History lesson about money

JFK Assassination
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Rockefeller Foundation to join Gates....

Post by Pennyworth »

The Gates-Rockefeller Myth - Mises InstituteThe Ludwig von Mises Institute is the research and educational center of classical liberalism and the Austrian School of economics.http://www.mises.org/story/388 - 33k - Cached - Similar pages Gates, Rockefeller Charities Join to Fight African Hunger ...The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the world's richest charity, joined with the Rockefeller Foundation yesterday to launch a new development initiative ...http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 01384.html - Similar pages Gates, Rockefeller foundations target Africa - Africa - MSNBC.comThe Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation said Tuesday it is joining with the Rockefeller Foundation to fight hunger in Africa, beginning with a $100 million ...http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14805419/ - 40k - Cached - Similar pages Gates, Rockefeller charities to aid African farmers | Tech News on ...Gates, Rockefeller charities to aid African farmers | Foundations jointly pledge $150 million to improve agricultural development, productivity of ...news.zdnet.com/2100-9596_22-6115173.html - 31k - Sep 19, 2006 - Cached - Similar pages Gates and Rockefeller attack hunger in AfricaThe $150 million Gates-Rockefeller project, called the Alliance for a Green ... The Gates-Rockefeller push for an African Green Revolution does appear to ...seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/284913_greengates13.html - 33k - Cached - Similar pages Gates, Rockefeller foundations join to fight hunger in AfricaSEATTLE -- The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced Tuesday it was joining with the Rockefeller Foundation to fight hunger in Africa, beginning with a ...seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/6420AP_WA_Gates_Foundation_Hunger.html - 30k - Sep 20, 2006 - Cached - Similar pages Gates, Rockefeller Intend to Re-create Green Revolution for Africa ...The Washington Post reports this morning that the Gates and Rockefeller ... Let’s hope Gates and Rockefeller take the time to talk to some success stories ...http://www.nextbillion.net/blogs/2006/0 ... for-africa - 26k - Sep 20, 2006 - Cached - Similar pages The Seattle Times: Local News: Gates, Rockefeller charities take ...seattletimes.com: Northwest news and information from the Seattle Times. Daily local news, sports, arts and entertainment, and classified ads.seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2003256312_gates13.html - 40k - Cached - Similar pages NPR : Gates, Rockefeller Foundation Turn to Feeding AfricaBill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation announced Tuesday that they are joining forces to help reduce hunger in Africa. Guests explore how agriculture ...http://www.npr.org/templates/story/stor ... 2&ft=1&f=5 - Similar pages Reuters AlertNet - Gates, Rockefeller charities to aid African farmersAlertNet provides news, information and analysis for everyone interested in emergency relief. AlertNet is run by Reuters Foundation.http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/N12366564.htm - 60k - Cached - Similar pages
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Post by Pennyworth »

I hear the war(s) are costing around the trillion mark now, weakening America's (save the war profiteers) economy, and further weakening the peoples power....
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Post by Pennyworth »

How Much is a Billion Dollars?

It is difficult to visualize just how many dollars there are in $1 billion. The politicians who are spending fortunes in government money make it sound as though they are dealing in smaller numbers by removing quite a few digits. For example, Bush's budget deficit, which at the time of this writing is $422,000,000,000 is more simply stated as $422 billion.

To put it in a different perspective, a billion is a thousand million.

To place it in a better perspective, a billion seconds ago, it was the year1959.

Humans first learned to write 252 billion seconds ago.

A billion minutes ago, Jesus was alive.

A billion hours ago, our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.

A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate Washington spends it.

How Much is a Trillion Dollars?

A trillion dollars is even more incomprehensible. A trillion is a thousand billion.

One trillion seconds equals 1,688 years.

The oldest known human was alive 110 trillion seconds ago.

The US National Debt at the time of this writing is $8,538,579,172,593 or more simply stated: $8.5 trillion. The number is so large that the $1.75 billion this debt is increasing per day seems miniscule by comparison.

So, the next time you hear a politician casually use the words "billion" or "trillion" think about whether you really want that politician spending your tax money.

We Need a Regime Change --- in Washington
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Excerpt : Texas Text

Post by Pennyworth »

Hello everyone,

I took this post from NEW WORLD ORDER...it also appropriately fits here...it got no reponse; I was surprised ..I thought that maybe no one read it.....I think its important for the board members to read this ..also coming up soon I will post an article on a confession by by LBJ's mistresss..

Text from Radical Right


The relevant material is presented in this book. The meaning of this is that there was a domestic political conspiracy to kill President Kennedy to prevent his re-election, to prevent the imminent arrest of Vice-President Lyndon Baines Johnson, the subject of major investigations in Congress and in Texas on murder charges and many criminal charges in the Billie Sol Estes and Bobby Baker scandals and other crimes, and to prevent the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Vietnam--in fact to reverse the entire direction of Kennedy's conservative financial management, the pending détente with Cuba and the Soviet Union, and liberalizing polices of a Centrist President. Johnson not only avoided imprisonment, but then became president and led the country into a disastrous war which saw America suffer and ignominious defeat and withdrawal. The only winners were the war profiteers, and Johnson's Texas backers, who stood to lose immense power if Kennedy dropped Johnson from the ticket in 1964. It is not rational that the cover-up of the facts in Kennedy's murder were fabricated to mask the mistakes of federal agencies, as some maintain, or problems created for them by the assassination and Lee Harvey Oswald's employment as a government agent. The nature of the cover-up left only Oswald as the accused lone assassin, and hides the fact that there were more shots--and therefore more gunmen--and shots from other directions than from the sixth floor window of the school book building. In fact, it is unlikely that any shots at all were fired from that window.

It is Texas and its Radical Rightists that Americans must fear. Texas extremism is very dangerous to the United States and the World, and has sought to control both since 1900, when oil gave it the money and power to take over the direction of America. Texas is not very loyal to America, but is loyal primarily to itself. Texas was an independent nation for a time, and it arrogantly teaches its youth patriotism to the state--with the implication that the State of Texas comes above even the United States itself. Texas harbors the most extreme and powerful Rightists in the nation, Rightists who hate the United Nations and the liberal sentiment of the large Center Majority of America. Texas often controlled America, even rich Easterners such as the Rockefellers, whose money came to be rooted in the East Texas oil fields. The principal backers of President Eisenhower were the independent oil men of Texas, who bought him his retirement farm. They lost that control when John Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon and Henry Cabot Lodge in 1960, and regained it when they killed Kennedy in 1963. From Johnson through Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush and his son, George W. Bush, Texas remains a threat, looking after its own interests, and sometimes crushing or killing anyone who gets in their way, including President Kennedy. The Radical Rightists have captured a puppet and use him to drive their hidden agenda forward. Their puppet president speaks from both sides of his mouth, telling any and every lie to get what he wants while the raping of America continues at a rapid pace. The Middle Class and all the progress of generations is being destroyed, while we are propelled into an impoverished Police State soon to drown in class warfare. The Rightists control this nation through fear, intimidation, deliberate sabotage of the economy, massive manipulation of the political process, illegal and unconstitutional elections, out of control local police and corrupt officials, and money. The World trembles in the face of a lost and irrational, dangerous super power, rattling its sabers, napalming and smart bombing countless children and their mothers to kill a targeted enemy--the greatest of all the pirate and terrorist nations that the world has ever known arrogating to itself the near unilateral attack and invasion of any handy target where money can be made with defense contracts and reconstruction deals paid for with money extorted from the helpless public and defeated enemies first bombed almost into extinction. Stirring up the Indians is an old game, then fighting them and letting the war contracts for supplies, arms, and reconstruction. The people always pay. We drop Castro and his men and CIA handlers like Frank Sturgis (of Watergate fame) into the jungles of Cuba and many countries of the world and instigate rebellions in the name of democracy, and then intervene. Interventionism and adventurism is our old game and that of the great nations for millennia. Cynical is the word for it, and it is as old as time. So much for national sovereignty and the advance of international law in an increasingly dangerous world. Oh, well, these aren't very old ideas anyway. The people of this nation are oppressed, and it is time to face the reasons why. Our oppression most recently began with the assassination of President Kennedy by rich and powerful Texans.

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Sign of the Times...

Post by Pennyworth »

The Red Pegasus is becoming a horse of a different color... "Ashes to ashes dust to dust,It looks like this old warhorse is going to rust."
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Response To Paul Pennyworth:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Paul Pennyworth,

I just read your post on billions and trillions of dollars, etc.

Paul, absolutely brilliant. I intend to use this.

This article really makes you think about politicians using and abusing our tax dollars.

Doesn't appear that we are getting our money's worth now, does it ?

Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Re: Sign of the Times...

Post by Pennyworth »

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Re: Response To Paul Pennyworth:

Post by Pennyworth »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Dear Mr. Paul Pennyworth,I just read your post on billions and trillions of dollars, etc.Paul, absolutely brilliant. I intend to use this.This article really makes you think about politicians using and abusing our tax dollars.Doesn't appear that we are getting our money's worth now, does it ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.

Thank You It feels good to be appreciated And I am really glad I found this forum.. a million thanks to Wim and also the rest of the participants of this board.

I was just wondering...how much money does the whole world have??
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Re: Sign of the Times...

Post by Pennyworth »

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Post by Pennyworth »

Casino mogul Steve Wynn, who climbed to No. 215 from No. 377 last year, saw the largest percentage increase in wealth — a 100% jump to $1.3 billion from $650 million. Last year's biggest dollar gainer, Amazon's Jeff Bezos, received the less-coveted title of biggest dollar loser this year with an $800 million drop. Las Vegas' Steven Wynn, who had a new casino on the LVstrip, egotistically named 'Wynn" (a huge brown building designed after a Dallas Bank building; the inside boasts coveted photo images of himself atop the slot machines and kitschy lamps strewn unstrategically in places around the casino..looks like someone is running out of creative theme like ideas. ) ,HAS AN EVEN NEWER CASINO IN MACAU CHINA where they serve cat dog AND HAS appointed Las VEGAS'S OWN jACK bINION AS MANAGER Wynn reported that he knew Jack from way back at the Horseshoe when he was across the street as owner of the Golden Nugget. He said he needs a real smart guy like Jack to run operations. If Wynn thinks recent las vegas casino license loser Jack is smart, I am wondering how smart he is .. Actually Steve doesn't HAVE to be smart. He make his wealth on 'junk bonds' got lucky, and can hire people to do his thinking for him.The blind leading the blind? Steve Wynn does have a seeing disability. Like Bozo the clown, Wynn recently made news when he bought a Picasso for around 140 million, then put his elbow through it while he was displaying it. ( coming up). Who knows? maybe its a publicity stunt. More to come...