JFK Assassination
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Post by Pennyworth »

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Post by Pennyworth »

Who would want to harm world famous musician George Harrison

Like John Lennon, George Harrison had a social conciousness, and like John, George Harrison was interested in what was going on in the world arounsd him. My guess is that he could have become very curious into what happened concerning his ex-partner's murder and started doing some private investigating. Does any one else have any theories on this ?
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Nazi Holocaust....

Post by Pennyworth »

The Holocaust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe Holocaust was geographically widespread and systematically conducted in virtually all areas of Nazi-occupied territory, where victims were targeted in ... - 323k - Mar 26, 2007 - Cached - Similar pages

The History Place - Genocide in the 20th CenturyThe Nazi Holocaust 1938-1945 6000000 Deaths. It began with a simple boycott of Jewish shops and ended in the gas chambers at Auschwitz as Adolf Hitler and ... ... ocaust.htm - 26k - Cached - Similar pages

Nazi, Holocaust, genocideDocumentation: Democide. Source: "The Undeniable Holocaust". Photo from the National Archives, College Park, Maryland. ... - 2k - Cached - Similar pages

Holocaust EncyclopediaDuring World War II, Nazi Germany and its collaborators murdered approximately six million Jews. The Holocaust is the name used to refer to this systematic, ... ... d=10005143 - 3k - Cached - Similar pages

The Jewish Virtual Library - The HolocaustHistory of the Holocaust—An Introduction · American Victims · Bibliography of The Holocaust, Nazi Germany and World War II · The “Blood for Goodsâ€
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Post by Pennyworth »

..."The next year, 1942, marked the beginning of mass murder on a scale unprecedented in all of human history. In January, fifteen top Nazis led by Reinhard Heydrich, second in command of the SS, convened the Wannsee Conference in Berlin to coordinate plans for the Final Solution. The Jews of Europe would now be rounded up and deported into occupied Poland where new extermination centers were being constructed at Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Auschwitz-Birkenau"
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Post by Pennyworth »

The Jewish Virtual Library - The HolocaustHistory of the Holocaust—An Introduction · American Victims · Bibliography of The Holocaust, Nazi Germany and World War II · The “Blood for Goodsâ€
R Croxford
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Post by R Croxford »

People do not want to be reminded of the shit world they live in so they try and hide it of course. People say the homeless deserve it because they are lazy.HA! not all of them. What about the little old lady with mental illness? Why! What about the little old man with mental illness?Why! One way or another society created all of them. We might not like it but we damn sure need to deal with it. If the people of this country cannot stand to see the pitiful and downtrodded then send them to an island made just for them. We can jail some ungodly number of men in prison but just cannot seem to make room in a medical ward for the insane of this country. WTF. That is part of the truth P. They cannot hide.
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Post by Pennyworth »

...I'm fishing for another article but this will do for now.... into occupied Poland where new extermination centers were being constructed at Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Code-named "Aktion Reinhard" in honor of Heydrich, the Final Solution began in the spring as over two million Jews already in Poland were sent to be gassed as soon as the new camps became operational. Hans Frank, the Nazi Governor of Poland had by now declared: "I ask nothing of the Jews except that they should disappear."

Every detail of the actual extermination process was meticulously planned. Jews arriving in trains at Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka were falsely informed by the SS that they had come to a transit stop and would be moving on to their true destination after delousing. They were told their clothes were going to be disinfected and that they would all be taken to shower rooms for a good washing. Men were then split up from the women and children. Everyone was taken to undressing barracks and told to remove all of their clothing. Women and girls next had their hair cut off. First the men, and then the women and children, were hustled in the nude along a narrow fenced-in pathway nicknamed by the SS as the Himmelstrasse (road to Heaven). At the end of the path was a bathhouse with tiled shower rooms. As soon as the people were all crammed inside, the main door was slammed shut, creating an airtight seal. Deadly carbon monoxide fumes were then fed in from a stationary diesel engine located outside the chamber.

At Auschwitz-Birkenau, new arrivals were told to carefully hang their clothing on numbered hooks in the undressing room and were instructed to remember the numbers for later. They were given a piece of soap and taken into the adjacent gas chamber disguised as a large shower room. In place of carbon monoxide, pellets of the commercial pesticide Zyklon-B (prussic acid) were poured into openings located above the chamber upon the cynical SS command - Na, gib ihnen shon zu fressen (All right, give 'em something to chew on). The gas pellets fell into hollow shafts made of perforated sheet metal and vaporized upon contact with air, giving off lethal cyanide fumes inside the chamber which oozed out at floor level then rose up toward the ceiling. Children died first since they were closer to the floor. Pandemonium usually erupted as the bitter almond-like odor of the gas spread upwards with adults climbing on top of each other forming a tangled heap of dead bodies all the way up to the ceiling.

At each of the death camps, special squads of Jewish slave laborers called Sonderkommandos were utilized to untangle the victims and remove them from the gas chamber. Next they extracted any gold fillings from teeth and searched body orifices for hidden valuables. The corpses were disposed of by various methods including mass burials; cremation in open fire pits or in specially designed crematory ovens such as those used at Auschwitz. All clothing, money, gold, jewelry, watches, eyeglasses and other valuables were sorted out then shipped back to Germany for re-use. Women's hair was sent to a firm in Bavaria for the manufacture of felt.
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Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote::cry: ..."The next year, 1942, marked the beginning of mass murder on a scale unprecedented in all of human history. In January, fifteen top Nazis led by Reinhard Heydrich, second in command of the SS, convened the Wannsee Conference in Berlin to coordinate plans for the Final Solution. The Jews of Europe would now be rounded up and deported into occupied Poland where new extermination centers were being constructed at Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, and Auschwitz-Birkenau"

Of the many factors that produced the Nazi holocaust and World War II, one of the most important was Darwin’s notion that evolutionary progress occurs mainly as a result of the elimination of the weak in the struggle for survival. Although it is no easy task to assess the conflicting motives of Hitler and his supporters, Darwinism-inspired eugenics clearly played a critical role. Darwinism justified and encouraged the Nazi views on both race and war. If the Nazi party had fully embraced and consistently acted on the belief that all humans were descendants of Adam and Eve and equal before the creator God, as taught in both the Old Testament and New Testament Scriptures, the holocaust would never have occurred.

Expunging of the Judeo-Christian doctrine of the divine origin of humans from mainline German (liberal) theology and its schools, and replacing it with Darwinism, openly contributed to the acceptance of Social Darwinism that culminated in the tragedy of the holocaust.1 Darwin’s theory, as modified by Haeckel,2,3,4,5,6 Chamberlain7 and others, clearly contributed to the death of over nine million people in concentration camps, and about 40 million other humans in a war that cost about six trillion dollars. Furthermore, the primary reason that Nazism reached to the extent of the holocaust was the widespread acceptance of Social Darwinism by the scientific and academic community.1,8,9,10