Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Gentlemen,I'm not discounting the throat wound being shrapnel, but I'm having a problem with it so far. I need to research it more, but here's my problem.Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there another shell casing found in the area behind the fence? Wasn't there a SECOND shell casing found and Files never changed his story about shooting only once? Am I imagining this?What I'm saying is that I'm more than willing to look at the throat-wound-being-shrapnel-from-the-head-shot idea. It certainly is plausible, but I still have to research the idea. It's possible and plausible, but I'm having trouble picturing shrapnel going from the direction of the original bullet then through the throat and even nicking his neck tie (The neck tie was nicked, right?). That means the shrapnel had to almost travel in the opposite direction as the direction of the bullet from the knoll. Think about it. What I'm also having a problem with is that Files, for example, only knew his part of the job. He didn't know about the bogus Secret Service men, so he probably wouldn't have known about other shooters who were not with the Nicoletti group. Here's another problem. JFK does appear to reach for his throat first with both hands like he was shot in the throat. It's the first thing he does before bending slightly forward in his seat. It certainly does look like he's reaching for his throat as the car emerges from behind the freeway sign. I'm also having a problem with this one. Ed Hoffman, the deaf-mute witness, said that he saw TWO men and that one man tossed a rifle to another man dressed in a railroad worker's outfit, and that the railroad man took the rifle apart and put it in a tool bag and walked away. Also, as mentioned above, there WAS, I believe, another shell casing (a SECOND shell casing) found in the same area as Files shell casing, right? Am I mistaken about this? Finally, the doctors at Parkland Hospital regarded JFK's throat wound as an entrance wound as well. Look at all these factors. I also realize that the windshield might have been in the way for a shooter from the front who allegedly hit him in the throat, but there WAS a crack in the windsheld (or HOLE in it according to one witness on the JFK II documentary), and the windshield certainly wasn't in Files' way! One more thing about the throat wound. I seem to remember Files reminding Nicoletti that he had to aim a little higher than the target to make sure the bullet hit the head. He had to REMIND him, which means that Files really knew his weapons and Nicoletti wasn't as familiar with rifles as Files was. The reason Files told him this is because the force of gravity acts on a bullet INDEPENDENTLY of the force propelling it. If you hold a gun level or with the barrel parallell to the ground and shoot it in a field or other flat area, the bullet will hit the ground at the same time as a bullet you just drop out of your hand at the same time. Of course the bullet you fired will be WAY out there, but it will hit the ground at the same time as a bullet you just drop out of your hand. What that means is that if you're firing at a target that's a considerable distance away, like at someone on the street from a building, you have to compensate for the bullet dropping because of the force of gravity. If Files had to remind Nicoletti of this, it's probably because Nicoletti was more used to killing people with a handgun rather than a rifle. I know it might sound strange that a "professional" killer like Nicoletti had to be told this, but everyone has their expertise. What I'm saying is that the throat wound, if it was caused by a shot from the front, would be a CLASSIC example of someone who is not an expert with a rifle trying to go for a headshot from a block or so away and not compensating for the bullet drop and hitting the target in the throat or neck instead. It happens ALL THE TIME at the range. Another interesting thing is that the throat wound was described as around 5mm or as 3mm to 5mm and round in shape. A .221 round (the Firebal caliber) is about 5mm in thickness. The .223 round, the M16 round is 5.56mm, so the .221 would be just about the same but a little smaller and closer to 5mm. Does anybody see where I'm going with this? Doesn't it seem like there was another shooter in front other than Files? Am I nuts? Help! I'm having a Danny Partridge moment!!!
John Beckham
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by John Beckham » ... al.htmlare just a couple of interesting sites about shell casings around dealy. Dr. Robert N. McClelland's notes. the wound he states, is from shrapnel. but his notes do not say entrace or exit. he later states it was entrance in '66. Ronald C. Jones, M.D described the President’s throat wound as being “compatible with an entrance wound.” In his handwritten report of November 22, 1963, the injury was noted as “a small hole in [the] anterior midline of [the] neck thought to be a bullet entrance wound” Twenty-nine years later, he stated that “I would stand by my original impression.” Calling upon the Warren Commission’s ballistics studies, as well as over thirty years of experience in treating gunshot wounds, he said the throat wound could have been an exit wound only “if [the missile] didn’t strike bone, didn’t tumble, and didn’t fragment. Now, we don’t know that.”but, Pasquale, something even more frightening, suspicious and downright wrong....
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by Bob »

I can deal with Danny Partridge, but Carrot Top is going too far! Anyway, here is the story about the guys who found the shell casing that came from Jimmy's gun... terms of JFK reaching for his throat after the first shot, I really his reaction was from the upper back wound that good ole Gerry Ford tried to move up several inches to make the magic bullet theory seem plausible. JFK was wearing a back brace that day. The brace probably stopped his efforts to get down after the first shot, which I think would be anyone's reaction (especially if you are hit). I have had back issues myself because of my auto accident and when my wife accidentally jabs my back at night while she is sleeping for instance, my immediate reaction is similar to what JFK exhibited after the first shot. It's sort of a natural reaction, especially if the back is already a problem physically like it was for JFK. To me, when JFK raised his arms up after the first shot, he looked more like a football player trying to block as opposed to a person reaching for their throat. Watch the close up views of the Zapruder film.
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by ChristophMessner »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: Wasn't there a SECOND shell casing found and Files never changed his story about shooting only once? Could have been from a missed shot. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: (The neck tie was nicked, right?). That means the shrapnel had to almost travel in the opposite direction as the direction of the bullet from the knoll. No it's about 90 degrees. Think 3-dimensional. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: JFK does appear to reach for his throat first with both hands like he was shot in the throat. It's the first thing he does before bending slightly forward in his seat. It certainly does look like he's reaching for his throat as the car emerges from behind the freeway sign. No, in the Altgens photo you see he makes a fist. He does not reach for his throat, he mainly reacts to the back shot. I assume, the nerves in that spine section go directly to the arms. The head movements after passing the freeway plate indicate a push from behind and no push from the front. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: I'm also having a problem with this one. Ed Hoffman, the deaf-mute witness, said that he saw TWO men and that one man tossed a rifle to another man dressed in a railroad worker's outfit, and that the railroad man took the rifle apart and put it in a tool bag and walked away. It would be interesting to ask Jimmy whether his guncase had space for two guns. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: Also, as mentioned above, there WAS, I believe, another shell casing (a SECOND shell casing) found in the same area as Files shell casing, right? Am I mistaken about this? If it was from a weapon from Files it was probably a very suitable weapon for that purpose, but the second shooter probably was not that good. He probably fired long before Files. And it still possible, that Files did not fire, because he was just the cover, guard and guncase carrier for an elder one, but watched and therefore could tell the story so convincingly. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: Finally, the doctors at Parkland Hospital regarded JFK's throat wound as an entrance wound as well. Look at all these factors. Yes, I look. So when actually did this alleged throat bullet arrive at the throat? Is it possible at Zapruder just behind the freeway plate? Was there ever found a bullet of this small diameter? Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: ... and the windshield certainly wasn't in Files' way! When you look to Altgens photo, you see, that a possible bullet somewhere in the front through windscreen crack position would not have reach Kennedy's throat but rather his chest, belly or backseat of the Connallys. Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: What I'm saying is that the throat wound, if it was caused by a shot from the front, would be a CLASSIC example of someone who is not an expert with a rifle trying to go for a headshot from a block or so away and not compensating for the bullet drop and hitting the target in the throat or neck instead. The hitmen in DalTex and TSBD certainly calculated how much higher they would have to hold at that distance and with that particular bullet speed. We have to research, whether Patrick Brycheck's+Files' assumption, that the throat wound was no bullet from the front through the windshield, because the windshield would have deflected, is true with any high-velocity weapon or whether Brycheck+Files make this assumption, because they want to divert from the second shooter behind the fence, who could have been the only shooter from there even, because this men also could have shot twice and spent 2 shell casings. On the other hand: why should Files ever lie adn take all the guilt on his shoulder if he wasn't the shooter? Would he ever do such "favour" to somebody still alive? Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: Another interesting thing is that the throat wound was described as around 5mm or as 3mm to 5mm and round in shape. A .221 round (the Firebal caliber) is about 5mm in thickness. The .223 round, the M16 round is 5.56mm, so the .221 would be just about the same but a little smaller and closer to 5mm. You are very right with this! Most probably any mercury splashing drop would be smaller and not create a perfect round hole. On the other hand: is a human still able to shout "My God! I'm hit! Take me to the hospital!" while a bullet sticks in his throat? Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: Does anybody see where I'm going with this? Doesn't it seem like there was another shooter in front other than Files? If a throat wound bullet ever went through the windshield from the front, it only could have been from a high velocity rifle and the shooter must have been an experienced one to go sure to not hit anybody else and to go sure to not be seen from the triple overpass, because he only could have been shot from around there. Ergo this is very improbable. So most probable it was the second shooter close to Files behind the fence. But witness Lee Bowers spoke only about ONE "flash of light". So were Files and the second shooter really able to fire at the same tenth of a second? Did any witness ever tell about two shot noises from the fence? I guess no. Was there ever confirmed any throat wound angle by anybody? Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: Am I nuts? No! Am I? Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote: Help! I'm having a Danny Partridge moment!!! I do not know this man, but I have the feeling that he wasn't the second shooter ...
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

conspiracybuff wrote: ... al.htmlare just a couple of interesting sites about shell casings around dealy. Dr. Robert N. McClelland's notes. the wound he states, is from shrapnel. but his notes do not say entrace or exit. he later states it was entrance in '66. Ronald C. Jones, M.D described the President’s throat wound as being “compatible with an entrance wound.” In his handwritten report of November 22, 1963, the injury was noted as “a small hole in [the] anterior midline of [the] neck thought to be a bullet entrance wound” Twenty-nine years later, he stated that “I would stand by my original impression.” Calling upon the Warren Commission’s ballistics studies, as well as over thirty years of experience in treating gunshot wounds, he said the throat wound could have been an exit wound only “if [the missile] didn’t strike bone, didn’t tumble, and didn’t fragment. Now, we don’t know that.”but, Pasquale, something even more frightening, suspicious and downright wrong....How very interesting...In 1966, McClelland said that the throat wound was entrance, and he said it was shrapnel too. Hmmmm.....I'm still digesting the information. What I'm NOT digesting is the visual of Carrot Top and Danny! Good LORD! That's definitely in the realm of the bizarre. Are they kidding?
tom jeffers
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by tom jeffers »

i have stated in other posts that when the spinal cord is damaged (like by a bullet) at the upper level c-5 to c-7 then the person has no triceps which allow the arms to extend, but they do have biceps which allow the arms to bend at the elbo. the hand loses its ability to extend its fingers so the hand will draw up in a fist. most of you that have known a quadroplegic will also remember that his hand is drawn up in a fist. A quad will be able to swing their shoulders and move their arms forward. if you study the zapruder film, JFK has the classic movements of a quadroplegic at that moment. that is why his hands are clenched rather than opened as you would normally grab or reach for something.
John Beckham
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by John Beckham »

but, where is the proof? lot's of conjecture...
tom jeffers
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by tom jeffers »

IF there was proof, we wouldn't be here and you wouldn't want to go to a jfk assassination website. all we have is pieces to a puzzle. since i am a quadraplegic, i am familiar with how someone reacts to a spinal chord injury. there has been a lot of conjecture regarding jfk's movements and the possibility of a first shot to the upper back as seen in the autopsy photos. based upon those facts, i think it is highly likely that there was a first shot to the back and jfk reacted to that, that the injury damaged his spinal chord and that his movements as seen through the zapruder film, would be the movements of someone that had a spinal chord injury. if you want proof, read the warren report and believe that oswald is the lone gunman.
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by Bob »

I have to agree with Tom and he should know. It's funny, when my wife poked me in the back awhile back (no pun intended) while sleeping, I reacted just like JFK did after the first shot. I am very susceptible to touching on my back because of my injuries (two herniated discs) and the spasms that I have had there. At first, my wife's touch jarred me a little, and then I realized that I used the same reaction JFK did. I guess only a JFK assassination buff would think of that in bed at 3:00 in the morning.
John Beckham
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Re: Throat wound was headshot(s) shrapnel

Post by John Beckham »

"if you want proof, read the warren report and believe that oswald is the lone gunman." Jeffersgive me a break! show me neurological proof! Listen, strange women lyin' in ponds distributin' swords is no basis for a system of government! Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcicial aquatic ceremony!