David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

JFK Assassination
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Bob »

Well, we know where Oswald and Files were then. We also know the hotel where Roselli and Nicoletti stayed at (Files picked up Roselli the day of the assassination to meet Ruby). Giancana probably stayed at the same place. I'm sure Jimmy knows where Phillips and Lansdale were staying. But for now, Jimmy is done talking. But maybe that will change. He finally admitted the Lansdale information in 2006, so there is hope.
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by katisha »

ChristophMessner wrote:katisha wrote: There's a photo in "The Zapruder Film" (David Wrone) that must have been taken a few seconds after the one Christoph found, and from slightly to the right. You can still see the *maybe* David Atlee Phillips, looking very intently at Oswald, but he's almost out of shot, so you can't see the left eyebrow. "Microphone man" in front of him has crouched/knelt down and is directly in front of Mr maybe DAP.Pasquale, if you can find the thread where Christoph originally posted the photo, a couple of posts later he points out the very distinctive left eyebrow: I think a look at that, and a comparison to the *known* photo of Phillips in the same thread, will convince you it's the same guy. It convinced me.There must be other photos from this Oswald press conference, but where? katisha, what do you mean by "in the Zapruder film a few seconds later"?katisha wrote: Remember Oswald and Phillips had been seen together in Dallas prior to the assassination. Where and by whom?Hi Cristoph The photo is in the book "The Zapruder Film" by David Wrone. It looks as though it was taken a few seconds after the one in the first post of this thread.'Twas Turtleman, not me, that said the bit about Oswald and Phillips being seen together.
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Bob »

Yes, Katisha did not say Oswald and Phillips were seen together. It was Turtleman. Check out the vid I recently posted above to find out about that. By the way, Katisha and Turtleman, plus so many others, have helped make the forum more interesting with their points of discussion. Welcome again to both of you! All I can say, is that the forum has a HELL of a rookie class in 2009!!!
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by ChristophMessner »

katisha wrote:The photo is in the book "The Zapruder Film" by David Wrone. It looks as though it was taken a few seconds after the one in the first post of this thread.'Twas Turtleman, not me, that said the bit about Oswald and Phillips being seen together. Oh, please excuse, katisha, and thanks for giving me the source! Chris Thanks, Bob, too!
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by turtleman »

I think it is clear that Veciano has identified LHO meeting with DAP in Dallas. I also believe I read somewhere in the HSCA report that a Dallas anti-Castro activist (Sylvia Odio maybe) reported the same thing and the WC wanted nothing to do with her. Surprise surprise! It may have been Odio's sister. I cannot remember but she was a bit of an emotional basket case. On a side note I knew Zapruder had some shady ties and while I never heard it mentioned outright that the film may have been a plant with all the versions and the discrepancies with Moorman's photo curbside regarding height etc. I think the film is very suspicious after everything is taken into account. Ironic it is the best film we have and taken from the perfect position.Bob, I am in lockstep with you on virtually everything you write on this forum but I still do not see any advantage for DAP to be at the press conference knowing that he had been previously seen in public with Oswald. And if this is all we ever debate I would have to say our differences are next to none. I did read that DAP had reached GS-18, among the highest of CIA levels and was almost charged with perjury after the HSCA testimony. The DOJ just wasn't interested I guess. Another surprise. Carter administration too I believe. ??? I wish there was more info available to us on Hunt, Harvey, DAP, and especially Poppy. Like Gaeton Fonzi said in one of his last interviews he felt we knew what happened in Dealy Plaza that day. We are just missing some details.
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by saracarter766 »

Bob wrote:Yes, Katisha did not say Oswald and Phillips were seen together. It was Turtleman. Check out the vid I recently posted above to find out about that. By the way, Katisha and Turtleman, plus so many others, have helped make the forum more interesting with their points of discussion. Welcome again to both of you! All I can say, is that the forum has a HELL of a rookie class in 2009!!!i could not have said it better myself bob. the reason i have'nt been on so much is i've been very sick with a cold which has kept me down.
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by katisha »

Bob wrote:Yes, Katisha did not say Oswald and Phillips were seen together. It was Turtleman. Check out the vid I recently posted above to find out about that. By the way, Katisha and Turtleman, plus so many others, have helped make the forum more interesting with their points of discussion. Welcome again to both of you! All I can say, is that the forum has a HELL of a rookie class in 2009!!!Thanks Bob. It's a pleasure for me to read the board and the posts here in the forum of all you 'old' members who know so much more than I do about the assassination and related events. I'll certainly never catch up with the amount of knowledge you guys have, but I'll enjoy trying. After not thinking twice about who killed JFK and why for my whole life, I'm now utterly hooked.I think there's a fair amount of interest here in Australia (or at least in Melbourne), too. I say that because I've had the last week off work, and used some of it to hunt through second-hand bookshops for JFK books. At every shop where I said: "I'm looking for books about the Kennedy assassination", the response was along the lines of: "Well, we might have something if you're lucky, but it goes so quickly...".
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by saracarter766 »

it's truly one of the best sites on the internet in my opinion people are friendly and kind and respectful and the people here are always kind enough and good enough to give you stuff to read about JFK i totally agree with you katisha.it also makes me feel so proud that people from different countries have taken such an interest in the JFK assassination it just makes me love the usa that much more and makes me beam with pride. i've just been to sick to get on the forum and post. anybody watch ghost hunters on sci fi last night?
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Bob »

Keep up the good work Katisha. Sara, I hope you are feeling better. I didn't watch ghost hunters last night, but I'm sure my wife did, that 's her favorite show. I had some other errands to do. Also, speaking of ghost hunting, I believe Pasquale and John Snow are really into that. John went to Gettysburg this weekend as a matter of fact to ghost hunt I believe. A friend of mine from work went to college at Gettysburg and he tells me of the hauntings that he has heard about there, like at the old hospital. I think he said there will be a special about Gettysburg later this month on the Travel channel. The time I went to Gettysburg, I didn't see any ghosts, but it was a surreal feeling knowing that you were standing on ground that so many thousands of men had died on.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: David Atlee Phillips at LHO's press conference?

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Keep up the good work Katisha. Sara, I hope you are feeling better. I didn't watch ghost hunters last night, but I'm sure my wife did, that 's her favorite show. I had some other errands to do. Also, speaking of ghost hunting, I believe Pasquale and John Snow are really into that. John went to Gettysburg this weekend as a matter of fact to ghost hunt I believe. A friend of mine from work went to college at Gettysburg and he tells me of the hauntings that he has heard about there, like at the old hospital. I think he said there will be a special about Gettysburg later this month on the Travel channel. The time I went to Gettysburg, I didn't see any ghosts, but it was a surreal feeling knowing that you were standing on ground that so many thousands of men had died on.I've never been to Gettysburg, but I understand that it's haunted too. The best type of ghost investigations are where no information is given to the actual ghost investigators regarding who died or what kind of phenomenon has been observed at a location in the past. It might cloud the judgement and observation skills of the investigators. Also, NO drinking or anything like that while on a ghost hunt as THAT also impairs judgement.That being said, I had never actually SEEN a ghost in person until I worked with the Southwest Ghost Hunters Association. I believe my pictures are still up there on their website in the Garcia's Restaurant, Congress Hotel, and Old Tucson Studios investigations. I believe the investigations were in Tucson and New Mexico...I think.Anyway, yeah, on this one investigation, they didn't tell us anything about who died there or anything. Then I'm in a room, in an attic loft, and I'm placing some sound equipment up there. It was very dark with jut a little light coming from the floor below.There was movement next to me, and I thought it was my ex-fiancee who was blond-haired. I looked right in "her" face in the dim light and said "How's this set up? (Referring to the sound equipment.) I looked again, and the face was looking at me and kind of smiling. I looked away and said "Come on. I'm serious. How's this set up for the equipment?" I looked over my shoulder again, and there was no one there. I then HEARD people talking downstairs, and I descended from the loft and there was my fiancee. She had just come in from outside with some other investigators. I honestly didn't think anything of it. I thought that my mind was just playing tricks on me because of the dark room and such. At the end of the investigation, they showed the picture of the woman who died there, who lived right in the loft I was in. She had blond hair, and in the dim light, she looked just like my fiancee! Here's another ghost story from Sunnyvale, CA. I stayed in Sunnyvale, CA for work about a year ago. (Sunnyvale, CA is where that haunted Toys R Us is.) Out of the corner of my eye, I kept noticing movement, but I thought I was just tired. Later in the evening, the television in my room started changing channels every now and then on its own. I thought that it might just be someone else changing channels on their TV and the signal was probably affecting my TV too. Then my girlfriend called me on the phone, and she kind of started talking sexy to me. The television changed to an X-rated channel. I tried changing it to CNN or something, and it only changed to ANOTHER porn channel. I called the front desk and told them that my TV was showing x-rated movies on it and that I didn't want that especially because my boss was paying for the room. The front desk told me that their computers weren't showing that I was watching anything like that. Throughout the night I kept hearing things or seeing things out of the corner of my eye. When I checked out in the morning at about 4am, I asked the front desk clerk flat out if the place was haunted. I said something like "This is going to sound silly, but do you guys have a ghost in this place?" Then I told him why I asked. He looked around to see if anyone else was listening and told me something like "We're not supposed to tell guests, but a man checked into a first floor room (my room was on the second floor) and hung himself about 6 to 8 months before and strange things have been happening ever since. The kitchen staff won't even go into the kitchen area after 10pm or 11pm because they're too spooked."How's that for spooky! The only thing more spooky than that would be the Bush-Chaney foreign policy and disregard of basic pricipals like using warrants for searches and seizures and habeas corpus. Now THAT's spooky!!!! LOL