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Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:18 pm
by Martin Hinrichs
First of all Pasquale, i defended you once against the arguments of John Beckham.Do you recall John Beckham?He was once a member here and believed in the James Files theory and converted into a die hard Loner on Duncan's forum.I had a private discussion with him where i said to him you are not the man, he believed.It appears he was right and i was wrong.I better don't say what his words was.I don't care much what you have to say about 9/11 and what your theories are.I do care that you spit on the graves on millions of Jews.Look, i'am german and i grow up in school with the knowledge that my fathers are responsible for the greatesttragedy in human history. That was a shock.From my youth on i spend serious time to educate myself of german history.I read many books and have seen many documentations completely neutral and unbiased.History is my passion and our history was in first place until i spend time with the JFK assassination.I come the conclusion that JFK was assassinated by a conspiracy. Little doubt about it.But no doubt about it that the Jews were the Victimes of a genocide with~6 million Opfern.I doubt you are aware of all the footages are available. I don't know whats been aired in Us television buti can ensure you that here, in germany almost everything what has been captured, is shown.And i've seen it.I understand that you don't understand german language and i don't know how much is been translated in Us televisionbut Adolf Hitler had said before open microphones that he will destroy the Jews race in Europe before the second world war has began.Very very clear.I tell you what, if you would a quarter of the knowledge i would be ashamed of your words.Thats the reason why i said you are insane and a victim of Irving's mind farts.Irving is a Nazi as much as any can be. Get real.I don't hate you. I don't believe you are a Neo Nazi. You are just the victim of disinformation and the tragedy spread it.And yes, 6 Million Jews died in the Nazi regime cause Hitler and Göbbels and Streicher and Borman and Himmler etc etc. wanted it.I can post hundred if not thousands images which proofs that all this victims has died.I don't know, this may wake you up.Shall i teach you german to understand what Hitler has said? I have emapthy for all victims for sure. The russian suffered the most but they were forced to kill instead of the Jews who diedcompletely innocent and even digged their own graves.Get real Pasquale, get real.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:53 pm
by Mark68
To be accurate AIDS would make whatever # of jews were killed in Germany look like routine car accident. AIDS - 11,700,000 deaths worldwide, 1981-98 (from 23 June 1998 report by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS at ... index.html) ^ Dr Mary's Monkey gives a probably fairly accurate story of origination. If Haslam's story is correct then the forces (Illumenati/US Gov) behind developing the biggest bio weapon backfire in history (AIDS) make Hitler look like bible school teacher in comparison.The "holocaust", used as its defintion describes, is not even half-way correct. Its more like 1/3 correct. Humans since being bred between some type of extra-terrestrial & a high order primate have at one time or the other killed much more than 3 milion which is probably an over-estimation. More like 1.5 millin which regardless was totally senseless, especially for a regime which ultimately failed.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:11 pm
by Martin Hinrichs
Mark, may i ask what Aids has to do with the evil Nazi regime and their genocide?

Heinrich Himmler Speech-Jewish Extermination Orders

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:15 pm
by kenmurray

Re: Heinrich Himmler Speech-Jewish Extermination Orders

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:59 pm
by Martin Hinrichs
kenmurray wrote: ... atedThanks Ken. You give me hope that sane people out here.Here Hitler is saying straight: WE will erase the Jews race from europe. ... ndex=1Edit: Here a list of the JEWISH victims (who died) which is reliable from real experts and not nuts like David Irving.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:39 pm
by Mark68
Martin Hinrichs wrote:Mark, may i ask what Aids has to do with the evil Nazi regime and their genocide?You wrote "the knowledge that my fathers are responsible for the greatest tragedy in human history" is what I was responding to. While an incredibly cruel act the killing to the jews during WW2 pales in comparison to the global epidemic the creators (US Gov) of AIDS has unleashed on the world.

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 7:50 pm
by bob franklin
In regards to aids relating to mass murder, HIV is not a naturally occurring virus. This thing was cobbled together in a lab somewhere, with CIA funding being a 99 percent probability. Yours is not the only culture to spawn such horrors, Martin, WE wiped out whole civilizations, using things like Smallpox infected blankets. WE turned the African continent (& now a large chunk of Asia as well) into a giant graveyard with HIV, using tainted vaccines administered by the W.H.O., and WE provided the major funding to Hitler through Frits Thyssen/UBC/Prescott Bush: would be unwise & unfair, not to mention untrue, to lump all the blame upon your forebearers.As to Israel, I am not a fan. I would humbly suggest they replace the star of David in the center of their flag with a swastika, as they've certainly earned it through their treatment of the Palestinian people. I guess they learned it from their tormentors, the Nazis. That is what makes them doubly damned. A people like that deserves nothing BUT damnation from God, having learned nothing from such a trial except how to inflict it on others. My humble .02Also, see this: would appear WE also helped suppress the UN investigation into the Jenin massacre. Now we're told THAT never happened. I begin to suspect the media really are Zionist controlled. Just a suspicion, mind you.

Hitler And Stalin-The Roots Of Evil

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:27 pm
by kenmurray

Joseph Stalin The Real History

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:36 pm
by kenmurray

Re: Israeli involvement in 9/11 and spying on the U.S.

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:04 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Martin Hinrichs wrote:First of all Pasquale, i defended you once against the arguments of John Beckham.Do you recall John Beckham?He was once a member here and believed in the James Files theory and converted into a die hard Loner on Duncan's forum.I had a private discussion with him where i said to him you are not the man, he believed.It appears he was right and i was wrong.I better don't say what his words was.Wow, Martin. So, you're taking the opinion that John Beckham was or is right about me? I think he had similar words to say about others here on this forum including Wim. Maybe you should go back and read the posts. Martin Hinrichs wrote:I don't care much what you have to say about 9/11 and what your theories are.I do care that you spit on the graves on millions of Jews.You're lying, Martin. I never said anything bad about the Jewish people in general, and I certainly wouldn't spit on the graves of Jews or any other innocent person. This comment you made just proves that your need to lay off the coffee or whatever it is you're doing over there.Maybe you, Martin, are spitting" on the graves of every person who was NOT Jewish who died in WWII. So, because I showed and proved that the Auschwitz museum/memorial CHANGED the number of dead on the memorial plate from 4 million to 1.5 million, you're saying that I'm spitting on the graves of Jews? I already said that I do believe that Jews were killed in mass numbers in WWII and that if ANY innocent Jew was killed it's still a crime. I just don't believe that they suffered the most. I refuse to buy into that propaganda.How do you subtract the number of dead in Auschwitz from 4 million to 1.5 million and still get 6 million? Someone else here posted the testimony of one of the people who was running Auschwitz, and even THAT man was off by at least a million. So far, you've said that you've had a "private discussion" with John Beckham and that you agree with his opinion about me, and NOW you're telling a lie about me when you said that I "spit" on the graves of millions of Jews. Who do you think you are? What you are also doing by making that comment about "spitting on the graves on millions of Jews" is simply called a "straw man argument." A straw-man argument is when you put words in other people's mouths and then attack them for those fake words. What you are also doing is saying very INFLAMMATORY words about me that are also NOT TRUE. It's very easy for people like you to just call people like me an anti-Semite or racist or say that they are spitting on the graves of Jews. It's easy for you to just say those lies because then you don't have to actually address the facts. What is NOT so easy is for you to actually have a rational discussion about the facts. Nice try, Martin. You need to do better than that. You are, however, proving your character here. I don't care what John Beckham said to you in your "private discussion" or pillow-talk or whatever you guys did together. Go ahead and share it. While you're at it, go ahead and share what John Beckham said about other forum members here as well. Maybe you think John Beckham was right about THEM too? We were all kind of saying the same things to him anyway.Martin Hinrichs wrote:Look, i'am german and i grow up in school with the knowledge that my fathers are responsible for the greatesttragedy in human history. That was a shock.From my youth on i spend serious time to educate myself of german history.I read many books and have seen many documentations completely neutral and unbiased.History is my passion and our history was in first place until i spend time with the JFK assassination.I come the conclusion that JFK was assassinated by a conspiracy. Little doubt about it.So, you're saying that because you grew up in Germany and that you are German, that you know more about what happened because of what you were told in school? I grew up in school in the United States, Catholic school, learning that Oswald alone killed JFK. They even showed me pictures too, like pictures of the path of the magic bullet, lots of video footage, etc. They were obviously mistaken about what they were teaching me. Are you special, Martin? The lies they told you about in school are TRUE in your situation because you're special? So, what's your point? You're saying that because you physically live closer to where the WWII deaths were that you're somehow more knowledgeable? Isn't it a crime in your country to deny the Holocaust? I've asked you this question a couple of times now, and you avoid answering. Isn't it true that if you deny the Holocaust that you can be arrested in Germany for it? If that is true, how I can expect anything other than what you're saying now? Martin Hinrichs wrote:But no doubt about it that the Jews were the Victimes of a genocide with~6 million Opfern.You are aware that the Auschwitz memorial plate CHANGED the number from 4 million to 1.5 million, right? What kind of math are you using to still come up with 6 million? Martin Hinrichs wrote:I doubt you are aware of all the footages are available. I don't know whats been aired in Us television buti can ensure you that here, in germany almost everything what has been captured, is shown.And i've seen it.I understand that you don't understand german language and i don't know how much is been translated in Us televisionbut Adolf Hitler had said before open microphones that he will destroy the Jews race in Europe before the second world war has began.Very very clear.I want you to produce one quote from Hitler saying he wanted to destroy the Jews as a race. I'm not talking about someone else SAYING that he said that. I'm talking about him actually saying it and not in vague terms. Martin Hinrichs wrote:I tell you what, if you would a quarter of the knowledge i would be ashamed of your words.Thats the reason why i said you are insane and a victim of Irving's mind farts.Irving is a Nazi as much as any can be. Get real.I'll tell you what. You saying that I have less than a quarter of the knowledge you have is an arrogant statement. Based on our discussion here, you have not addressed ANY of the facts. You're calling me names and talking about footage and what YOU were taught in school. Maybe you're the one who needs to get real and grow a backbone. For someone as intelligent as you claim to be you FAIL to actually engage this discussion or me on the facts. What does that say about YOUR intelligence and character? I'm not ashamed of my words because I haven't said anything wrong. You're the one calling people names WITHOUT addressing the information I have presented. Martin Hinrichs wrote:I don't hate you. I don't believe you are a Neo Nazi. You are just the victim of disinformation and the tragedy spread it.And yes, 6 Million Jews died in the Nazi regime cause Hitler and Göbbels and Streicher and Borman and Himmler etc etc. wanted it.I can post hundred if not thousands images which proofs that all this victims has died.I don't know, this may wake you up.Shall i teach you german to understand what Hitler has said? I have emapthy for all victims for sure. The russian suffered the most but they were forced to kill instead of the Jews who diedcompletely innocent and even digged their own graves.Get real Pasquale, get real.Wait, you said the "russian suffered the most?" I thought you said the Jews suffered the most. I know...according to you, nobody else BESIDES Jews were required to dig their own graves before they were killed. LOLMaybe YOU need to get real. How are hundreds or thousands of images going to prove what you're saying? You already started that nonsense by posting a picture of Ann Frank's grave and a picture of a bunch of dead bodies. Those images are NOT discussion. Which of those bodies were those of Jewish people? All of them? Some of them? They are images that don't address facts, like how Auschwitz changed the number of dead from 4 million to 1.5 million. How do you account for that CHANGE in the official number of dead at Auschwitz? I'm not the one who changed it. LOL How do account for 2.5 million LESS people dead at Auschwitz and still come up with 6 million Jews dead in WWII?Maybe you need to get real, Martin.