History lesson about money

JFK Assassination
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Re: A day in the life.....

Post by Pennyworth »

[ Quote] At the top of the hill, just past the entrance to Kykuit, a smattering of smaller houses dot Pocantico Hills, whose centerpiece is a New England-style village green that the Rockefellers carved out with the help of Frederick Law Olmsted years ago. In his memoir, David Rockefeller describes the almost feudal arrangement that existed: “Eventually the family accumulated about 3,400 acres that surrounded and included almost all of the little village of Pocantico Hills, where most of the residents worked for the family and lived in houses owned by Grandfather.â€
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No Money....

Post by Pennyworth »

This link is also posted on the 'New World Order' thread...

http://www.austinadvocate.org/Archives/ ... denied.htm
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Re: No Money....

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:This link was also posted on the 'New World Order' thread...http://www.austinadvocate.org/Archives/ ... denied.htm

Thomas Jefferson warned this would happen if the U.S. monetary system came under the control of private bankers... (and it has):twisted:
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Re: Subprime mortgage industry news....

Post by Pennyworth »

Paul Pennyworth wrote:4 hours ago.... The recent free-fall in the subprime mortgage market has captured the public's attention and sparked the interest of law enforcement and regulators. As the stock options backdating scandals begin to wind down, speculation continues to grow that a recession may be looming. Meanwhile, investors have turned their attention to the subprime mortgage industry, their fears helping fuel the recent decline in the stock market. At the same time, federal regulators and law enforcement agents are also shifting their sights to the subprime market. The recent announcements of investigations by the Department of Justice, the SEC and the Massachusetts Secretary of State may mark the beginning of a long series of inquiries into one of the largest and most complex financial markets.Mortgage-backed securities have led the growth of the securitization debt market for more than a decade. In the midst of a decline in the housing market, numerous mortgage lenders have filed for bankruptcy protection or declared significant losses as a result of increasing and earlier borrower defaults. Those defaults are now impacting the mortgage-backed securities market.Rising defaults on mortgages by borrowers with weak credit have triggered repurchase obligations in the complex agreements used to create mortgage-backed securities. Financial intermediaries that purchase mortgages and provide funding to mortgage lenders are exercising stricter scrutiny as they seek to avoid--and offload--bad mortgage loans. Subprime lenders, faced with unexpected demands to repurchase those undesirable mortgages, may be financially crippled. New Century Financial Corporation (nyse: NEW - news - people ), a major subprime mortgage lender, is a good illustration of the trends roiling the industry. During the first nine months of 2006, New Century has been forced to repurchase hundreds of millions of dollars of mortgage loans. On Feb. 7, 2007, the company announced that it would restate its earnings for the first three quarters of 2006 due to accounting errors in connection with repurchases.Now, New Century has received a grand jury subpoena in a criminal investigation by the Department of Justice, and also faces a parallel civil investigation by the SEC. Numerous states have barred New Century from making new loans, and are now conducting their own investigations. And the company's shares have been delisted from the New York Stock Exchange.Wall Street is also in the crosshairs. The Massachusetts secretary of state has ordered two investment banks to turn over documents concerning their analysts' recommendations on subprime lenders such as New Century. The inquiry is focused on whether the banks' positive views were influenced by their financial relationships with the lenders themselves.The Bush administration's reaction has been to promise swift retribution for subprime lenders that have run afoul of restrictions against predatory lending. The Department of Housing and Urban Development has vowed to step up enforcement actions against lenders who have violated regulations. At the same time, the administration has sought to quell the markets by calling on government sponsored mega-lenders Fannie Mae (nyse: FNM - news - people ) and Freddie Mac (nyse: FRE - news - people ) to ease off on foreclosures by giving borrowers more time to pay on troubled loans.More investigations will surely follow. In response to a significant downturn in business, regulators and law enforcement typically scrutinize companies that are suffering setbacks to determine whether such setbacks are mere misfortune or criminal malfeasance. Subprime lenders, as well as the larger financial institutions that have financed and assisted them, would be well served to anticipate that scrutiny and proceed with caution. Their actions will be examined under a microscope, and their response to that examination can be the critical difference in keeping a business problem from exploding into a criminal one. Individual employees will feel increasing pressure to present a positive picture of the company's current financial situation and future prospects, as well as its history. In the midst of a crisis, it is tempting to try to reassure investors, the government and the public that "everything is all right." Although honest optimism is not a crime, it is tempting to paint an overly rosy picture of the company's financial situation. When the company's statements, in press releases, regulatory filings and comments to the investment community, stray from the facts, the company's woes will only worsen.The case of former Enron CEO Kenneth Lay is one recent, albeit extreme, example of how an improper response to a crisis can lead to criminal prosecution. In Lay's case, the evidence of his involvement in the initial fraud at Enron was inconclusive at best.However, when Lay resumed his position as CEO in the midst of Enron's meltdown, he made a series of optimistic public statements that starkly contrasted with the truth about the company's deteriorating condition, and those false statements provided the foundation for the fraud charges of which he was found guilty.New Century is not Enron, and the subprime collapse may not evolve into the scandal du jour. But companies that find themselves caught up in the flurry of inquiries by law enforcement and regulators should bear in mind the lessons of the past. When there are high-profile business failures, prosecutors will scrutinize executive conduct carefully. As a result, companies and executives should take particular care to ensure the accuracy and candor of all their public statements.Timothy J. Coleman and Seth C. Farber are co-chairs of the White Collar Crime and Government Investigations Practice Group at Dewey Ballantine LLP. Mr. Coleman specializes in representing corporate and individual clients in criminal and regulatory investigations and related litigation. Mr. Farber focuses on white-collar criminal defense and corporate internal investigations, SEC investigations, securities litigation, corporate governance litigation and litigation associated with mergers and acquisitions. The authors thank Lisa Card, an associate at Dewey Ballantine, for her assistance.

Former President Carter Comments on Subprime Mortgage Crisis

( EMAILWIRE.COM, April 02, 2007 ) LOS ANGELES, CA - Ex-President Jimmy Carter announced at a nonprofit organization's event that he thought that housing assistance programs would be even more necessary in the coming years as a result of the problems with subprime mortgages and subsequent foreclosures.

Speaking with executives from Habitat for Humanity International
the former President said, 'I think the subprime market being so fluctuating and uncertain, and making it more difficult to own homes, it will be even more important for Habitat to expand it's program.-

Habitat for Humanity International is a nonprofit Christian organization dedicated to eliminating substandard housing and homelessness worldwide and to making adequate, affordable shelter a matter of conscience and action. The organization is the 18th largest homebuilder in the United States, and builds houses in many countries for people who ordinarily might not be able to afford a home.

Habitat for Humanity does its construction with a mixture of public and private money.

'I agree that we will see between one and three million foreclosures in 2007 as a result of adjustable rate mortgage problems affecting homeowners in the United States,- said foreclosure expert Patrick McGilvray, JD, CFP®, president of www.TheHomeBuyingCenter.com. His company is in the business of matching people who want to sell their home fast with real estate investors nationwide. These investors have been specially trained to work with banks to get them to accept less than they what they are owed in a short-sale transaction to allow the homeowners walk away from a difficult situation.

'We had a record number of new mortgages between 2001 and 2005 in this country, and now our nation is experiencing the negative effects of what in many cases became reckless lending to people who did not understand what they were buying,- said McGilvray. His company is also active in promotion of government assistance programs for first-time homebuyers. Millions of dollars, he says, are unspent by cities and states across the nation whose programs are dedicated to advancing the dream of home ownership.

In recent months, subprime mortgages, those made to people with weak credit ratings or past financial difficulties, have been experiencing a rash of defaults. These defaults can lead to foreclosures and, amidst a glut of homes on the market, can have ripple effects throughout the American and global economies.

Patrick McGilvray, J.D
Tel: 916-920-3278


This press release was issued through GroupWeb EmailWire.Com. For more information on press release distribution, go to www.emailwire.com.
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Post by Pennyworth »

Hello Out There,,

To anyone that is listening,

I will be brief:

We are the salt of the earth.

We are the People.

The only way we can retain our power and rights as the people is to give less power to the people who are controlling us.

There will be no impeachment of Bush or ending or wars ...

Y? because the rockefellers own him.They are evil controllers and warmongers. The patriarch will be 92 this year. More power to him. He controls OUR world with assets of 1000 + billion dollars. A lot of it comes I speculate from ruinious interest he charges to his victims(we the people) not only thru the imfamous federal reserve but through public banks like B of A.

There will be no control on our part unless we rid ourselves of the people that our controlling our money. There will be no shutdown of the federal reserve no matter how many people complain or protest . Because the international bankers set the scene. They control the law.

The ONE and ONLY way we can take power against them is to boycott their businesses and monopolies. This is what the United States first did when they left England's tyranny.

The monopolies are ;
Bank of America (there's one on every street corner)
Mobil Oil (ditto)

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Post by Pennyworth »

Lyndon La Rouche, a political writer and activist, has written that President Clinton was behind passing a Bretton Woods system of money (similiar to executive order 11110) to restore the U.S.'s monetery system...

Regional Organization Under a New Bretton Woods, by Lyndon H ...a New Bretton Woods. by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. June 3, 2000 ... Thus, the hysteria of the Gore-campaign-dominated Clinton Administration, came very close ...
www.larouchepub.com/lar/2000/2724_regional_org_nbw.html - 34k - Cached - Similar pages

Al Gore and Adolf Hitler, by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. (Dec. 22, 1999)The currently ongoing coup d'état, aimed to bring Vice-President Al Gore quickly into the ... is the "New Bretton Woods" program which I have introduced. ...
http://www.larouchepub.com/lar/1999/lar ... _2602.html - 19k - Cached - Similar pages
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Who is Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.?Send a question to Lyndon LaRouche and have it answered directly ... a) a return to the best features of the 1950s Bretton Woods system; ...
http://www.larouchepac.com/pages/z_othe ... graphy.htm - 28k - Cached - Similar pages

London Spreads Blood and Gore... even before the outbreak of the Asia crisis, Lyndon LaRouche had launched a campaign to get President Clinton to convene a New Bretton Woods conference, ...
http://www.larouchepac.com/pages/othera ... gore.shtml - 37k - Cached - Similar pages
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Biography of Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr,. Economist, Statesman ...Lyndon LaRouche biography- Economist, with 40 years accurate written forecasts, ... a) a return to the best features of the 1950s Bretton Woods system; ...
www.schillerinstitute.org/biographys/meet_larouche.html - 72k - Cached - Similar pages

New Bretton Woods - News Releases and Updates --Schiller InstituteAny informed reader would have known, that Lyndon LaRouche has been intensively ... The LaRouche "New Bretton Woods" has been formally backed by leading ...
www.schillerinstitute.org/economy/nbw/nbw_rohatyn.html - 32k - Cached - Similar pages
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Political views of Lyndon LaRouche - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaWith the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1972, LaRouche warned that key ... Some people get drugs which they can't afford in Africa, because Al Gore ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_views_of_Lyndon_LaRouche - 132k - Cached - Similar pages

The British Oligarchy Moves To Oust President ClintonLyndon LaRouche, in a radio interview with ``EIR Talks'' on Jan. ... along with the First Lady and Vice President Albert Gore, and delivered a brief but ...
american_almanac.tripod.com/britolig.htm - 16k - Cached - Similar pages

political views of Lyndon LaRouche: Information from Answers.comWith the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1972, LaRouche warned that ... the article also constitutes a threat to the security of President Clinton. ...
http://www.answers.com/topic/political- ... n-larouche - 157k - Cached - Similar pages

Discussion Period with Lyndon LaRouche at a November 18, 2003 ...Here is the dialogue with Democrat Lyndon LaRouche, at his campaign event in St. ... My intention is to call a New Bretton Woods conference, among nations, ...
larouchein2004.net/pages/speeches/2003/031118stlouisqna.htm - 65k - Cached - Similar pages
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Bank of America, Cayman Islands, etc....

Post by Pennyworth »

The Story Behind Parmalat's BankruptcyThe largest bond placers have been Bank of America, Citicorp, and J.P. Morgan. ... pointing to Lyndon LaRouche's proposal for a world financial ...
www.larouchepub.com/other/2004/3102parmalat_invest.html - 20k - Cached - Similar pages

Anglo-Americans Rattled by Argentine Bank RaidsIn the mid- to late-1990s, it moved aggressively into Ibero-America, taking special ... 5 speech "the U.S. politician Lyndon LaRouche, who is accused of ...
www.larouchepub.com/other/2002/2904arg_money_ldr.html - 17k - Cached - Similar pages
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THE CONTRA FALL-OUT SERIESLaRouche's August 1982 plan called for a debt moratorium in the ... Robertson and Taylor were business partners in a Cayman Islands front company called ...
www.theantechamber.net/XArchives/Contra.htm - 63k - Cached - Similar pages

Why the Asian Tiger Economic Miracle Is An Endangered SpeciesBut the most damning proof of what the World Bank ``Asian Tiger'' model is ... Population This graph represents what Lyndon LaRouche has identified as the ...
american_almanac.tripod.com/tigers.htm - 29k - Cached - Similar pages

OrbleThe proof is the slander this week of Larouche and associates in the London ... at all the tax evasion going on through the Cayman Islands, Bahamas, etc. ...
www.orble.com/howard/ - 52k - Cached - Similar pages

LaRouche Webcast (transcript): Implications of the Gore Hoax For ...Here is an edited transcript of Lyndon LaRouche's keynote address to a ... It is the Cayman Islands and similar kinds of institutions associated with hedge ...
http://www.larouchepac.com/pages/speech ... cast.shtml - 141k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] linkFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
We reprint below an edited transcript of Lyndon LaRouche’s ... tion out of the Cayman Islands. Which is being run. through the Bank of Scotland and Halifax, ...
http://www.larouchepac.com/pdf_files/20 ... _cover.pdf - Similar pages

The Belgravia Dispatch: Comment on McCain: An Important QuestionIt's like having Lyndon LaRouche as an advisor. ... the Police State elites are lining up Cayman Islands bank accounts and offshore passports....and the ...
www.belgraviadispatch.com/mt/comment.cgi?entry_id=2320 - 45k - Cached - Similar pages

Golden Opportunity to Save CivilizationAnd many of the people who listened to Mr. LaRouche then, and participated ... in offshore banks in the Cayman Islands and similar places, but the floating ...
www.new-federalist.com/hzl/1998/hzl_speech_2549.html - 46k - Cached - Similar pages

The Decline of American JournalismThe Cayman Islands, for example, is the world's fifth-largest financial center. ... Even Lyndon LaRouche could see the writing on the wall, ...
www.namebase.org/news09.html - Similar pages
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