keep up to date more quickly.Thanks Chris. Speaking of Germany, Nazi Germany actually, let's compare the Bu$h family to that regime. Prescott Bu$h invested in and profited from the Hitler war machine. Prescott was even charged with trading with the enemy in 1942.Now let's compare Hitler and Dumbya Bu$h. Both used terrorist acts to expand their power, with Hitler it was the Reichstag fire and with Dumbya it was 9/11. Both invaded sovereign countries. Both spied on their own people. Both used torture. Both tried to create police states. Both didn't listen to their own Generals. Both were inside bunkers and bubbles and had only yes men by their side. Both used propaganda to aid their power, Hitler used Goebbels and Bu$h uses FOX News. Both used their countrymen as pawns. Both were/are delusional. Both were/are evil.