Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

JFK Assassination
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Pennyworth »

Bob wrote:See this... ... mVha3N2The Fed remains the same.Change you can't believe in. More string pulling for the latest puppet.Info On Bernanke..[Presidential candidate and Texas representative Ron Paul, a member of the House Banking Committee — who takes the view that the Federal Reserve System should be abolished and the economy should revert to 'Hard Assets'[28] — has criticized Bernanke for "continually lowering interest rates," which he avers to have caused drastic inflation and unnecessary growth of the money supply, leading to what Paul refers to as the "inflation tax."[29] However, many "professional economists" argued that failure to have lowered the Fed's target rate would have contributed far more significantly to recession, and urged Bernanke (and the rest of the Federal Open Market Committee) to lower the rate beyond what it had done.]
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Bob »

If President Obama gets a healthcare bill that HAS the public option in it, then my confidence in him will be restored somewhat.
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Re: Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Pennyworth »

Medical Marijuana Relieves Patient’s Pain, Obama Ends Worries The U.S. Department of Justice yesterday advised federal prosecutors not to seek criminal charges against those who use medical marijuana in accordance with state laws, reversing a Bush administration approach. Along with chronic pain, the American College of Physicians, the second-largest U.S. doctors group, has said marijuana can be used to treat glaucoma, multiple sclerosis and nausea. ... 2C1A8LGUIn resolving a conflict between federal and state laws, as well as within the Obama Administration itself, Attorney General Eric Holder has instructed U.S. attorneys not to go after patients and caregivers in the 14 states, including Michigan, that have legalized marijuana for medical use.As I pointed out in my October 6 post, ... tes-rights, federal law bans marijuana completely, with former President George W. Bush using a wrongheaded policy under which the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) arrested and harassed marijuana patients and their providers. At the same time, while President Barack Obama had said his administration would respect state medical marijuana laws, his own drug czar, Gil Kerlikowske, denied that marijuana has any medical value and favored the Bush Administration policy.Marijuana has medical benefits for people suffering from cancer, glaucoma, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, multiple sclerosis and other ailments. The U.S. Justice Department now recognizes this reality, with federal prosecutors to follow guidelines which state that it would not be a wise use of federal resources to prosecute patients with cancer or other serious illnesses who use marijuana as part of a recommended medical treatment that complies state law, along with their caregivers. ... -marijuana
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Barack Obama is officially the 44th President of the U.S.A.

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

10.28.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:01.20.2009 - Mr. Bob Fox, an excellent, long time JFK Murder SolvedForum Moderator and Member, Posted this declaratory Headline.Many, most Americans, including myself were drinking the CoolAid of change, hope, and optimism.Looking back, what do we think today ?One of my old Martial Arts, and Martial Science Sensei's was fondof quoting Confucius often. What comes to my mind now is:"If you don't know where you are going,any road will take you there."What was Obama's Beginning Game, Middle Game, and End Game ?I don't know, and still can't tell.I can go across the street to visit my neighbor by going North, South, East,and West. The problem is that 3 of the 4 directions require me going around the world to get there.JFK tried to cross the street by the most direct route, i.e., by bringingchange in our lifetime. He saw where we were headed. And we arenow where JFK saw us heading.What do we do now ? What can we do ? Will anything really be accomplished ?Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research,studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of any of these subject matters ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.