JFK assassination researcher/investigator Hall of Fame

JFK Assassination
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Re: JFK assassination researcher/investigator Hall of Fame

Post by kenmurray »

Mack "the sack" got totally sacked by Wim.
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Re: JFK assassination researcher/investigator Hall of Fame

Post by RhysFurmage »

ThomZajac wrote:A quick learner! Where do you think the plot originated- whom do you suppose suggested it to whom?Sorry to disappoint, but I really haven't looked in depth enough to answer that with any conviction.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: JFK assassination researcher/investigator Hall of Fame

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

kenmurray wrote:Mack "the sack" got totally sacked by Wim. He did. I like how Mack the Sack immediately began using his favorite catch-phrase..."no hard evidence."
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Re: JFK assassination researcher/investigator Hall of Fame

Post by RhysFurmage »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:RhysFurmage wrote:ThomZajac wrote:Welcome to the group Rhys. Since you're just starting out you might want to write about what your general understanding regarding the JFK assassination prior to looking at some stuff here. And then maybe sometime in the future you can update that. (Just a thought)Thanks for the kind welcome everyone.My initial understanding of the assassination (courtesy of the History channel) was that there was a conspiracy that involved a shooter from the grassy knoll (the badgeman episode) although, I thought LHO was likely involved aswell. Afterwards, I watched a documentary on the Discovery Channel which I found quite convincing, saying there was no conspiracy. I kept an open mind, but pursued it no further.Earlier this year, I watched JFKII and The Assassination of JFK Jr. I was impressed and ended up coming to this site.I've now watched: The Grassy Knoll, JFK (the movie), the (cut-down) box set of The Men Who Killed Kennedy and I'm over half-way through reading Files on JFK.I can update with a short summary on what I currently believe thanks to the time I've spent on this site and the materials I've looked at so far:Mafia, CIA and anti-Castro Cubans were all there and involved. LHO was likely innocent even though he was involved with CIA and FBI. He was used as a patsy- if anything he was trying to stop the hit. LBJ, Dulles and Poppy Bush were up to their necks in this. Files, Judyth Baker, Tosh Plumlee and Chauncey Holt are telling the truth. Files has more to tell us. Warren Commission was a joke. MSM prevent the truth from coming out.I completely understand people being duped by that Discovery Channel "documentary." That's the one with Gary Mack "the Sack" right? Check this out. It's a debate that Wim Dankbarr had with Mack the Sack. LOL http://www.jfkmurdersolved.com/mack.htmNot sure if it was Gary Mack, as I didn't know of him at the time and it was quite a while ago. I wouldn't be surprised if it was though!Thanks for the debate link.. excellent!Mack's responses were pathetic and did nothing for his cause. Are there any other debates like this? I would appreciate any other links if anyone knows any.
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Re: JFK assassination researcher/investigator Hall of Fame

Post by Bob »

Ken provided a link once for a debate between John McAdams and Tom Rossley. Ken, can you provide the link again please? Rossley cleaned McAdams' clock in my opinion, but judge for yourself Rhys.
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Re: JFK assassination researcher/investigator Hall of Fame

Post by kenmurray »

Sure, Bob here it is again: http://whokilledjfk.net/radio_debate.htm
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Re: JFK assassination researcher/investigator Hall of Fame

Post by RhysFurmage »

thanks both.