Remembering RFK

JFK Assassination
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Re: Remembering RFK

Post by kenmurray »

Good video Bob. I like this one too:
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Re: Remembering RFK

Post by ThomZajac »

kenmurray wrote:Good video Bob. I like this one too:!
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Re: Remembering RFK

Post by Bob »

Yes...very good. Last night I watched a show on History International called LBJ and the Kennedys: Chasing the Demons. I believe that was the title. Great program that had lots of taped LBJ and RFK phone calls and other sorts of stuff (like LBJ flirting with the widow Jackie Kennedy on the phone). It talked how LBJ stopped the Congressional investigation of Bobby Baker (LBJ's buddy) and how J. Edgar Hoover used his influence to ALWAYS help his good buddy LBJ. It's obvious that RFK and LBJ hated each other, but last night I heard for the first time that RFK wanted LBJ to make him the VP candidate in 1964 for the election. When LBJ refused, the was probably the final straw that broke the camel's back in RFK's eyes. LBJ made sure that he made his speech and accepted his nomination at the 1964 Democratic Convention BEFORE the speech by RFK which was one of the most emotional speeches in history.
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Re: Remembering RFK

Post by ThomZajac »

Again, for me it amazing/telling that such a filthy human being -LBJ- is still portrayed by the MSM as a decent man worthy of the office.
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Re: Remembering RFK

Post by Bob »

ThomZajac wrote:Again, for me it amazing/telling that such a filthy human being -LBJ- is still portrayed by the MSM as a decent man worthy of the office.I posted this earlier...Gerald Ford, former President and last surviving member of the Warren Commission, has demonstrated his strategy again: Disguise your crimes by attacking the attacker. I am increasingly flabbergasted about what is possible in America. Why is the world and the History Channel swallowing his attack on the documentary "The guilty men"? For those who missed this headline news, it is the last episode of "The men who killed Kennedy" series, aired last November and originally scheduled for re-runs over the next nine years, which makes a case for Lyndon Johnson as a main conspirator in JFK's murder. Ford's coordinated protest with former Johnson cronies like Bill Moyers, Jack Valenti and Johnson's widow, has now even resulted in complete cancellation of all three new episodes, including those which were not attacked, like "The Love Affair" with Judyth Vary Baker, who makes a credible case for having been Lee Harvey Oswald's girlfriend, exonerating him from the Government's THEORY that he was the lone assassin. To my knowledge, this is an unprecedented form of censorship in the United States. Valenti was a big wig in Hollywood and with the MSM.
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Re: Remembering RFK

Post by katisha »

Bob wrote:Yes...very good. Last night I watched a show on History International called LBJ and the Kennedys: Chasing the Demons. I believe that was the title. Great program that had lots of taped LBJ and RFK phone calls and other sorts of stuff (like LBJ flirting with the widow Jackie Kennedy on the phone). It talked how LBJ stopped the Congressional investigation of Bobby Baker (LBJ's buddy) and how J. Edgar Hoover used his influence to ALWAYS help his good buddy LBJ. It's obvious that RFK and LBJ hated each other, but last night I heard for the first time that RFK wanted LBJ to make him the VP candidate in 1964 for the election. When LBJ refused, the was probably the final straw that broke the camel's back in RFK's eyes. LBJ made sure that he made his speech and accepted his nomination at the 1964 Democratic Convention BEFORE the speech by RFK which was one of the most emotional speeches in history.Coming in late, I know, but would you have a link to that RFK speech, Bob?I'd love to see that doco, "LBJ and the Kennedys: Chasing the Demons" too. I'll keep an eye out for it on SBS, the TV channel down 'ere that shows lots of esoteric, non-mainstream stuff. They had "Oswald's Ghost" on the other night. Hmmmph! But I did love the BBC footage of Spector talking all over the top of Mark Lane, refusing to let him get a word in, in a desperate effort to push the risible Single Bullet Bullshit. I'm open to at least considering most points-of-view about what happened on and around 22/11/63, but the SBB isn't one of them. Honestly! Do I look stupid? Single Bullet my arse!
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Remembering RFK

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

katisha wrote:Honestly! Do I look stupid? Single Bullet my arse!Ha! Good one, Katisha! I couldn't have said it better!
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Re: Remembering RFK

Post by katisha »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:katisha wrote:Honestly! Do I look stupid? Single Bullet my arse!Ha! Good one, Katisha! I couldn't have said it better! I reckon you could have said it much better, Pasquale, and with much more knowledge and research behind you than I have, but cheers anyway
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Re: Remembering RFK

Post by Bob »

Katisha, here is part of RFK's speech at the 1964 Democratic convention... you can see by the crowd, this is why LBJ did not want to follow this speech, and why he gave his acceptance speech first.Here is the entire speech by RFK, in three parts... ... re=related
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Re: Remembering RFK

Post by katisha »

Thank you, Bob. I've just watched the first part of the three-parter you posted. Absolutely bloody extraordinary. I've seen a fair few standing ovations in my time, but never anything that came anywhere near that. I'll watch the other two parts tomorrow; for now I'm still riveted by that amazing exhibition.Looking at faces amidst all the cheering, I saw (YMMV) Bobby stunned and overwhelmed by sadness; still unable to get over his grief about JFK, and Ethel; hoping and praying that he somehow will get over it and get his (their) life back. I don't think he ever did; I don't think THEY had any need to kill him; he was dead inside from the moment his brother was murdered.Anyhoo, we're not here to talk about schmaltzy girly stuff, so I'll get meself back on track with research and speculation