JFK Assassination
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Re: RE

Post by Pennyworth »

R Croxford wrote:People do not want to be reminded of the shit world they live in so they try and hide it of course. People say the homeless deserve it because they are lazy.HA! not all of them. What about the little old lady with mental illness? Why! What about the little old man with mental illness?Why! One way or another society created all of them. We might not like it but we damn sure need to deal with it. If the people of this country cannot stand to see the pitiful and downtrodded then send them to an island made just for them. We can jail some ungodly number of men in prison but just cannot seem to make room in a medical ward for the insane of this country. WTF. That is part of the truth P. They cannot hide.Peace
Yes, and also some of these old people aren't mentally ill.. some are also teenagers and young people and middle aged also ...there is a homeless helpless housing crisis in America and the World today...
Bro, I am fishing for that article you posted about the ashkenazi rothschilds..where can it be???
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From Holocaust Enyclopedia...

Post by Pennyworth »

Full transcript
The gas chamber was also a hall just like this one, with two chutes, two, uh, like chimneys going all the way to the top, with perforated metal. Had holes about a quarter of an inch all around, all four corners, and it was two or three sheets of metal, one into the other with holes. That chute went all the way up to the roof, which was almost flat to the ground outside. That's where the SS men were standing as soon as the bunker was filled in, yeah wait a minute.... When they filled in the bunker with all the women they put the men in. And sometimes they had 20 or 30 extra people that they couldn't get in, so they always held back children. And when the bunker was already so filled they couldn't put no more people, no more...they made the kids crawl on the top of the heads, all the way in there, just kept on pushing them in, to fill them all in. When the door was slammed behind them, was a thick door, was about six inches thick. I built it myself and I know what it's like: three bolts, three iron bars were across. The bars were laid over and then screwed tight. The men, the SS men were standing outside with a Red Cross wagon and they had the gas can...cans in the truck, in the ambulance. He put a mask on, had to put a mask on, tore the lid off of the gas...of the...of the, um, the gas canister, threw it down the chute, through the chimney into the gas chamber. The crematorium two and...and three had two gas chutes. And as soon as he threw the gas in he slammed the lid shut, so the gas wouldn't escape. And all you could hear is one loud sound, "Shema..." [the Jewish declaration of faith] and that was all. And that took about five to ten minutes. In the door they had a little peephole with four or five layers of glass in between, and it was with bars so nobody could break the glass through. And when they turned on the light into the bunker, you could see whether the people were already dead or not.
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Anti-NWO site...

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Central Africa: Darfur Crisis Snowballing Across Central Afr

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Central Africa: Darfur Crisis Snowballing Across Central AfricaThe East African (Nairobi)ANALYSISApril 3, 2007Posted to the web April 3, 2007Kenro Oshidari, And Felix BamezonNairobiCrouched in a filthy camp in Darfur, Hawa Hamed, 25, tells a tragic but all-too-familiar story. Three months ago, her village was attacked by an Arab militia. Her hut was burnt and several of her relatives killed. "They came like a storm," she said.She and her husband managed to escape with their infant daughter, walking for days through the desert with thousands of others. But Hawa's experience has one major difference that sets her apart from most of the two million others living in camps in Darfur. She is from Chad, not Sudan. When she fled from her persecutors across a dry river bed in the desert, she crossed an international border, making her a refugee, not an internally displaced person.Nomads have traditionally moved back and forth between Sudan and Chad in search of water and pasture for their livestock. But in the context of the four-year-old Darfur conflict, Hawa's flight across an invisible line in the trackless sands of Central Africa marks a new and deeply troubling development.The Darfur crisis is no longer confined to Sudan. It has burst into neighboring Chad and even into the wild northwest of the Central African Republic (CAR). Today, Janjaweed attacks don't happen only in Darfur's badlands. Last year, rebel fighters, backed by Arab militia, mounted a major offensive against the government in eastern Chad, where the United Nations estimates that 110,000 residents are now homeless, double the number from a year ago.CAR, too, is gripped by rebellion and it is estimated that a quarter of a million people have recently been displaced by insecurity across the north of the country. To escape the chaos, tens of thousands of civilians are now criss-crossing borders, running from one conflict zone into another.Refugees are not a new phenomenon to the Darfur conflict. More than 220,000 Sudanese have languished in camps in Chad since their villages were destroyed by the Janjaweed in 2003/2004.Meanwhile, continued displacements from CAR into Chad have brought the number of refugees to close to 50,000. Such is the security vacuum, Chadians like Hawa, and Darfur "returnees," are actually seeking asylum in Darfur, of all places.All together, more than three million people now rely on food aid in Darfur, eastern Chad and northeastern CAR. To avoid a human catastrophe, hundreds of thousands of tonnes of grain will be shipped to the region and trucked to a remote, war-torn area that lies at the furthest geographical point from the sea on the continent. If appeals for donations are realised, the combined cost of the three-country operation will be more than $600 million in 2007.Securing funds isn't the only problem WFP faces in meeting this daunting challenge. The same security vacuum that threatens lives across the region is also stopping WFP from doing its job. When hostility flares up, humanitarian access is often cut, depriving hundreds of thousands of access to food.After a wave of violence that left 12 humanitarian workers in Darfur dead, 14 UN agencies were recently moved to issue a joint public warning that the line could not be held much longer.In Chad, all non-emergency aid operations in the east have been cancelled for over four months, while in CAR access to the worst affected areas is restricted by insecurity and poor transport infrastructure.Relevant Links East Africa North Africa Sudan Conflict, Peace and Security Human Rights Now the spread of the conflict into Chad and CAR threatens to destabilise much of Africa's heart, putting hundreds of thousands more in harm's way. The looming crisis across the three countries confronts WFP, indeed all humanitarian organisations and aid workers, with a challenge rarely seen. Should security across the region continue to deteriorate, possibly denying life-saving relief to millions, the international community could be faced with a situation that spins so completely out of control that it will eventually spiral beyond help.While the world presses for a political solution to the conflict, with UN peacekeepers proposed for all three countries, aid workers must be guaranteed access to the region to ensure that sorely needed relief continues to flow. It is up to the political stakeholders to provide those guarantees. Otherwise, countless more innocent people might be ensnared in the same terrible trap as Hamed, forced to flee one battlefield, only to be caught in another.Kenro Oshidari is chief of WFP operations in Sudan; Felix Bamezon heads WFP operations in Chad-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 2007 The East African. All rights reserved. Distributed by AllAfrica Global Media ( Click here to contact the copyright holder directly for corrections -- or for permission to republish or make other authorized use of this material. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AllAfrica aggregates and indexes content from over 125 African news organizations, plus more than 200 other sources, who are responsible for their own reporting and views. Articles and commentaries that identify as the publisher are produced or commissioned by AllAfrica. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Hopes Fade in Darfur...

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Billy Boggs
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Re: RE

Post by Billy Boggs »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:R Croxford wrote: I am fishing for that article you posted about the ashkenazi rothschilds..where can it be???

Dont know if this is the one your thinking of.. ... schild.htm
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Re: RE

Post by Pennyworth »

Billy Boggs wrote:Paul Pennyworth wrote:R Croxford wrote: I am fishing for that article you posted about the ashkenazi rothschilds..where can it be???

Dont know if this is the one your thinking of.. ... schild.htm[/quotNo sorry thats not the one....this article talked about the Baer familythat changed thier name to Rothschild etc; the Red Shield (Rothschilds) the red hexagram with 6 points (666) that was placed outside their businesses), the Russian alledged assimilated Jews that called themselves Askenazi... The article spoke of these people in a conspircay plot to take over Israel....
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Re: DARFUR......

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:

John Rockefeller | Darfur ScorecardView Sen. John Rockefeller's grade on the Darfur scorecard. Congress declared Darfur a genocide in 2004, yet this scorecard shows that a large majority of ... - 14k - Cached - Similar pages

Council Special Report: Darfur and Beyond - Council on Foreign ...Council Special Report: Darfur and Beyond ... The David Rockefeller Studies Program is the Council’s “think tank.â€
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Writings of Lyndon LaRouche on Genocide....

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Lyndon LaRouche's Executive Intelligence ReviewThe New Environmentalist Eugenics: Al Gore's Green Genocide (PDF) ... CULT OF THE OLIGARCHY The Gore of Babylon by Lyndon LaRouche ... - 60k - Cached - Similar pages

EIR's Record on the Front Man of the Global Warming Hoax: The Gore ..."Al Gore and Adolf Hitler," by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. (Vol. ... "Gore's Genocide Policy Could Sink Campaign," by Scott Thompson and Michele Steinberg (Vol. ... ... _gore.html - 17k - Cached - Similar pages
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Lyndon LaRouche Political Action Committee04/08/07 - LaRouche PAC Event: Is Al Gore's “Scientific Consensusâ€