November 22

JFK Assassination
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Re: November 22

Post by Pennyworth »

Pennyworth wrote:“Lancer was President Kennedy’s Secret Service code name,” Debra Conway, who heads the Lancer group, told the Dealey Plaza crowd the morning after McClelland’s speech. “We thought that would be a wonderful and unique way of saying we don’t want secrets anymore. ... So JFK Lancer became our standard and our name, and we are open-document activists.”Griggs looks forward to the day “when we won’t be here on the 22nd of November. We will have solved this thing and it will have gone away. This is the 46th anniversary—“Lancer was President Kennedy’s Secret Service code name,” Debra Conway, who heads the Lancer group, told the Dealey Plaza crowd the morning after McClelland’s speech. “We thought that would be a wonderful and unique way of saying we don’t want secrets anymore. ... So JFK Lancer became our standard and our name, and we are open-document activists.”Griggs looks forward to the day “when we won’t be here on the 22nd of November. We will have solved this thing and it will have gone away. This is the 46th anniversary—46 years—and we still don’t know. When is it going to end?” ... 208.html46 years—and we still don’t know. When is it going to end?”PP: Do these people read this board?. WE DO HAVE THE ANSWER HERE as to who done it..
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: November 22

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Paul Pennyworth:Paul - Another contribution of yours that I could not agree with more. Good information, and a great point, as you often do.To a degree I have very strongly come to believe that many Americans are apathetic and intellectually lazy. The Silent American Majority Syndrome ?However, I still think that there is more to it, and I can't put my finger on it to my satisfaction. Paul, what do you think ?Comments ?Best Regards, Always.Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
Dealey Joe
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Re: November 22

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bruce abd PaulOne thing I might mention for your consideration is the fact that I have noticed the more intelectual (I will call them)think they have all the answers and will absolutely not accept anything as fact from anyone else.Or if they don't have a clue they don't want anyone to suspect it.I am not sure how this fits in but I think it does.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: November 22

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Joe "Dealey Joe" Hall:Joe, I so strongly and deeply agree with you that I will share with you where some of my personal interest Research and Study have taken me. I have pulled out my college copies of the works of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, and my Philosophy of Law, and Philosophy of Man Notes.I have been re-reading Plato's Republic, with very strong interest in his concepts about the three (3) classes of people, i.e.:1. The Guardians,2. The Workers, and 3. The Warriors.Good Stuff. I may need to edit my above terminology. Anybody who has recently read The Republic, before I get further into it, is more than welcome to either guide me, and improve my observations, or give m their perspectives. I am seriously interested in hearing from any JFK Forum Member who follows my line of thought, and analysis.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Re: November 22

Post by ChristophMessner »

Dear Mr. Brychek, you have chosen the very best literature! In Platon's politeia - subtitle: "or about justice" you will find his idealized vision of the ideal community of about 5000 people. The correct translation of the word "politeia" is not city, but community. In his later life he realized, that his idealized version of a politeia would hardly ever work, because the philosophers who adviced the guardians about wrong and right would never find an agreement and they and the guardians or kings or aristocratic ruling class would always remain selfish or biased or corruptable and would therefore turn too easily into the worst dictators. So Platon wrote the "nomoi" which is "the laws" and this is his even more important message to the world, which lays the basis for every modern state of law. I strongly recommend to you and James Files to read the nomoi and as much further dialogues of Platon as possible, if you want to promote to knowledge about the difference between America (hidden law: omerta) and Europe (open law: transparance). Or do you think silence is golden in Europe as well? All the best, Christoph Messner
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: November 22

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Christoph Hans Messner:Thank You for your highly intelligent, timely response. You are also an outstanding contributor to the JFK Forum.Right after I wrote my Post I was afraid that I might be viewed as drinking too much of something.My Research, Reading, and Study seem to indicate that no matter how well we evolve and develop technologically,at least our American society seems to follow a certain formula that is almost predictable.Christoph, I am so sincere in my beliefs that I have begun simultaneously re-studying The Ancient Greek Classics,and authors, especially Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. I am reviewing my class notes on Philosophy of Law, andPhilosophy of Man. My focus follows Philosophy of Man along with apparent consistencies in Plato's Level of analysis. Am I on point here ?Right now I am first more focused on Plato's works, and development, particularly The Republic.Christoph, I know that you are very analytical, and a powerful thinker. Pam Ray has sent me all of your correspondence, and so has Jimmy Files. I actually have, receive, and read all of Jimmy's property and mail, from death threatsto requests for "Confidential Interviews." As far as you, I profiled you as an Intellectually Honest, Highly Analytical,Deeply Probative Thinker, who is well educated, extremely well read, and a sincere human being, who possessesgreat respect for others, and does not like to waste time. Your level of comprehension, and expression in more than one language very much impresses me, as it did when I met Wim Dankbaar.Christoph, I invite your analysis of my choice of The Republic. and my original simplified comparisons to the make-up andclass structure of Ancient Greece vs. Contemporary America.Christoph, do you see the point that I am focused on ? Am I wording this well enough ? Attach shortcomings to me.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Re: November 22

Post by ChristophMessner »

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Re: November 22

Post by ChristophMessner »

Dear Mr. Brychek, thanks for your kind words. Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote: My Research, Reading, and Study seem to indicate that no matter how well we evolve and develop technologically, at least our American society seems to follow a certain formula that is almost predictable. Amerika is like the spear top of the European thinking, it's like the experiment field for "philosophers" who test, how far humans are capable in any field. It's the pioneers field behind the safe ditch of the European money aristocracy confronting every imaginable task: how far can we go? Aristoteles divided into 5 major aspects of truth (which is actually aletheuein = truthing (verbally): episteme (science), techne (arts, skills, apparati), nous (reflection while observing with all senses), phroneses (practical reasonableness, gathering useful virtues by active fulfilling of duty, collecting life experience while debating possible solutions with others) and philosophy (strive for wisdom, listening to the wise ones). It's interesting to see, that techne is only one part of five and that the logos (language and rhetoric and mathematical skills) is not named explicitly and therefore techne + logos = technology is not the thing, which leads the humans to the important parts of the truth. Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote: Hans, I am so sincere in my beliefs that I have begun simultaneously re-studying The Ancient Greek Classics, and authors, especially Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. I am reviewing my class notes on Philosophy of Law, andPhilosophy of Man. My focus follows Philosophy of Man along with apparent consistencies in Plato's Level of analysis. Am I on point here ? My experience with studiing the classical philosophers and having the priviledge to learn directly from one of the best teachers we have (Arno Baruzzi) and have had (Karl Jaspers) in Germany here is, that it is absolutely good and necessary to do so, if you want to free yourself from seeing no solutions or having only emotional solutions which are illegal, but it's also misleading for those, who can't keep their own way of thinking and distance themselves from everything including the ancient philosophers. There is a say in philosophy, I think Whitehead said it, "All philosophy past Platon is only a footnote to Platon.", but it's also true that some contemporary philosophers of Platon told their fellows: "Better give yourself the rope than reading Platon!"Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:Right now I am first more focused on Plato's works, and development, particularly The Republic. ... Hans, I invite your analysis of my choice of The Republic. and my original simplified comparisons to the make-up andclass structure of Ancient Greece vs. Contemporary America. The clue is, that you will never have a true politeia ( = community in which the humans strive for truth and wisdom ) , as long as the number of humans exceeds the tribe number level, in which all know all others personally. States and Nations and "Unions" which go into the millions are not real communities, but heaps of interest groups with apparatchiks who work against each other as well. I expect all "Unions" and imperii to break apart sooner or later into new "tribes". You can observe this in our presence already while the different income or interest groups do understand each other less and less despite all these many agendas to unify the world. The internet ... , does it really unify us, while we communicate and can't look into our eyes and watch the actual corresponence between our words and our deeds with our own eyes? People will learn to keep distance to the seductions and lies and income-loss-production of the internet by sitting down, close their eyes and pray after having done the necessary work to feed the family ... Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote: Hans do you see the point that I am focused on ? Am I wording this well enough ? Attach shortcomings to me. I hope I saw some points. It seems to me, that you look for a real vision for the lost freedoms in Amerika. Amerika is a very young, still artificial patchwork. Give it time. Granted pursuit of happiness by limitless liberty to private possessions does neither exist nor work. So this and the resulting oddities in politics will solve by itself. Happiness by deeds of friendship does work. So the friendship to outlaws especially, both under and above the law, instantly makes a difference under the eyes of the eternal law. To me it's difficult to fill the gap between my words and my deeds still and to resist the seductions of the internet and of the philosophers as well. The confessions of James Files and his fate were very moving to me and I integrated it into my 60page "95theses reloaded", which will be in the net shortly and which I spread to other people who do political enlightenment. But I also had to learn how difficult it is to accept the fact, that only small steps can be achieved and most people prefer thrill+illusions to reflection+truth. Sincerely and with best wishes, Christoph Messner
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: November 22

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

Dear Mr. Christoph Hans Messner:Christoph, I am humbled by your knowledge and insight to The Ancient Greek Classics, writers, and philosophers.I clearly need to brush the dust off of my notes, and get the cobwebs out of my mind when I humbly attempt to communicate with you at this level.Christoph, I invite your clarifications and corrections to my Research, Reading Selections, Methodologies of Study, and Analyses of The Ancient Greek Classics. I can learn much from you in this genre, as I do from many other JFK Forum Members about many of our topics herein.I can not agree more with Bob about the current level of sophistication and synergy of the JFK Forum.Kudos to our mutual friend, Mr. Wim Dankbaar who has made, and continues to make this all possible.Comments ?Respectfully,Bruce Patrick Brychek.
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Re: November 22

Post by ChristophMessner »

Yes, kudos to Wim Dankbaar, a very fine and extremely precisely thinkink man, who deserves all the support and honor of this world!