you are being seriously mislead

JFK Assassination
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by saracarter766 »

check on ebay michael that's where my husband got it. pasquale he was reffering to the dvd i recommended.
tom jeffers
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by tom jeffers »

GREETINGS TAXPAYERS!first post tax season post. first i would like to say that if you are looking for proof like signed confessions backed up by cia documents and hidden films and photos, it ain't gonna happen. what makes jimmy, tosh and holt's stories believable, is that they all support each other from different sources and each were unaware of the other stories. what about photos showing certain people at dealey that day? any student of the game knows that all films were confiscated that day and accoeding to testimony, many were never returned or have shown up in the archives. gee, i wonder if any incriminating people could have possibly been in any of those photos? its like working a crossword puzzle, after you fill in a few blanks, and find that some things originally fit but now don't because of the new entries. i know that none of us have all those pieces. i do know that it zaps a lot of positive energy from you when you have to defend your position constantly.i got a chance to go to DC this past week to visit my son who know works at the pentagon on the new f35 joint strike fighter program. my first visit and i got t say i enjoyed the spy museum the best. man there sure are a lot of free things to do there paid by tax dollars. went to jfk's grave but was more touched by the simplistic grave and headstone for little brother bobby. i was 12 when he died and remember crying. the viet nam memorial was touching and had an epiphany while there. a big part of our history is sending our young men off to get killed in the name of freedom. wouldn't it be much better if we could use those resources into feeding the hungry and clothing the naked and change people by doing good and making them want to emulate us in those respects rather than forcing our dogma on others. just a thought.namaste'
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by Pennyworth »

As for the gun shots,The Governor Of Texas speaks...The Governor Of Texas speaks... ... 1731352839 ... re=related ... -lZNR_yAcI have this posted under November 22 thread..has a better reception
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

tom jeffers wrote:GREETINGS TAXPAYERS!first post tax season post. first i would like to say that if you are looking for proof like signed confessions backed up by cia documents and hidden films and photos, it ain't gonna happen. what makes jimmy, tosh and holt's stories believable, is that they all support each other from different sources and each were unaware of the other stories. what about photos showing certain people at dealey that day? any student of the game knows that all films were confiscated that day and accoeding to testimony, many were never returned or have shown up in the archives. gee, i wonder if any incriminating people could have possibly been in any of those photos? its like working a crossword puzzle, after you fill in a few blanks, and find that some things originally fit but now don't because of the new entries. i know that none of us have all those pieces. i do know that it zaps a lot of positive energy from you when you have to defend your position constantly.i got a chance to go to DC this past week to visit my son who know works at the pentagon on the new f35 joint strike fighter program. my first visit and i got t say i enjoyed the spy museum the best. man there sure are a lot of free things to do there paid by tax dollars. went to jfk's grave but was more touched by the simplistic grave and headstone for little brother bobby. i was 12 when he died and remember crying. the viet nam memorial was touching and had an epiphany while there. a big part of our history is sending our young men off to get killed in the name of freedom. wouldn't it be much better if we could use those resources into feeding the hungry and clothing the naked and change people by doing good and making them want to emulate us in those respects rather than forcing our dogma on others. just a thought.namaste'It certainly WOULD be much better to use those resources to feed the hungry and cloth the naked. The only thing I can see that is preventing that for the most part is greed. As Bob put it, "Follow the money." Or rather, as George Carlin said, if you could find a way for corporate swine to make money off of helping the homeless, the streets would be clear of homeless people pretty darn quick! LOL What I don't like about some of the wars we've been involved in is that many of them were waged under false pretenses. They've been accusing certain foreign leaders of being monsters when the reality was that there was an ulterior motive for sending troops to those places. We're allies with countries that behead people and stone women to death, and then we'll turn around and supposedly invade a country because the leader is "communist" or a monster. I'm not saying that EVERY military engagement we've been in has been that way, but a lot of them were. Wasn't it Allende of Chile that the Nixon admistration labeled a "communist" when Allende wasn't really cooperating with corporate business interests? Didn't we then support the coup that overthrew that democratically elected leader and put the dictator Pinochet in power there, who, coincidentally, was much more agreeable to corporate business interests? Who gave us the right to meddle in the affairs of democratically elected leaders around the world? What is that about? It's wrong. What I'm seeing is that corporate interests, bankers, have been calling the shots in a lot of matters where our men and women have to go and fight, and a lot of these engagements in those times were about stamping out "communism." Oooooo...scary! How scary is it really? We've had Cuba as a communist country roughly 90 miles off our coast! They're still there, and they're not bugging us. We, on the other hand, tried to overthrow that government many times. WTF? Why? Money!
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by ChristophMessner »

Very well spoken, Pasquale!
Pasquale DiFabrizio
Posts: 1315
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

ChristophMessner wrote:Very well spoken, Pasquale!Thank you!
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by Pennyworth »

Pennyworth wrote:As for the gun shots,The Governor Of Texas speaks...The Governor Of Texas speaks... ... 1731352839 ... re=related ... -lZNR_yAcI have this posted under November 22 thread..has a better receptionThe Governor Of Texas's first interview.... Very good points Pasquale yes, but the illuminati does not want to help the homeless..its part of the NWO plan to eliminate 'undesirable' and bottom feeder peopIe. It appears that some of the above posted links have been 'eliminated.'
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Pennyworth wrote:Pennyworth wrote:As for the gun shots,The Governor Of Texas speaks...The Governor Of Texas speaks... ... 1731352839 ... re=related ... -lZNR_yAcI have this posted under November 22 thread..has a better receptionThe Governor Of Texas's first interview.... Very good points Pasquale yes, but the illuminati does not want to help the homeless..its part of the NWO plan to emliminate 'undesirable' and bottom feeder peopleExactly, Pennyworth.I've done a lot of interviews with injured workers and witnesses, and I began to notice that a lot of these people (I'm talking about people like employees of fast food chains, etc.) had initially come into the country illegally. This became so frequent that one of the standard questions at the beginning of my recorded interviews with them is whether they've used any other Social Security number. Most of them are so casual about it that they freely admit that they have. I also began to notice that a lot of these employees are from south of the border and although they're working for major fast food chains, they're being paid minimum wage and living with LOTS of other people to save money. They'll live like five people in a one or two bedroom apartment or three families renting one house. You'd think that particularly after 9/11 they'd tighten those borders down there. They can basically smuggle in anything they want! The only reason why they WOULDN'T tighten those borders is to provide that continuous flow of CHEAP labor into the US. Some of these companies (I really, really want to names names here, but I won't) have actually DESTROYED identifications papers for some of these illegal workers to protect them from the INS and ICE. I've asked them for pictures of their photo IDs and such, and they've openly told me that they destroy those papers to protect them from INS and ICE or they won't come to work for them. WTF??? These are companies that supposedly care about America? The point has also often been made by illegal immigrant groups that illegal immigrants do work that we (United States citizens) won't do. That's a lie. We just won't do that back-breaking work for peanuts forcing us to live with five other people in a one or two bedroom apartment! Yeah, the only reason that I can see why we haven't tightened those borders after 9/11 is that they provide a steady flow of unbelievably CHEAP labor. So, it seems that they're not really looking out for us, are they? They've found tunnels under ground with lighting and ventilation for people to be smuggled in. They've now also built trucks with ramps to go OVER those border fences where people just walk OVER those border fences. They can smuggle a lot more than just people across the border that way too, and who is watching out for us?
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by Pennyworth »

Look Pasquale,These south of the U.S. border 'llegal immigration' people are getting screwed every way..damned if they don't leave their country and also damned and condemned if they do.Its happening around the world and corporations, land owners and money holders are to blame. These institutions and people are moving toward making the middle class dissappear.If this continues, the world will become a place of Princes and Kings, paupers and vagaboundsexclusively. The middle class is increasingly becoming attacked and is heading toward extinction. Foreclosures inthe U.S. are caused not only by predatory lender banksters, but also because of the loss of American jobs, due to NAFTA, which took the people of the U.S. jobs away from them and put them in Juarez and other third world areas, where non U.S. citizens are working for slave labor wages and indeed exploited also. Its part of the NWO plan to impoverish the masses, so the iluminati can take over.That creepy illumati symbol the pyramid with the eye on top is printed on OUR dollar billl. What business does a symbol of Egypt have being on U.S currency anyway?Does anyone know the date that this particular bill came into effect.?No its not a U.S. note, its a Federal Reserve note. Slavery started with the Egyptians...its continuation exists with the Federal Reserve's plan for world enslavement. The creepy pyramid with the eye on top also adorns the FBI office.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
Posts: 1315
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Re: you are being seriously mislead

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Pennyworth wrote:Look Pasquale,These south of the U.S. border 'llegal immigration' people are getting screwed every way..damned if they don't leave their country and also damned and condemned if they do.Its happening around the world and corporations, land owners and money holders are to blame. These institutions and people are making the middle class dissappear.If this continues, the world will become a place of Princes and Kings, paupers and vagaboundsexclusively. The middle class is slowly becoming attacked and extinct. Foreclosures inthe U.S. are caused not only by predatory lender banksters, but also because of the loss of American jobs, due to NAFTA, which took the people of the U.S. jobs away from them and put them in Juarez and other third world areas, where non U.S. citizens are working for slave labor wages and indeed exploited also. Its part of the NWO plan to impoverish the masses, so the iluminati can take over.That creepy illumati symbol the pyramid with the eye on top is printed on OUR dollar billl. What business does a symbol of Egypt have being on U.S currency anyway?Does anyone know the date that this particular bill came into effect.?No its not a U.S. note, its a Federal Reserve note. Slavery started with the Egyptians...its continuation exists with the Federal Reserve's plan for world enslavement. The creepy pyramid with the eye on top also adorns the FBI office. Exactly, Pennyworth! I couldn't have said it better. For the record and for anyone else reading this, I am in NO WAY blaming illegal immigrants for what they're doing. They definitely ARE screwed both ways, so their only logical alternative is to get over to where they can at least eat and have a roof over their heads. I completely agree with you, Pennyworth.What I think is a major red flag that is SCREAMING in the face of the public is the fact that in this post-9/11 era those borders haven't been secured at all. That should tell people something, but I guess it doesn't. Look at the stark contradictions. We have had warrantless wiretaps and disregard of habeas corpus, but they won't secure the borders?By the way, did you hear about just how much waterboarding was going on with those detainees? It was just alleged on MSNBC today, in fact, that they authorized the torture to MAKE those detainees say that there was a connection between Iraq and Al justify the war. Hell, if you torture someone enough, they'll tell you anything you want them to say!