List of Kennedy-murder-participants still alive

JFK Assassination
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Re: List of Kennedy-murder-participants still alive

Post by Bob »

The CIA was involved in BOTH the JFK assassination and the RFK assassination. The biggest name still around that could shed light on those murders, especially the JFK murder is Poppy Bu$h. Poppy may never tell a judge in OUR world what REALLY happened, but I do think Poppy will face a judge in the spiritual world for not only the murder of JFK, but the other evil things that he has been associated with. At least I hope that is what happens. Prescott Bu$h surely knows the answer to that.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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List of Kennedy-murder-participants still alive:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

07.28.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:02.08.2009 - Christoph Messner Posted this Important, Precise Headline.Chris is a brilliant researcher and writer. He is always advancing Analyses in Many Directionsin the JFK, MLK, RFK, and Related Subject Matter's Research and Writing.While I respect the thinking of Chris, Bob Jonas, and many others who analyze these type ofSubject Matter's, I have long ago lost a majority of my interest in any of this for my own purposes.A FEW POINTS:11.22.1963 - JFK was Assassinated.Jim Garrison brought a Legal Action against Clay Shaw/Bertrand. Some interest was generated,but Garrison lost, and Shaw "was exonerated" according to some back then.In 51+ years only one (1) Legal Action was ever brought in the JFK Assassination.No other Legal Action has ever been attempted about the JFK Assassination in 51+ years.Joe West filed a Legal Action to Exhume JFK's body. Joe mysteriously died in circumstances thatwere cloudy to say the least. Joe's Legal Action was DISMISSED.No other Legal Action has ever been attempted to Exhume JFK's Body, which many believe is NOTeven there in his Casket/Coffin/Grave.The High Cabal, The Military Industrial Complex, Majestic 12, The Federal Reserve, The Bilderberg's,The Mason's, et al., are all Changing, Complex, Growing, Interrelated, whose Leadership and Membershipis ever changing and evolving. Like Fine Swiss Watches with thousands of Moving Parts.MY FOCUS IS ON THE FRONT OF THE MILES AND YEARS LONG MOVING FREIGHT TRAIN. I HAVE ZERO INTEREST IN ANALYZING SUBJECT MATTERS STANDING ON THE CABOSE, LOOKING BACKWARD.I know that forgetting the lessons of History often contributes to History being repeated. But I alsothink that being consumed with History has its own problems.With no disrespect to anyone, I believe that "We the people…" are not closer to understanding HOWAMERICA IS REALLY OPERATED AND OWNED than we were on 11.22.1963.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writingson any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we trying to attract and educated a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's whomay not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
Bob Jonas
Posts: 22
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: List of Kennedy-murder-participants still alive:

Post by Bob Jonas »

Bruce Patrick Brychek wrote:I know that forgetting the lessons of History often contributes to History being repeated. But I alsothink that being consumed with History has its own problems.Well said. I'm personally glad that people are consumed with different angles of this case or else we'd all be focusing in on the same thing. To quote Bruce Brychek, pick your lane and run in it! Maybe some day we'll all come to the end of the road where we can all contribute different pieces of the puzzle to see a finished picture.