JFK Junior trailer

JFK Assassination
John Hankey
Posts: 9
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Post by John Hankey »

It's in the video. Coast Guard spokesman, chief petty officer Todd Bergun says that he got the information from FAA personnel in the tower at Martha's Vineyard. Again, he says he had no radar information. Then how did he get a story of tower contact that included the facts, established by the NTSB report, that at precisely 9:39 Kennedy was on his typical final approach , ie lined up with the coast (nb: his first flight instructor told me that John's favorite approach was to line himself up with the coast of MV. He told me that this is what the NTSB radar shows the plane did in it's second-to-last maneuver; this preference of John's for this approach is also corroborated by his cousin), at 2,500 feet, and 14 miles out? Unless he got it in a message from God, Bergun got that information from FAA people in the tower, as he said he did. Ipso facto, there were FAA people in the tower at 9:39. The tower, I believe, closes at 10. They were certainly there at 9:44, five minutes later, when they were supposed to initiate a search for the now-missing plane. No doubt these people passed on the information to appropriate responsible others who took the information and trashed it, as they did at 10:00 when Adam Budd, a MV airport employee attempted to report the plane missing; and from midnight to 2 am as the family repeatedly and unsuccessfully tried to get the FAA to respond. At 2 the family gave up on the FAA and called the Coast Guard. But the people in the tower were, apparently, not in on it, since they gave up this information to the Coast Guard.
I think the most powerful evidence is the pentagon spokesman, Roark, saying that their is no crash site indicated by the radar so that they will keep the search craft scattered; and that they can't even be sure that it's the plane their looking for, when the radar search, the NTAP, BEGINS with the plane identifying itself. These are obvious lies. Why does he tell them? The reporters chaff against this obvious crap. And also want to know why the FAA did nothing until they heard from the Coast Guard. And then did nothing until 7 am.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: JFK Junior trailer

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

10.05.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:04.20.2006 - Mr. John Geraghty Posted this simple Headline.John Geraghty, Wim Dankbaar, John Hankey, Billy Boggs, and R. Croxfordcontributed to, and developed an amazingly analytical and probative discussion that went in several directions. There were attempts to linkmany issues that are still evaluated today. My opinion.While I had forgotten about this discussion, a re-evaluation convinced methat today there may be rekindled interest.Any more recent analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research,studies, thoughts, or writings that can develop any aspect of this discussion ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: JFK Junior trailer

Post by Bob »

Let me first say, that I consider John Hankey among my closest friends in the JFK assassination research community. We communicate fairly often. That being said, we disagree about a few things. Still, there is no doubt that John has put together a a fantastic film in Dark Legacy, as well as the film on JFK Jr.'s death. John is a lot like me. He's not afraid to push the envelope and keep asking questions. Sometimes the answer to those questions are not what we expected, but we keep asking questions. After enough research, and the pieces of the puzzle become clear, there is more than enough evidence to support John's theories. Again...John and I don't agree on everything. We still debate about things to this day regarding the JFK assassination. But we agree on one thing for sure. Poppy Bush was a key player in the conspiracy. Same holds true with Dumbya Bush regarding JFK's Jr.'s death. Why? Well, besides being missing the very weekend of JFK Jr.'s plane crash, he played out his hand on one crucial front later. He allowed the events of 9/11 to happen on his watch as President. Events that were very similar to the plans of Operation Northwoods which were presented to JFK in March of 1962. Operation Northwoods was endorsed by both the joint chiefs and the CIA (the Bushes). JFK refused to implement the plan which would kill thousands of innocent Americans. Dumbya Bush did not. If you are willing to sacrifice over 3,000 American lives that September day, as well as several thousand more American lives in Iraq and Afghanistan later, then why is being part of the conspiracy to kill John John that much more outrageous and outlandish? See the plans for Operation Northwoods and decide for yourself.http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICL ... woods.html