VERY interesting Dallas police document

JFK Assassination
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Good stuff.

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Well done. Joe and Bob.I dont wanna sound like a wanker lads but I've basically said it to all you guys before. They set this stuff up to create straw candidates.Documents are planted and fiddled with by the likes of Perry to turn around and discredit the people who come across or advocate the position. What this does is two fold it ridicules the people debating it and it also ridicules the notion that Oswald knew Ruby and even if it is genuine of course its been tampered with thus is useless.However the back up story in UPI was certainly something and thats great stuff real gun investigation there. I like the pugnacious attitude that Bob, Joe and others have displayed here.In the mean time we have three rather frightening possibilities. No doubt even more.1-The document proves an Oswald and Ruby connection.2-The document was falsified by Perry who came across the UPI story.3- Perry dicked around with an original document.All three are equally scandalous and no doubt you lads have other ramifications.I hate it when I'm right.However I love coming across good adventurous investigation and hats off to you two lads.
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Lofty wrote:Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Bob: Jimmy Sutton knew, and worked with Lee Harvey Oswald both before, and during November 22, 1963, and in the later in Dallas, Texas, as Lee drove Jimmy around, and to test fire weapons.Whilst i beleive the document to be another verification of the Ruby - Oswald connection, and subsequently real, i feel i must ask Mr Brychek about the validity of the above statement, inso far as Lee driving Jimmy around, i am not splitting hairs here but i was under the impression that Oswald did not know how to drive or indeed posess a licence.There are two sources that immediately spring to mind, that point to Oswald not having any driving skills at all, namely from M Calder in JFK v CIA and the Haslam interview where Judy Baker states the same. Please accept that i am not being 'picky' for the sake of it, but that statement goes against the grain regarding Oswalds driving.I agree Lofty. By the way Bruce is talking he seems to think that Oswald was never impersonated by anyone either.
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by Bob »

Seamus, you probably know that I will be doing a story about this subject matter for CTKA. I'm still trying to compile additional research before it's written. Joe and others have been great resources. Jack White and Jim Marrs are going to help me as well. It also turns out that Jim D and I have at least a couple of things in common. One of course is we are both on the CT team. Secondly, I sent Jim one of my recent articles and it turns out Jim has been to the site a few times and is a fan of the team I was writing about. That would be the Green Bay Packers. Small world huh?
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by SeamusCoogan »

Bob wrote:Seamus, you probably know that I will be doing a story about this subject matter for CTKA. I'm still trying to compile additional research before it's written. Joe and others have been great resources. Jack White and Jim Marrs are going to help me as well. It also turns out that Jim D and I have at least a couple of things in common. One of course is we are both on the CT team. Secondly, I sent Jim one of my recent articles and it turns out Jim has been to the site a few times and is a fan of the team I was writing about. That would be the Green Bay Packers. Small world huh?Lol good stuff lemme know if you need a hand chief. I PMed you my email bud.
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by SeamusCoogan »

tom jeffers wrote:Bob wrote:tom jeffers wrote:joe,i saw where they called him chief even when he was asst chief in the early 60's in newspaper articles and internal documents. probably out of respect since the guy had been in the department before ww2. i wonder who's undershorts were crustier, his or j edgar. lolHoover wore panties most of the time. j edgar and gw bush were buddies. i still think that j edgar lived that day when they reported his death and it was the original barbara bush that actually died and j edgar took her place. if you look at her face, she looks just like j edgar with a little pancake makeup on. lolOh my God that is hilarious Tom lol and Bobs pics are crazy.
Dealey Joe
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by Dealey Joe »

OK boys, lets get serious,I am beging to think that H.H Grant could well be Mary E.Bledsoe's Son PorterGrant was listed as a witness on the Offence Report and purported to be FBI in the UPI article. she had two sons David and Porter.At her death in 1969 Porter lived in Dallas and David lived in California.Porter attended the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown Unuversity in D.C. around 1950.Acording to my calculation he would be about the correct age listed for Grant in the report.and maybe he right training for FBI work."The Midlothian Mirror (April 10, 1969) reported, "......we have learned theat her son was acquainted with [assassination suspect] David Ferrie." and then........"Like Oswald, Bledsoe's son was trained by Ferrie when Ferrie was a captain in the Civil Air Patrol."I need your help to continue this research,
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by kenmurray »

Dealey Joe wrote:OK boys, lets get serious,I am beging to think that H.H Grant could well be Mary E.Bledsoe's Son PorterGrant was listed as a witness on the Offence Report and purported to be FBI in the UPI article. she had two sons David and Porter.At her death in 1969 Porter lived in Dallas and David lived in California.Porter attended the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown Unuversity in D.C. around 1950.Acording to my calculation he would be about the correct age listed for Grant in the report.and maybe he right training for FBI work."The Midlothian Mirror (April 10, 1969) reported, "......we have learned theat her son was acquainted with [assassination suspect] David Ferrie." and then........"Like Oswald, Bledsoe's son was trained by Ferrie when Ferrie was a captain in the Civil Air Patrol."I need your help to continue this research,Joe, you may be on the right track with this.Joe, Mary Bledsoe, in her encounter with Oswald and the bus, said that "He looked," like a maniac...he looked so bad in his face, and his face was so distorted" No OTHER witness who saw Oswald between the assassination of JFK and the murder of Tippit remembers him in any such state of frenzy. So it could be that Bledsoe had a flair of the dramatic.
Dealey Joe
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by Dealey Joe »

I think more and more that the Bledsoes were more than inocent bystanders.she was pretty old and was probably just used by Ruby and the boys.
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by Bob »

Excellent gumshoe work there Joe. Are you sure your last name isn't Friday? You can count on me as you know.
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Re: VERY interesting Dallas police document

Post by kenmurray »

Here is Dealey Joe Friday talking to the "bad guys". ... L&index=32