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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 7:53 am
by barney 1961
Pasquale; thanks for the photo image tip, it worked fine, now if I can just locaate the pictures saved from a YouTube Video of these scenes which were quite graphic.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:00 am
by barney 1961
Pasquale; more photos from this YouTube site of the WTC implosion scene, that brought down all three towers. Thermite and white phosphorus mixture cuts thru strongsteel beams like a hot knife thru a plate of cold butter.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:09 am
by barney 1961
Pasquale; more photos . Hope you guys get the picture here, it aint the planes that did this demo job, not on you life or ass as they say down here.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 3:56 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
barney 1961 wrote:Pasquale; more photos from this YouTube site of the WTC implosion scene, that brought down all three towers. Thermite and white phosphorus mixture cuts thru strongsteel beams like a hot knife thru a plate of cold butter.For the rest of you who may not be well versed in this subject, take a look at this picture. What I see is debris thrown of like explosives going off.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 3:58 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
barney 1961 wrote:Pasquale; thanks for the photo image tip, it worked fine, now if I can just locaate the pictures saved from a YouTube Video of these scenes which were quite graphic.Note the angled slicing of those steel beams. It's just like a controlled demolition. Also note the molten metal on the angled-cut steel beam. It's so obvious.

Real Plane Crashes/Research On 9/11

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:16 pm
by kenmurray
Rosalee Grable/ Kevin Barrett on the Real Deal with James Fetzer: ... rrett.html

Kurt Sonnenfeld

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:22 pm
by kenmurray
An Inconvenient Witness For The Persecution:

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:01 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Here is some very interesting information regarding the holocaust and some exaggerations put out by, you know who. It shows David Irving giving a very good lesson. on David Irving. He studied Hitler and addresses such issues as how the holocaust is used by some as a way of getting what they want. ... QgMtRII'll post more links later, but among the things he says is that there is not one document directly linking Hitler to the Holocaust. He also says that journalists are not brave and that Americans need to fight to protect our First Amendment rights, because in some countries it is actually a crime to deny or question the holocaust.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:52 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
More on David Irving. Here are another two parts of the same video/speech that David Irving gave.Some of the interesting things he says are below. I'm paraphrasing and not quoting him.He mentions that if Jews were killed in concentration camps, it was not a crime because they were Jews but because they were INNOCENT Jews or INNOCENT people. He says that it was not their Jewishness that made it a crime. He goes on to say that the Jewish Community doesn't want that definition of it and that is why they invented the term genocide (the killing of a race) because that's where they make money out of it. He reasons that if you enlarge the concept of who was killed in prison camps in WWII into the killing of ANY innocent people, then all sorts of people qualify too. He gives examples of German civilians being killed, Japanese civilians being killed, American troops in Japanese prison camps, etc. He further says that all sorts of INNOCENT people, who were not Jewish, suffered nameless horrors in WWII, but they largely haven't been able to claim a nickel for it.He further says that the term Genocide is useful, to those who throw it around, because it limits the list of those who are entitled to the MONEY. As an example, he says that American taxpayers give billions of dollars to the state of Israel because we are somehow made to feel guilty about their "genocide" by the media. Anyone who complains about it is labeled an anti-semite.He further questions what really happened at the Auschwitz prison camp. He said that the number of those killed was revised from 4 million to about 1 million but that the number that is still thrown around is still 6 million. He also says that the Auschwitz prison camp was tested by an American gas chamber expert and that there was NO trace of poison gas found in the walls or any of the brickwork or fabric of the structures there except for the brickwork found in one little gas chamber where there was a LOT of cyanide gas residue or traces found. That one little gas chamber was used to dis-infest clothing from lice and such. ... 12EmDG_WC4

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:18 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
I'm beginning to wonder about Alex Jones. In the audio clip below he says the following.“I have not jumped on the bandwagon that Israel carried out 9/11…”Then he says. "I know Israel stages terror attacks," and that Israel got caught creating fake Al Qaeda groups and staging bombings.He also says that he knows that there are or were right wing Israeli settlers who have staged bombings and blamed them on Arabs and Palestinians. He then says that he realizes that there are real suicide bombers, but that the “high intensity” attacks are carried out by Mossad or other related Israeli entities. Jones then says that he interviewed a Sheriff who witnessed the “dancing Israelis” on 9/11 and that they were clearly Israeli intelligence assets. He then said that the White House pulled strings and had those Israelis released. After all he said above, he comes to the grand conclusion of..."But that doesn’t mean Israel carried out the attack" (meaning the 9/11 attacks). HUH? Alex Jones says the Arabs (not Jews or Zionist Jews) own Hollywood.'s interesting to me. Yeah, when I think of Hollywood and media moguls, I think of Arabs...NOT! LOL