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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 5:35 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Bob wrote:This won't shock anyone... ... xposed/Bob, that link is fantastic!If you click on a link on that page, it leads you to another website with a WEALTH of information about how the Israeli lobby heavily influences our government by contributing massive amounts of money to politicians on both sides of the isle. Very good information.Here's the link below.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 4:56 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
As you guys already know, the first supposed American convert to Islam, Adam Gadahn, is actually Adam Pearlman...a Jewish man. Well, he wasn't an ordinary Jewish man because, according to the link below that is sourced/footnoted:"Gadahn's Jewish paternal grandfather, Carl Pearlman, was a prominent urologist; and on the Board of Directors of the Anti-Defamation League."'s the OTHER American convert, supposedly, to Islam. he calls himself, Yousef al Khattab, but his actual name, before he converted, is (wait for it...LOL), Joseph Cohen.He is also no ordinary Jewish man. He went to Israel from the U.S., supposedly, and THEN supposedly converted to Islam. What's important to note is that he didn't JUST convert to Islam. That, in and of itself, is not the bad part. He converted AND supposedly became militant. ... hatib/What are the odds of both of these men having similar backgrounds and then putting out interviews that you can even see on YouTube? My instincts tell me that they (Joseph Cohen and Adam Pearlman) are BOTH Israeli Mossad agents putting on a dog and pony show.

Jousef al Khattab, aka Joseph Cohen before supposed conversion to Islam
Joseph Cohen before conversion to Islam.JPG (9.49 KiB) Viewed 5765 times

Bringing The Truth Home

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:08 pm
by kenmurray
Another good 9/11 documentary:

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:27 pm
by barney 1961
8/25/101. having watched numerous "implosion or controlled demolitions" by the Polish demolition family, cant recall their names offhand, whohave demolished literally hundreds of bridges, buildings, casinos, stadiums, apartment complexes here or abroad with huge success, Ifor one, find the demolition of Towers 1 and II in NY by mysteriously flown aircraft somewhat beyond the pale of reasoning. Same deal for the planes crashing into an open field in Pennsylvania and into the Pentagon bldg. in DC.- farfetched to the maxx.2. With the proper equipment, these aircraft totally empty, could have been electronically flown into these buildings, just as we nowfly CIA drones into airspace over Iraq and Afghanistan and launch missile attacks against suspected enemy targets. Many NY streetsidespectators said these planes looked like no passenger plane they had ever observed flying so low over Manhattan's skyline but looked much more like military radar planes seen from time to time. If one notes the belly of the planes, there is something down there one does notordinarily see on any passenger plane I have ever observed.3. engineering experts from around the world, have stated in their vast experiences with fires, explosions, airplane crashes into tall bldgs.they have never encountered such a fire and total collapse of the building onto its on footprint area, such as Bldgs 1 and II in NY. They made the observation that these two very tall over 100 story buildings were not up to codes, but did have seriously strong inner cores of steelbeams near the elevators, which should have caused the upper floors to collapse, but leaving behind the lower floors, which obviously was not the case in point. Nor, did either building lean or fallover to its side as is the case in most very tall building collapses, they fell flat floorpancaking upon each other as if there were no supporting beams present on the lowers below the crash sites indicative of substantial structural integrity demolition preparation preceding the 9-11 events.4. firemen and police and building employees all heard loud popping sounds coming from the area of the huge underground basement as well as popping sounds on the floors above them as they escaped down the stairwells inside the building as the upper floors were burning from jetfuel. After the total controlled demolition of Bld towers 1 and II, there no large fragments of office equipment, building materials, and largebeams in the inner steel beam core were found to have cut using something like thermite, to cut the steel beams at a relative 45 degree angle. This obvious giveaway was observed by numerous highly skilled and educated engineers working on the demolition site after the fact.Molten steel was runnning into gutters in the basement, long after the bldgs collapsed, thus evoking a thought that it takes upwards of1800-2500 degrees temp to turn heavy steel beams into molten metal that will flow like at a steel making foundry.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:39 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
barney 1961 wrote:8/25/101. having watched numerous "implosion or controlled demolitions" by the Polish demolition family, cant recall their names offhand, whohave demolished literally hundreds of bridges, buildings, casinos, stadiums, apartment complexes here or abroad with huge success, Ifor one, find the demolition of Towers 1 and II in NY by mysteriously flown aircraft somewhat beyond the pale of reasoning. Same deal for the planes crashing into an open field in Pennsylvania and into the Pentagon bldg. in DC.- farfetched to the maxx.2. With the proper equipment, these aircraft totally empty, could have been electronically flown into these buildings, just as we nowfly CIA drones into airspace over Iraq and Afghanistan and launch missile attacks against suspected enemy targets. Many NY streetsidespectators said these planes looked like no passenger plane they had ever observed flying so low over Manhattan's skyline but looked much more like military radar planes seen from time to time. If one notes the belly of the planes, there is something down there one does notordinarily see on any passenger plane I have ever observed.3. engineering experts from around the world, have stated in their vast experiences with fires, explosions, airplane crashes into tall bldgs.they have never encountered such a fire and total collapse of the building onto its on footprint area, such as Bldgs 1 and II in NY. They made the observation that these two very tall over 100 story buildings were not up to codes, but did have seriously strong inner cores of steelbeams near the elevators, which should have caused the upper floors to collapse, but leaving behind the lower floors, which obviously was not the case in point. Nor, did either building lean or fallover to its side as is the case in most very tall building collapses, they fell flat floorpancaking upon each other as if there were no supporting beams present on the lowers below the crash sites indicative of substantial structural integrity demolition preparation preceding the 9-11 events.4. firemen and police and building employees all heard loud popping sounds coming from the area of the huge underground basement as well as popping sounds on the floors above them as they escaped down the stairwells inside the building as the upper floors were burning from jetfuel. After the total controlled demolition of Bld towers 1 and II, there no large fragments of office equipment, building materials, and largebeams in the inner steel beam core were found to have cut using something like thermite, to cut the steel beams at a relative 45 degree angle. This obvious giveaway was observed by numerous highly skilled and educated engineers working on the demolition site after the fact.Molten steel was runnning into gutters in the basement, long after the bldgs collapsed, thus evoking a thought that it takes upwards of1800-2500 degrees temp to turn heavy steel beams into molten metal that will flow like at a steel making foundry.Barney 1961,Welcome to the forum. Your observations are very valid. Those towers certainly DID come down in the exact manner of a CONTROLLED DEMOLITION. They were a little over one hundred stories tall, and they both totally collapsed in roughly ten seconds. That's free fall speed. What do you think about the information regarding Israeli involvement in 9/11?Take a look at the information on this website. It's called ReDiscover 9/11

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:52 pm
by Bob
This is called buying friends... ... 020202Sort of what the corporations and lobbyists do to the American politicians.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:23 pm
by barney 1961
8/26/108/26/10Pasquale;I have no idea who formulated the destruction of Towers I and II in NY, however, this is private property owned by the NY Port Authority and leased long term to one, Larry Silverstein or Silverman, Jewish realtor cum laude, who had these buildings insured for 2 billion each, yes, 2 billion with a great big insurance policy for a $4,000,000,000 in total, now that's known as thebig "B." Now, if they were destroyed and deemed to be the result of one accident or incident, or unbroken chain of events, the insurers wouldbe facing a 4 billion payout, not bad pay for a couple of hours work. That is, if your personal moral compass and consciousness is lower thanwhale s--t. Also, let's not forget bld. III, which Silverstein ordered, over his office telephone to work crews, " to pull it." This meaning pullthe switch or push down on the switch, in demolition parlance, to bring bldg 3 to the ground the same as the two World Trade Centertwin towers over 100 stories. Bldg. III was owned or leased also by Silverstein or Silverman, cant really recall, they all look and sound aliketo this Anglo-Saxon patriot.Secondly, crews of expert demolition workers would have been required to degrade the integral structural safety measures in the engineeringand architectural processes, of building these twin towers of over 100 stories around the 1960's I think recalling stated as their age. This workperhaps could have been done during normal working hours, so long as the security personnel were either unaware of their objectives, or onthe contrary were part and parcel of the conspiracy. Me thinks, this was done during afternoon and night hours over many months of hardtedious labor, with intricate switches, control points, and wiring throughout the bldgs.Thirdly, yes the jet fuel burns at over 1500 degrees temp however most very flammable fuels burn off rapidly so how did they burn so longand so hotly to melt the steel beam inner core of the top floors to cause the top third to topple and pancake the bottom two thirds of thishuge and tall bldg. and it lands all within its own bldg. footprint as its called in demolition circles. Huge clouds of small debris was screwnfor blocks but nobody found a computer, chair, desk, coffe pot or urn, nada on anthing larger than your fist was discovered in the debrisfield and beyond tho some beams near the surface of the ground level were found twisted about and much debris fell into the deep subwayunderground garage and basement for bldg. utilities maintenace purposes. Go figure this out, accidental airplanes, foreign planes, not likely.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 6:38 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
The clips below are of Dr. Alan Sabrosky on a radio show. He was the Director Of Studies at the U.S. Army War College, and he said that the Israelis were behind 9/11. The clips are parts 1 through 6, and they are about 10 minutes long each. I'm not sure if he was a director of studies or THE Director of Studies at the U.S. Army War College. I'm splitting hairs here, but you get my point. ... I9AnizQ9kY

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 3:09 pm
by Bob
Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:The clips below are of Dr. Alan Sabrosky on a radio show. He was the Director Of Studies at the U.S. Army War College, and he said that the Israelis were behind 9/11. The clips are parts 1 through 6, and they are about 10 minutes long each. I'm not sure if he was a director of studies or THE Director of Studies at the U.S. Army War College. I'm splitting hairs here, but you get my point. ... izQ9kYVery interesting video Pasquale. 9/11 was just like the JFK assassination in many respects. There wasn't just one group responsible for the event. The groups involved had to work in tandem. But just like 11/22/1963, the events of 9/11 have been covered up by the U.S. government and also by the MSM.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 3:44 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Bob wrote:Very interesting video Pasquale. 9/11 was just like the JFK assassination in many respects. There wasn't just one group responsible for the event. The groups involved had to work in tandem. But just like 11/22/1963, the events of 9/11 have been covered up by the U.S. government and also by the MSM.Bob,I not only agree with you, but I'll go one better. I suspect that the same crew or circuit of organized, criminal power that was behind 9/11 was also probably behind the JFK assassination. I only suspect it.What was Jack Ruby's ethnicity or affiliation? Jewish. He was a Jewish gangster. Jack Rubenstein, right? Who gave Chauncey Holt his foot in the door with the CIA? Another Jewish gangster, Myer Lansky.Who filmed the JFK assassination? Another Jewish man, Zapruder.Who SUPPOSEDLY killed JFK's brother, RFK? A PALESTINIAN! I'm seeing a definite pattern here.