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Re: I'm Outta Here I Can No Longer Be On This Board

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:45 pm
by Bob
Settle down fellas. You don't want 5 minutes in the penalty box now do you?

Re: I'm Outta Here I Can No Longer Be On This Board

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 4:34 am
by nephew23
Games, games, childish games!!! There should be an age minimum on this forum! If you don't want to participate then why make such a big deal of it? Just leave! No offense, but I could really care less. I'm here to read about JFK ... not that "Tommy pushed me and I'm never speaking to him again!"

Re: I'm Outta Here I Can No Longer Be On This Board

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:52 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Pennyworth wrote:saracarter766 wrote:i know i said i was'nt coming back but i have been lurking around here to see if there's anything new on here it is apparent that i cannot be on this board while John Beckham aka:conspiracybuff is on this board i don't like the man and neither can i stand him therefore i will be the one who leaves cause i won't hang around people who i have built up hard feelings for i'm gonna miss those i've talked to on here no matter what i say or do or state my opinion i'm always gonna have people like john beckham and christopher messner always wanting me to explain or do research well i've got news for them that will never happen and i just feel i'm being run off of here i also feel that people jump on me cause i speak or statement my opinion.however i would like to say goodbye to those that i have enjoyed talking to1.Wim dankbarr2.Bob3.Pasquale DiFabrizio4.Jsnow9155.And Chad Duncan.and further more John Beckham Aka:conspiracybuff do not ever e-mail me again and i do not and will not accept your apology now or never and i will not forgive you either and if you try to e-mail me i will not respond to you. i hope that someday that i will cross paths with those i enjoyed talking to again goodnight and god bless america. Oh funny thing sara, I thought you were conspiracy buff! Why are you blocking up Wim's site with this argumentative garbage? You must have too much time on your hands BTW Sara-dan, me thinks it is you that needs to go see a shrink..and I don't blame you by the way of the loony tunes you connect withI wouldn't worry. I really don't think Sara is Conspiracybuff/Dan. LOL Seriously. I DO see your point and where your suspicions might come from, Pennyworth, because I've suspected that there are disinformation people disguised as legit researchers on this forum and others too. You can tell by their rhetoric and who they're supporting. Actually, there are slightly more subtle ways when they continually post links to website that promote the Warren Commission THEORY. When Sara wrote that, she was upset with Conspiracybuff/Dan because she felt he was picking on her. She is rather new to this JFK information (at least new compared to you and me) and I feel honored that she chose our forum group as one of the sources of information. Don't worry...I really don't think Sara is Conspiracybuff/Dan.

Re: I'm Outta Here I Can No Longer Be On This Board

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 2:09 pm
by Bob
BREAKING NEWS...Sara is...Sara.I am Bob.Have we had some disinformation folks here in the forum once in awhile? goes with the territory.And hasn't it been determined now that conspiracybuff is John Beckham?Bottom line, I love the direction this forum is going as of late, and we don't need to go back to point-counter point in terms of identities.

Re: I'm Outta Here I Can No Longer Be On This Board

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:19 pm
by Pennyworth
President Bush mentioned at 3:30 on this ....thanx for the video

Re: I'm Outta Here I Can No Longer Be On This Board

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:27 pm
by ChristophMessner
Pennyworth wrote:President Bush mentioned at 3:30 on this ....thanx for the video .... we need politically educated cows with hidden guns ...

Re: I'm Outta Here I Can No Longer Be On This Board

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 8:23 pm
by Pennyworth
ChristophMessner wrote:Pennyworth wrote:President Bush mentioned at 3:30 on this ....thanx for the video .... we need politically educated cows with hidden guns ...Actually its a fantasy Christoph, but the video is carrying a deep underlying political and social message here ..the animal holocaust is just as real as the nazi holocaust was ..can cows carry guns=could the people in Nazi concentration camps escape their fate?They should have included pigs in this video presentation. It has been said that pigs are as smart as dogs and make good pets. Would anyone eat their pet?

Re: I'm Outta Here I Can No Longer Be On This Board

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:06 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Pennyworth wrote:ChristophMessner wrote:Pennyworth wrote:President Bush mentioned at 3:30 on this ....thanx for the video .... we need politically educated cows with hidden guns ...Actually its a fantasy Christoph, but the video is carrying a deep underlying political and social message here ..the animal holocaust is just as real as the nazi holocaust was ..can cows carry guns=could the people in Nazi concentration camps escape their fate?They should have included pigs in this video presentation. It has been said that pigs are as smart as dogs and make good pets. Would anyone eat their pet?Pennyworth,Those are the kind of thoughts I've had too. Everytime I drive up the Interstate 5 or Highway 99 in central California and see those cows waiting to be slaughtered, that's EXACTLY what I think about.

Re: I'm Outta Here I Can No Longer Be On This Board

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 8:36 pm
by Pennyworth
here's some more of sara's baloney. it looks like sara doesn't play well with others. Maybe sara should see a psycologist or psychiatrist...

Re: I'm Outta Here I Can No Longer Be On This Board

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:05 pm
by saracarter766
part of me wants to stay here and a part of me wants to leave but right now i'm very uncertian about my presence here which is why i am gonna lay low for awhile and seriously think about it. other then that have a nice week my fellow JFK buffsi lovew each and every one of you and you guys are the greatest all this drama is taking it's toll on my interest in JFK something just has to change cause i'm tired of this drama and fed up with being falsely accused of this stupid bs and if you wanna correspond you can e-mail me i just need to lay low and seriously think about my future here on the board. kind regards sara