How to convince a non-believer

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: How to convince a non-believer

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

katisha wrote:Thanks for the pic, Pasquale. It does look nice and clean and tidy, doesn't it? Interestingly, the Warren Report doesn't actually say that all the wounds were caused by the one bullet, although it comes bloody close to saying so: "Although it is not necessary to any essential findings of the Commission to determine just which shot hit Governor Connally, there is very persuasive evidence from the experts to indicate that the same bullet which pierced the President's throat also caused Governor Connally's wounds" (Chapter 1, Summary and Conclusions, p19)I don't mean to split hairs about this, Katisha, but it's important. The Warren Commission, or the official version of events, HAS TO maintain that ONE bullet went through JFK's body and caused all the wounds to Conally. So, they DID say that, or they at least hold that as their version. If they admitted that it was possible that more than one bullet did all that damage, they would HAVE TO admit to a conspiracy because that Oswald rifle could not have fired more than three shots in the alotted time frame.The magic bullet theory IS the key to the lone-assassin theory. To even consider that more than one bullet caused all those wounds (besides the head wound, of course) is to say that there was possibly more than one shooter.
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Re: How to convince a non-believer

Post by kenmurray »

Katisha, lest not us forget too, that THREE of the Warren Omission's members Russell, Cooper and Boggs did NOT believe in the magic bullet theory! As a matter of fact Russell callled for an emergency session on SEP 18th, 1964 to argue this magic bullet conclusion!
bob franklin
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Re: How to convince a non-believer

Post by bob franklin »

The best way? Show them this:[img]jfkshirt.jpg
bob franklin
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Re: How to convince a non-believer

Post by bob franklin »

"Back & to the left."
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Re: How to convince a non-believer

Post by ThomZajac »

Great post, Bob.Also note the bullet hole in the shirt. Good thing Jerry Ford realized it was in the wrong place.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
Posts: 1315
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Re: How to convince a non-believer

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

bob franklin wrote:"Back & to the left."That pretty much sums it up.
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Re: How to convince a non-believer

Post by ThomZajac »

There's an attorney friend of mine who's a lone nutter, and I have done the dance with him long enough to know how he counters much of the evidence of an conspiracy.So, as graphic and suggestive as the shirt photo is, here is what I strongly suspect he'd day..."The blood pattern proves nothing because we don't know precisely when the blood stain was made; it very likely was made as Kennedy lay prone on the way to Parkland hospital."As much as I hate to say it, the shirt is not conclusive proof of a shot entering from the front; it is supporting evidence of a shot entering from the front. Strong and numerous supporting evidence can take the place of there being a piece of conclusive evidence, and so it is very important indeed. By itself, however, the blood-stained shirt does not prove the point, in my opinion.
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Re: How to convince a non-believer

Post by ThomZajac »

The shirt does prove, however, that Jerry Ford was lying through his teeth when he moved up the back wound five inches in the pursuit of being "more precise."
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Re: How to convince a non-believer

Post by ChristophMessner »

It was a freemason's place with a freemason's statue on it, looking like pyramid on draft. The president was catholic and refused to follow the freemason's agenda. David Rockefeller let himself photo portrait in a typical freemason's posture. Kennedy was shot on it's way to the top of the pyramid. The shot from the front came from a higher layer of the hidden pyramid of power, if you look to the draft. This pyramid thing is not only humbug, Washington, City of London, Karlsruhe, Vatican, ... all are built with pyramid symbolism, you see that looking on the map. Egyptian and babylonian mythologies are the roots of the three monotheistic world religions. Don't tell the freemason conspirators. A conspirator is only who goes consciously against the truth.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
Posts: 1315
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Re: How to convince a non-believer

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

ThomZajac wrote:There's an attorney friend of mine who's a lone nutter, and I have done the dance with him long enough to know how he counters much of the evidence of an conspiracy.So, as graphic and suggestive as the shirt photo is, here is what I strongly suspect he'd day..."The blood pattern proves nothing because we don't know precisely when the blood stain was made; it very likely was made as Kennedy lay prone on the way to Parkland hospital."As much as I hate to say it, the shirt is not conclusive proof of a shot entering from the front; it is supporting evidence of a shot entering from the front. Strong and numerous supporting evidence can take the place of there being a piece of conclusive evidence, and so it is very important indeed. By itself, however, the blood-stained shirt does not prove the point, in my opinion.No offense to your attorney friend, but just because he's an attorney doesn't mean he has overcome that reflex that a lot of people have to just believe what they are told. Law school is just a trade school, like learning how to be a mechanic. In law school they teach you how to argue a point of view on a case. They also teach you the law, and then depending on what kind of law you specialize in, you become an "expert" in that field of law. None of this experience makes a person any more common-sense smart. I met with an attorney last week who asked me why on earth I'd be reading a book on 9/11 called "Debunking 9/11 Debunking." In any event, he argued the plane impact/jet fuel idea with me, until I told him two things. That a third building, WTC 7, pancaked in 6.5 seconds and that the two main towers pancaked in just about 10 seconds and that this is free-fall speed. I also pointed out that WTC 7 was never hit by a plane. He had nothing to say.