Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

I would just like to add that I don't think Gary Mack put a knoll shooter in the same place as James Files said he was. The supposed Badgeman location is not where Files said he was, and I don't believe it's where the House Select Committee on Assassination placed the shot from the knoll. It's my understanding that the acoustic evidence, as well as the Nix Film, in addition to Files' statement place him to the right of the tree...exactly where the movement in the Nix film is.
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Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Post by Bob »

ChristophMessner wrote:Bob wrote:ChristophMessner wrote:Who is paying Gary Mack?The disinformation machine. And part of that money comes from the Bu$h crime family. You know the people who give us assassinations, phony wars, drug running, money laundering, war profiteering, oil price gauging, big banking bullshit and LOTS of death. Money and threats go a long way in making people go to the dark side.I believe so, too, Bob, but in this concrete case of the TSBDM a decent research and knowledge about those who finance this American-soul-clean-wash-institute is highly necessary. I mean, who really is it and from which pot do they pay how much? Gary Mack has a public obligation here to report openly to everybody.The museum that Mack runs is very similar to the "donors" that donated $100 million to the George W. Bu$h library in Dallas. They are allowed to remain anonymous. But it's a fair assumption that they belong to industries like the Military Industrial Complex, BIG oil, BIG banking and folks like that who want to keep the disinformation flowing while the sheeple shuffle along.
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Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Post by Jsnow915 »

I have corresponded with Gary Mack...he was somewhat abrasive in his answers,but hey,how would you react if you were being personally attacked,I know I wouldn't be so kind...from what I got from him is this...he thinks there is a conspiracy but only accepts tangible evidence of one...when I get a chance,I will post his responses.
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Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Post by saracarter766 »

as far as gary mack being personally attacked he brings that all on himself sorry Jsnow915 but that's just the way it is i'm not gonna feel sorry for him he is well deserving of it. the things i have said about gary mack i am not sorry for. i won't apologize for it either the man just makes me wanna puke to be quite honest with you.however Jsnow915 i do respect your's like that saying goes what goes around comes around.
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Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Post by Bob »

Some people that sell out and go 180 degrees with their opinions can live with themselves. Others have trouble coping with what they have done. Money is certainly part of the equation in terms of dealing with the guilt. However, Judas got 30 silver pieces and he still ended up hanging himself. I too, have absolutely zero sympathy for Mack. He made his own bed and now he has to sleep in it.
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Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Post by saracarter766 »

my husband has said the same thing that you said bob.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Jsnow915 wrote:I have corresponded with Gary Mack...he was somewhat abrasive in his answers,but hey,how would you react if you were being personally attacked,I know I wouldn't be so kind...from what I got from him is this...he thinks there is a conspiracy but only accepts tangible evidence of one...when I get a chance,I will post his responses.Jsnow915,I completely respect you opinion too. Please let us know what he thinks. He should just post here. Having said that, there is a joke waiting to happen here.What I wanted to write right off the bat was something along the lines of "Yeah, I have something "tangible" right here!!! LMAO
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Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Post by katisha »

Jsnow915 wrote:I have corresponded with Gary Mack...he was somewhat abrasive in his answers,but hey,how would you react if you were being personally attacked,I know I wouldn't be so kind...from what I got from him is this...he thinks there is a conspiracy but only accepts tangible evidence of one...when I get a chance,I will post his responses.I'd be interested to hear what he has to say, Jsnow915, and good on you for contactng him.I do, however, find it hard to believe that Gary Mack accepts the SBT and the Warren Report as hard evidence for the Lone Nutter, yet won't accept that there is any hard evidence of a conspiracy, in spite of the hundreds of books and documents out there. Some of them may be a bit off the mark but there are also many well-documented resources.
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Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Post by saracarter766 »

ChristophMessner wrote:saracarter766 wrote:Bob i love how you tell it straight up. I like your way of telling straight up, too, Sara, whether you believe it or know what your right to i don't believe you and sorry chris but i no longer can trust you or feel like i can trust you and that is all i'm saying. however it was very nice of you to say but chris you totally destroyed the trust i had in you. i give the middle finger to traitors like gary mack i just have a very extreme amount of hatred for him i just can't help it peeps but when i look up to and highly respect and admire people like gary mack and they end up turning the other way yes i am very angry at him for that i can't help it people.
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Re: Gary Mack and his "hard evidence"

Post by ChristophMessner »

saracarter766 wrote: you know what your right to i don't believe you and sorry chris but i no longer can trust you or feel like i can trust you and that is all i'm saying. however it was very nice of you to say but chris you totally destroyed the trust i had in you. It's because you judge people superficially and throw around verdicts like God. saracarter766 wrote: i give the middle finger to traitors like gary mack i just have a very extreme amount of hatred for him i just can't help it peeps but when i look up to and highly respect and admire people like gary mack and they end up turning the other way yes i am very angry at him for that i can't help it people. I feel the same almost (rather contempt than hatred), but rather think that pissing at his shinbone all the time is not the right and decent strategy to bring him back to the unbiased truthers (which he was in the beginning). It would be important to help him increasing his courage and taking his momentary face-and-money-losing (which would soon disappear I'm sure) for his change into promoting publicly what he REALLY believes in the JFK-case again.