JFK Assassination
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Post by Jsnow915 »

Mr.Beckham?....look at you John...getting a Mr......I just get hey SNOW!
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Post by Pennyworth »

Jsnow915 wrote:Mr.Beckham?....look at you John...getting a Mr......I just get hey SNOW! Your search - - did not match any documents. Suggestions:Make sure all words are spelled correctly.Try different keywords.Try more general keywords.Re: The three trampsFirst off...Pennyworth,you sound paranoid...I'm no one but me....check out written here by me is MY opinion...I don't have to agree with anyone...I don't look up to ANY politician...they are not Gods to me...Kennedy might have changed the world,we Jsnow915 on Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:47 am Forum: Who shot JFK, and why? Topic: The three tramps Replies: 56 Views: 591
bob franklin
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Post by bob franklin »

I've said it before & I'll say it again. I trust Paul's instincts regarding the disinfo individual/group which plagues this forum. If anyone has behaved in an unacceptable manner, it is without question Jsnow915. That outburst of yours leaves me ashamed that we share a species. It also makes me wonder if Paul isn't on point yet again. Each and every time I begin to have serious doubts about a member, to the brink saying something in this forum Paul comes in just a thin hair before me with exactly my own suspicions. Paul operated within the constraints of the law with his method of discovering readily available information on the net. It is Jsnow who resorted to inexcusably foul Second Grade level profanity in his reply. I've already echoed Paul'sopinion on Mr. Beckham. Chad Duncan, You work for Conoco at what is obviously an executivelevel, judging from your email furnished by you, so 'nuff said there. Saracarter766, I honestly don't know if you're part of the dan-clan, but your marital status would seem to have little bearing onwhether or not you're an asset/operative. Remember, Valerie Plame also has a spouse. If peopledon't wish to be viewed in a suspicious light they should take the vertebrate path & sign upwith their first & second name with a space between the two, or introduce themselves in their first post & explain the departure from the forum rules (such as 'the name was already taken').We don't need to lose any more good members due to this little shadow group haunting us. Bob,Tom, think back. When was the last time we saw a post from Newton or Croxford? These clownsare winning by slow degrees. I just wanted to go on record with my own suspicions. Hang in there,Paul, & STICK AROUND!!!!!!!!! Don't let the bastards win.
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Post by Pennyworth »

Pennyworth wrote:Jsnow915 wrote:Mr.Beckham?....look at you John...getting a Mr......I just get hey SNOW! Your search - - did not match any documents. Suggestions:Make sure all words are spelled correctly.Try different keywords.Try more general keywords.Re: The three trampsFirst off...Pennyworth,you sound paranoid...I'm no one but me....check out written here by me is MY opinion...I don't have to agree with anyone...I don't look up to ANY politician...they are not Gods to me...Kennedy might have changed the world,we Jsnow915 on Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:47 am Forum: Who shot JFK, and why? Topic: The three tramps Replies: 56 Views: 591Oh here is one john snow music site here is another jon snow music website..
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Post by Pennyworth »

bob franklin wrote:I've said it before & I'll say it again. I trust Paul's instincts regarding the disinfo individual/group which plagues this forum. If anyone has behaved in an unacceptable manner, it is without question Jsnow915. That outburst of yours leaves me ashamed that we share a species. It also makes me wonder if Paul isn't on point yet again. Each and every time I begin to have serious doubts about a member, to the brink saying something in this forum Paul comes in just a thin hair before me with exactly my own suspicions. Paul operated within the constraints of the law with his method of discovering readily available information on the net. It is Jsnow who resorted to inexcusably foul Second Grade level profanity in his reply. I've already echoed Paul'sopinion on Mr. Beckham. Chad Duncan, You work for Conoco at what is obviously an executivelevel, judging from your email furnished by you, so 'nuff said there. Saracarter766, I honestly don't know if you're part of the dan-clan, but your marital status would seem to have little bearing onwhether or not you're an asset/operative. Remember, Valerie Plame also has a spouse. If peopledon't wish to be viewed in a suspicious light they should take the vertebrate path & sign upwith their first & second name with a space between the two, or introduce themselves in their first post & explain the departure from the forum rules (such as 'the name was already taken').We don't need to lose any more good members due to this little shadow group haunting us. Bob,Tom, think back. When was the last time we saw a post from Newton or Croxford? These clownsare winning by slow degrees. I just wanted to go on record with my own suspicions. Hang in there,Paul, & STICK AROUND!!!!!!!!! Don't let the bastards win. Thank you BobI can see see a few bright lightbulbs on this board.Not only are we dealing with criminals, such as Dan hacking my e-mail up, but also conspirators with connections to murderers
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Post by Pennyworth »

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Post by Pennyworth »

Bob and Chris,Are you absolutley sure that Wim wrote that letter on page 1 of this thread?Edit postReport this postReply with quote Re: Who of you has a website?by Pennyworth on Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:38 pm Pennyworth wrote:dankbaar wrote:Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I did not write or send this email. I will look into this, so far I have no clue what's going on. Has Mike Narrett responded? Pennyworth wrote:I just received this e-mail...doesn't sound like something Wim would write to me..hello‏From: Sent: Wed 3/04/09 7:51 PM To: Pennyworth ( Hello MikeNarrett, The following is an e-mail sent to you by Pennyworth via your account on"JFK Murder Solved". If this message is spam, contains abusive or othercomments you find offensive please contact the webmaster of the board atthe following address: Include this full e-mail (particularly the headers). Please note that thereply address to this e-mail has been set to that of Pennyworth. Message sent to you follows~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ welcome aboard..where are you from? Mike Narrett is Dan, IMO.I consulted a friend of mine who can build websites, and he said that he has gotten junk e-mails sent to him FROM his own e-mail address. Dan is scanning and hacking into the e-mail addresses. I have reason beyond any doubt that he has personaLLY suspended one of my e-mails. The e-mail was suspended for about 2 months, then released. I cannot get into it still because my sign in name won't activate the e-mail. I don't think Dan and I are going to be breaking bread together anytime soon. By the way Wim, I am so GLAD THAT YOU ARE BACK . I was worried sick about you. Well I tried again with the sign in name it wouldn't activate then I switched to secure login tried the same user name which activated . I answered some personal questions, then I obtained a new password, but my account is still suspended.PP
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Post by Pennyworth »

bob franklin wrote:I've said it before & I'll say it again. I trust Paul's instincts regarding the disinfo individual/group which plagues this forum. If anyone has behaved in an unacceptable manner, it is without question Jsnow915. That outburst of yours leaves me ashamed that we share a species. It also makes me wonder if Paul isn't on point yet again. Each and every time I begin to have serious doubts about a member, to the brink saying something in this forum Paul comes in just a thin hair before me with exactly my own suspicions. Paul operated within the constraints of the law with his method of discovering readily available information on the net. It is Jsnow who resorted to inexcusably foul Second Grade level profanity in his reply. I've already echoed Paul'sopinion on Mr. Beckham. Chad Duncan, You work for Conoco at what is obviously an executivelevel, judging from your email furnished by you, so 'nuff said there. Saracarter766, I honestly don't know if you're part of the dan-clan, but your marital status would seem to have little bearing onwhether or not you're an asset/operative. Remember, Valerie Plame also has a spouse. If peopledon't wish to be viewed in a suspicious light they should take the vertebrate path & sign upwith their first & second name with a space between the two, or introduce themselves in their first post & explain the departure from the forum rules (such as 'the name was already taken').We don't need to lose any more good members due to this little shadow group haunting us. Bob,Tom, think back. When was the last time we saw a post from Newton or Croxford? These clownsare winning by slow degrees. I just wanted to go on record with my own suspicions. Hang in there,Paul, & STICK AROUND!!!!!!!!! Don't let the bastards win. Any unscrupulous hacker can make up a phony e-mail and plagarize a resume..Here is a post from Chad Duncan saying he is going to drive me bonkers...very suspect...Re: I'm Outta Here I Can No Longer Be On This Boardby Chad Duncan on Thu Feb 19, 2009 9:26 pm I wasnt actually talking about you with the back thing - I had an electro stimulus implant put in because the pain is unbearable. Naturally I was just messing with you Paul - I have a full eventful life where my job and kids monopolize my time and I am currently in Bartlesville OK where I will leave here and drive to Broken Arrow OK where I reside at night and on the weekend. I go back to Dallas once a month to check on my son who is finishing high school. If I went back to Dallas I could still log on here and drive you bonkers.
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Post by Pennyworth »

ChristophMessner wrote:Pennyworth wrote:dankbaar wrote:Paul , Woul you please knock it off! John Snow is no Dan, neither is he a disinfo man. You gave me once an email address for Woody Harrelson. It appears that the owner of that email address is not Woody. Why did you think it was Woody? WimBob and Tom, Since I made you co-moderators, can you please keep order? Sorry I don't keep track of my own forum lately. To me it has become a repetition of moves that doesn't give me anything new. If there is a pressing issue that needs my attention, please warn me through dank@xs4all.nlThanks in advance, Wim Oh it isn't Dan? Doesn't sound like Dan does it? Re read the first post pleaseThis doesn't sound like something Wim would write to me, if he actually did write it.Actually, it sounded like authentic Wim, who actually did write that to you, Paul. Chris, Go contact Wim and see if what he thinks about this..I doubt that Wim would put this confidential info on the board .The information about Harrelson was through private messaging between Wim and me.
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Post by Jsnow915 »

Paul and Bob...the reason I used "second grade profanity "...(which I thought was funny with the retarded rodeo clown bit)...was because Paul had the nerve to look me up on usasearch over a comment I made on this forum....I felt like my privacy was invaded which it I wrote to Paul in a personal message....let's bury the hatchet and get on with it....and by the way,the first my space thing you came upon is if you guys want to beleive I'm someone else...have fun.