Gary Marlow

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Wim - As I have said before numerous times, Jimmy made Two (2) Major Interviews:1. 1993, Confessions Of An Assassin for Bob Vernon and MPI Video, and2. 2003, Files On JFK, interviewed by Jim Marrs.After that, Jimmy has drawn a Line In The Sand. He has never made another Interview as everybody worldwide knows. He stands on those Two (2) Major Interviews for now.Since 2003 Jimmy has been engrossed working confidentially on his own projects, steadfastly.I have said numerous times that at Jimmy's request I will confirm or deny nothing outside of those Two (2) Major Interviews. The JFK Research Community has enough to play with and confuse, don't they ?In addition, Jimmy and I have been very annoyed since 2003 at the inconsequential effort to academically and intellectually promote or market his interviews in the U.S.A. You and I have had this discussion numerous times over the years concerning this very issue, have we not ? And nothing has ever been done intelligently, or professionally in the U.S.A. to date, has it ?Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by ChristophMessner »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote: .... The JFK Research Community has enough to play with and confuse, don't they ? ... Dear Mr. Brychek, a very telling remark by you! As if the JFK research community would be a herd of dogs a king of assassination knowledge would throw bones at just as he wants. The assassination of a nation's elected president: a matter of private opinions of some marksmen and their friends ... Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote: In addition, Jimmy and I have been very annoyed since 2003 at the inconsequential effort to academically and intellectually promote or market his interviews in the U.S.A. You and I have had this discussion numerous times over the years concerning this very issue, have we not ? And nothing has ever been done intelligently, or professionally in the U.S.A. to date, has it ? So the intelligence failure is with the intelligence of the Netherlands only, because it's the job of the Netherlands to teach the USA to solve their assassinations and market the according inside knowledge properly?
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Christoph Hans Messner, and Fellow JFK Forum Members:Chris - I wish you and everybody the Very Best, Always.I will not confirm or deny anything. I have been clear on this since Jimmy drew a Line In The Sand in 2003.Agree with me.Disagree with me.Like me.Don't like me.Perhaps you and others could actually try to really do something positive, rather than criptic, sarcastic emails from the safety of Germany.Chris -You run on as usual, putting words out that I did not say. Who of you has helped Wim Dankbaar ? Did I say that I fault Wim, or is that your arrogant, bombastic interpretation as per your usual ?Write your own articles and books. Nobody is stopping you, are they ?Chris -You always have something to say. How soon can we expect a professional publication from you ?Chris - Publish something actually academic, intelligent, and professional that might support Wim, instead of your simple, low level, self serving, inflated, inconsequential rants and raves.Chris - I couldn't help but notice that you agreed with a polite, previous observation that I tendered about you Getting A Life.All The Best.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by dankbaar »

Bruce, I understand from your statement below that you are annoyed that Jimmy's interviews have not been marketed intelligently or professionally in the USA. Your statement is in my pocket. With the additional question why you, as the best living friend of James Files, who visits him weekly, would blame it on me, rather than yourself, that Jimmy's interviews "have not been marketed intelligently or professionally in the USA"? Is your gratitude that I have defended the integrity of his story and his name, still valid? In addition, Jimmy and I have been very annoyed since 2003 at the inconsequential effort to academically and intellectually promote or market his interviews in the U.S.A. You and I have had this discussion numerous times over the years concerning this very issue, have we not ? And nothing has ever been done intelligently, or professionally in the U.S.A. to date, has it ?Comments ?Since you didn't answer, could or would you want to address the questions I asked? For clarity I will repeat them again: Bruce,Just to remind me, what is your opinion on the veracity of James Files?Am I correct in noting that you are feeding Barney's suggestion that the man with sunglasses here: in fact Michael Corbitt? And not Gary Marlow, also pictured with James here: your entry below of April 27 1999, were you referring to Corbitt, who died juli 27, 2004, or to Gary Marlow who died april 2, 2007? Dallas Patrolman J.D. Tippit's shooter recently dies: by Bruce Patrick Brychek on Fri Apr 27, 2007 9:39 pm Dear Mr. Wim Dankbaar, and Fellow JFK Forum Members, FOR THE RECORD: Dallas Patrolman J. D. Tippit's shooter has recently died. Tippit was not killed by Lee Harvey Oswald as was/is claimed by the U.S. Government, the U.S. News Media, and last but not least, The Warren Commission Report. The shooter was in route to meet, and kill Lee Harvey Oswald at the Texas Theatre where Oswald had been directed to go by his CIA handler, David Atlee Phillips, who was also James E. Sutton's CIA handler. David Atlee Phillips, Sam Giancana, and Charles Nicoletti all probably had some knowledge, which can not be quantified at this point in time. At his request, prior to his death, to protect his wife, and family, he has requested that his name never be released. Respectfully, Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by ChristophMessner »

Dear Mr. Brychek, thanks for your rapid answer. Please see that I deliberately teased you to pull more important info out of your nose and I did not do that for the sake of teasing or blowing myself up, but because I think the assassination of a president and it's case-solving is not a private issue. I hope you and Jimmy understand that on that day not only a private person was killed but it was an assassination on the meaning of national presidency as such. Now, it IS arrogant of me to say "hope you understand" to you, but I do also hope, that you and Jimmy will forgive me, because this case is so so so conflicted, interesting, telling, touching important questions on ALL levels, including the questions, whether in the end friendship - and especially your friendship to Jimmy - is more important than ALL political-juridical principles or story marketing gains. Please believe me, I have full respect for you protecting Jimmy from any further malady and to judge the JFK research group as a herd of illguided dogs who don't know anything about the real procedures of honor in the chains of command. You know from history books that throughout centuries inside the power elite often friendships were sacrificed, because the either thought killing the powerful friend would be a necessary sacrifice for the better of the society on the whole or just many many people. In my "politically educated" judgement, the sacrifice of you and Jimmy to just get the truth out to the public, would be legitimate, because the private interests of two people do not rank above the public interest of many people. BUT: this sacrifice would cause BIG heart and bowels ache inside of me and in the end I am not quite sure, whether I would be really right with my judgement and whether the only one who can really judge is the powerful himself, the assassin or the president, who HAD all the power ergo knowledge repectively non-power ergo non-knowledge in the moment the trigger was pulled. So funnily as correct as you are with your comments on me, as unimportant they are compared to the question of your and Jimmy's fairness towards Wim and his judgement and efforts for public interests. And it's not only towards Wim, it is towards the whole group in the society which tries to change something about the corruption level everywhere. On the other hand I would nod in bitter agreement with you, if you would say, that neither the society nor the "truthers" or "intellectuals" amongst it do really appreciate Jimmy's interviews enough. Anyway I think you and Jimmy could do more for Wim. Respectfully and always listening to "Don't worry, be happy" from Bobby McFerrin and liking Willie Nelson, Christoph Messner
barney 1961
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by barney 1961 »

Members; damned if I am not sorry for ever mentioning one, Michael Jerome Corbitt, who may have had nothing at all to do with theshooting of Officer Tippitt or anyone else for that matter.
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by dankbaar »

Bruce , You end every post with the invitation for comments....Wim Dankbaar knows me personally, and flew to Chicago, Illinois many years ago, several times to meet with me personally, face to face, to first authenticate and investigate me, as I did him, and then we became true friends. Because of pressures known only to us, we sometimes argue as brothers. But I have the greatest respect and admiration for Wim. Further, Jimmy and I support Wim's efforts to maintain the dignity of Jimmy's interviews at great personal sacrifice to Wim. We support no other commercial website. Here are my unsalted comments: Michael Corbitt has indeed nothing to do with the killing of Tippit. You know that, as you know that the guy with James on the photo, was Gary Marlow. and confirmed by Files. Yet you are dancing around the issue and actually blowing smoke by charming up Barney's thesis on Michael Corbitt. The question who the guy is on the picture with Files is a past station. The question has become: Could Gary Marlow have been the killer of J.D. Tippit as Files says? You're simply playing games with the truth here, that even James Files has no trouble to confirm. When I call you upon it, you don't answer, citing annoyance, dissapointment and being fed up with the subject since 2003. Plus you don't care what everyone says or thinks. Well, if you don't care, why would you be dissapointed, annoyed or angry? Why would you still participate in the discussions? Why would you support, respect or admire anything? Your continuing defense of the veracity and integrity of James FIles, who is your best living friend, also tells a different story. Wim
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by dankbaar »

Faith Files, the ex wife of James with whom he has a daughter, was first married to J.D. Marlow, Gary Marlow's brother. Not that it would be necessary, the pictures I have already make the ID undeniable, but Faith has also identified the guy in the picture with James as her former brother in law. From 2003 interview: W – The picture of you with the guy that did Tippit, where was that taken?JF – New Orleans.W – New Orleans?JF – Yeah, New Orleans.W – In 1961?JF – No, that was in 1962, late ’62.W- Were you 21 at that time?JF – No, 20.
barney 1961
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by barney 1961 »

wim; your expertise on this subject is wonderfully developed. I agree, that the photos of a man, allegedly Gary Eugene Marlow, of Conyers,Ga. is the photos of the same man, but at different ages slightly. The facial and neck features are identical, tho the hair is somewhatdifferent.
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Re: Gary Marlow

Post by dankbaar »

Files once stated that Marlow had dark black hair, jet black, and wavy, and that all the women loved to dance with him as he was a great dancer and loved to dance whenever the occasion presented itselfHuh? When and where and to whom did he state that? Wim