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Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 1:28 am
by Dealey Joe
Here is what bothers me a bit..Jeans feet are bright white in Zapruder.Can't tell what color they are in the car shots nor are we sure when they were taken?Could she have changed shoes?The big problem is that there are several red coats on Elm Street?Jeans story got stronger as time went on and more added emphasis.I don't know. I guess I am too scepticle.

Jim Fetzer research links

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 6:40 am
by Phil Dragoo
Jim Fetzer has provided research links in response to my query spurred by a suggestion from Michael Calder:JIM'S RESEARCH LINKS BEGIN"Mary in the Street - Revisited" THE FAKING OF THE ZAPRUDER FILM: "New Proof of JFK Film Fakery" ... fk_fil.htm "Zapruder JFK Film impeached by Moorman JFK Polaroid" ... 24-48.html "US Government Official: JFK Cover-Up, Film Fabrication" "The JFK 'Head Shot' Paradox" "Who's telling the truth: Clint Hill or the Zapruder film?" ... ll-or.html “Kennedy Assassination Questions” Plus John Costella has a nice tutorial into the Z-film fakery: "THE JFK ASSASSINATION FILM HOAX: AN INTRODUCTION" There is a 66-part series about the Duluth conference I organized under the title, "Zapruder Fakery", JIM'S RESEARCH LINKSPhil here: This has been a very interesting thread. It displays the capacity of members to discuss the details of critical events in a productive and civil fashion.

Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 8:08 am
by Davyjones
Thanks Phil for your info packed post.The whole concept that Mary Moorman stood in "the street" has been shown to be not worth a bag of nuts by her iantiques interview this year.She is clear that at the time of "The Famous Photo" she was on the grass or the kerb.She gets time to answer this issue and even in post show chat says she was not in the road.On a minor matter of footwear......Its commen practice on a rainy morning for ladies to change shoes when alighting from cars,driving footwear not being suitable for the weather underfoot. Its unprovable but reasonable to suggest they could easily have slipped some waterproofs on when in Dealey Plaza

Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 11:56 am
by Dealey Joe
I really do not want to get back into the controversy of the Zfilm but I feel obligated to respond.It is disconcerting to say the least to see those you respect the most in this controversy.I don't understand using details that are not really details to prove a pointless point.I highly respect Dr. Jim for his overall work on the JFK assassination but I think he has followed his experts out into left field on the Big Hoax, I think he is the one who has been hoaxed. One thing I have noticed in my life is that highly educated people only place value on what some other highly educated person says or more importantly writes in their book.I think this is such an important issue that I personally spoke to Doug Horn about this. Of course I will not reveal our conversations, just let me say I came away without any sort of proof of fakery just innuendo and speculation, no matter how seemingly founded, is still not fact and CANNOT be used to label something as a fake..I also had a conversation with Dr. Jim about the film and when I asked him why he was not able to accept James Files story his reply was that "Jimmy did not say the limo stopped" this told me he had not even looked at James Files because in the Files interview he certainly says the limo slowed drastically and could have even stopped, although he had no specific remembrance of a complete stop, he surely did not say it DIDN"T stop.It seems as though it is easy to get on these tangents that invariably produces a new book. and it seems that once down a road and a book established there is no return. This is a shame and destroys the validity of all their research. It almost makes me want to throw in the towel, if I had a towel, As far as the Moorman photo's we do not have enough proof to say what kind of shoes they had on. we don't for sure know the car photos were even taken on the same day we just assume it, also women are famous for getting a new pair of shoes for special events. they were downtown and could have went to a nearby shoe store and gotten a new pair. actually it is more likely than not. and I am not yet convinced Jean is the red coat running up the stairs although it does apperar that it could be, however there were several red coats on Dealey 11/22

Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:16 pm
by Davyjones

Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:24 am
by Dealey Joe
Davyjones wrote:Can anyone help to get the time on photos 1 and 2? There are shadows which may be used to pinpoint if the pics where taken early or late morning?[/quote]Davy another thing I have noticed is in some of the moving pictures there does not seem to be any vehicles where their car in now parked indication to me their vehicle was later moved to a different parking spot? whatever that may be worth.

Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:47 pm
by Davyjones
Dealey, hope you are nowhere near the fires This is VERY INTERESTING,the car may have moved!Thats a new suggestion and I am not aware that has been mentioned before!I am back to the photo libraries to see what I can drum up

Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:53 pm
by kenmurray
Looks to me like the car has been moved.

Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:58 pm
by Davyjones
As Robin aka Batman would say "Holy Cow!"

Re: Mary Moorman Tells Story

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 5:35 pm
by Dealey Joe
It all depends on exactly where the car was parked originally.