George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

JFK Assassination
John Beckham
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Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Post by John Beckham »

i'm NOT defending Bush, nor am i asking for "compassion or mercy" for him. Files knew who he was going to kill too, CONSPIRACY. and as far as the great depression, look harder at Joeseph Kennedy. i don't trust most politicians, but would like to have facts. i also am a "bit" lol turned off by this subject by some of the crazy crap people claim is the truth about 911. oh, by the way, any theory on how Bush gave Ted Kennedy that brain tumor? injectable cancer?
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Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Post by Bob »

CB, I DO hear you about Joseph Kennedy. Everyone knows he was unscrupulous and a womanizer and that he was a bootlegger and an isolationist. Luckily, although his kids had his womanizing traits, it appears that they had much more foresight and common sense about things politically and that they saw the BIG picture. Now, hardly ANYONE knows about Samuel and Prescott Bu$h. It's like history has blotted them out. Just ask a man on the street if you don't believe me. Unfortunately, the Bu$h clan has continued the treasonous behavior of both Samuel and Prescott. Just my humble opinion.
John Beckham
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Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Post by John Beckham »

quotes from "the peoples voice""It was during the First World War that Samuel P. Bush and the other board members amassed fortunes selling the weapons and materials of war not only to America but also to Germany. Most of the records and correspondence pertaining to Samuel P. Bush's activities on the War Industries Board were later burned mysteriously, "to save space" in the National Archives." lol! that's NOT proof..."Although the “Hitler Project” had resulted in a second world war and 62,537,400 human beings had been killed, Harriman and Bush and the other Bonesmen in Union Banking Corporation were never prosecuted for helping Adolph Hitler, and their identities were never publicized by the media."America did not enter the war until Dec 11th 1941. the "Hitler Project" was NOT the cause of the war and death toll. it aided Germany, but was NOT the cause."In 1950, President Truman charged International attorney John Foster Dulles with the task of concluding a peace treaty with Japan. Before the treaty was signed on September 8, 1951, Dulles used his position to lay the seeds for yet another profitable war by advising South Korean president Rhee that, 'if he was ready to attack the communist North, the U.S. would lend help.'”[/color] the surrender of Japan was inevitable after the atom bomb on Hiroshima in August of 1945. Stalin was waiting for just such an opportunity where he could enter the war against Japan while incurring minimal loss, then he declared war against Japan after the second atom bomb. Upon Japanese surrender on August 15, 1945, Soviet military forces swept through Manchuria and North Korea taking over Japanese control over these provinces. The US reacted in alarm when it realized the potential danger of having the strategic Korean peninsula controlled by communist forces. Truman proposed a joint occupation of Korea by the two powers where the Soviets would occupied the territory north of the 38 parallel, while the U.S. would control the area south of the line.Initially, it was the intention of both sides to establish a stable and unified Korea in order to withdraw their military forces from the area. However, neither the Soviet Union or the U.S. wanted the peninsula to fall into the other's hand. In short, the Soviets and the U.S. desired to withdraw their military and resources out of Korea, but they also wanted to leave behind a nation that was favorable to each's ideology.i could go on, but it's wasting my time. there are many "half-truths" presented.
John Beckham
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Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Post by John Beckham »

Bob, i'm not trying to "Dulles" you, or anyone else. believe me, i don't trust the Bush dynasty, and am upset over Iraq. let's all pray we don't get Munsoned again!
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Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Post by Bob »

I will respectfully agree to disagree with you, but that is what this forum is all about. Still, Prescott Bu$h was charged with trading with the enemy in 1942, that is after Pearl Harbor, which occurred on December 7th, 1941. I could also go on and on, but I think your opinion will not be changed at this point. Did you listen to the BBC report about Prescott Bu$h being involved in the plotted coup against FDR. It's funny how that situation, his profits from the Hitler war machine and his being charged with trading with the enemy in 1942 were NEVER brought up by the MSM when he ran for Senator in 1952. Ironically, Prescott Bu$h was one of the original founders of CBS. One of his best friends was Allen Dulles, as you know. Surely you have heard of Operation Mockingbird... ... gbird.html
John Beckham
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Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Post by John Beckham »

well, i agree to disagree as well. there were some telling things in the peoples voice like... " During his Farewell Address to the Nation January 17, 1961, Eisenhower tried to warn the American people saying: "We have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions…we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted”.i don't doubt war profiteering at the least. i don't doubt the Bush involvement. but, it seems many take a huge step to blame 911 on him. that's where i get peeved. oh, and JFK Jr. thing. you have any proof, i'd be happy to look into it. CB, aka John
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Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Post by Bob »

Agreed John. All I am trying to do is connect the dots here. I think there is enough evidence that shows the modus operandi of the Bu$h family. That's why I do not discount their involvement in 9/11 (especially in comparison to Operation Northwoods) or JFK Jr.'s death. But we will have to continue this debate later, as the Sunday NFL divisional playoffs are about to begin. If they are anything like the games yesterday, it should be a great day for watching football.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

ChristophMessner wrote:Bush doubleyou certainly does not have to take some days off to advise some plane specialists to manipulate JFK's junior's plane.John and Christoph,It's okay to agree to disagree. That's what this whole discussion and other discussions here are all about.Christoph, regarding the JFK, Jr. thing, you're assuming that, if he was there at that airport, he was advising on how to manipulate JFK Jr.'s plane. Another article I read, that I believe Bob posted, said that Bush (W), was with two Israeli Mossad agents at that airport. Maybe he was there just to help the bombers gain access to the airport. If you're Bush W, and people know you, how difficult would it be for you to gain access to a private airport? If you're a swarthy-looking Mossad agent, would it be just as easy to just go onto the tarmac of a private airport? I'll put it to you another way. I would have thought that somebody like Johnny Roselli would be on scene at the JFK assassination and that he would have been just ordering the shooters around, but it looks like he was there (according to Files and Tosh Plumbly). The same article (help me out, Bob) suggests that in order to really do business and be a part of the evil circuit that is made up of Skull and Bones types, you have to do something so that they have dirt on you so they can trust you. That's not uncommon even among organized crime and street gangs. They often initiate people into their ranks by having them carry out murders or other evil deeds to show their loyalty and trustworthiness.I'll put it even another way. Why is it that people can believe that all those innocent witnesses were murdered regarding the JFK assassination, but they can't believe that the same circuit of people won't murder hundreds or even thousands without even blinking! Do they suddently have a conscience when their death toll reaches a certain number? In the Cuban Missile Crisis, JFK was trying very hard to negotiate with Nikita Kruschev (sp?) because we almost went to war with the Soviets, and meanwhile, the CIA was STILL sending these misguided Cuban exiles into Cuba. THAT's why JFK ordered the FBI to shut down the training camps. JFK realized that the people running the camps had NO REGARD for whether or not their actions would start World War III. They just didn't care.John (CB0, I never would suggest that anybody believe what's written in an article or just posted here. I suggested that I, like you guys, should try and research the information. Like, for example, did Colby of the CIA really say to the Select Committee on Assassinations that George Bush and Howard Hunt actually were in Dallas and controlling the shooters? According to the documentary, that's what he said. Then Colby was fired. What about the witnesses who said they saw Bush (W) at the airport with two Mossad agents where JFK Jr.'s plane was? Regarding 911, I think that Bush kind of allowed it to happen. He was handed a report with the title something like "Bin Laden Determined to Attack in the United States." After 911, he puts a few troops in Afghanistan and then runs a campaign to invade Iraq? I smell a rat.
John Beckham
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Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Post by John Beckham »

"Why is it that people can believe that all those innocent witnesses were murdered regarding the JFK assassination, but they can't believe that the same circuit of people won't murder hundreds or even thousands without even blinking! Do they suddently have a conscience when their death toll reaches a certain number?"well, i'm not saying people don't get killed, from Josefa to Mike Connell and beyond. but, believe it or not, some people die in accidents. not everything that happens to a Kennedy is conspiracy, or pertains to a Bush. did Bush rape the woman instead of William Kennedy Smith? was George Bush upset over a bad golf game, then took his golf club and killed Miss Moxley?
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: George H.W. Bush Directly Involved in JFK Assassination???

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

conspiracybuff wrote:well, i'm not saying people don't get killed, from Josefa to Mike Connell and beyond. but, believe it or not, some people die in accidents. not everything that happens to a Kennedy is conspiracy, or pertains to a Bush. did Bush rape the woman instead of William Kennedy Smith? was George Bush upset over a bad golf game, then took his golf club and killed Miss Moxley?HA HA HA!!! Good one.Of course not. I agree with you. I'm just saying that if there are witnesses who said that George W. went missing and other witnesses said they saw him at that airport, it's worth looking into. I would never ask anyone to just believe something that's in one article that Bob and I read.I DO think that Bush W. kind of allowed 911 to happen. I just don't think that he thought it would be quite as catastophic as it was. I suspect that it even startled him. I mean, really, he was given a report saying that Bin Laden was determined to strike within the U.S., and he essentially does nothing? Then he sends the military, under false pretenses, into Iraq? I thought he wanted to go after Bin Laden! When Joseph Wilson was sent to Africa to try and uncover evidence that Sadam was trying to acquire weapons grade plutonium from Niger, Joseph Wilson returned and wrote an article titled something like "What I didn't find in Africa." Shortly after that, his wife's (Valery Plame-Wilson's) CIA identity is leaked out of Dick Chaney's office and the highest the prosecutors could go was Scooter Libby? Why the violent backlash against Joseph Wilson and his wife? Why attack them? Was it because they actually produced evidence to refute Bush's and Cheney's claims about Sadam and therefore their justification for putting our military there? It's like Bush and Cheney fought so hard to put our military exactly where they WEREN'T needed after 911. Bin Laden was/is in Afghanistan! Why were they fighting so hard to stay in Iraq? Hmmmmm...