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JFK Assassination
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Re: other forums

Post by andries »

Yes, it is known that he made some interesting phone calls before he shot oswaldbecause he didn,t want to do it of course.I really do believe that it fits well for a man in that position at that time.he must have been hoples i ques.Another thing that is so interesting for me as you know ,is the fact that so many pro conspiracy witneses and believers all have got their share of evil influence,criticism,rejections,dismissals etc etc.Only ignoration was eds part,they never even doubted his precence at the scene at that time !they didn,t ignore him in the name of pitty i ques.
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Re: other forums

Post by andries »

andries wrote:Yes, it is known that he made some interesting phone calls before he shot oswaldbecause he didn,t want to do it of course.I really do believe that it fits well for a man in that position at that time.he must have been hoples i ques.Another thing that is so interesting for me as you know ,is the fact that so many pro conspiracy witneses and believers all have got their share of evil influence,criticism,rejections,dismissals etc etc.Only ignoration was his, eds part,they never even doubted his precence at the scene at that time !they didn,t ignore him in the name of pitty i ques.
tom jeffers
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Re: other forums

Post by tom jeffers »

bob,er ye gettin a little slooow in yer old age? i was expecting a little comment back to me on the "slick". (which was my nickname that delarossa gave me)
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Re: other forums

Post by SeamusCoogan »

tom jeffers wrote:i was asked to leave the jfkresearch forum. they totally think this website is worthless. if you go and read my postings they dismiss everything that i say by saying that people were either lying, bought off or things were fabricated. they cannot debate the facts. before i posted they commented on how wim would kick people off the forum and they basically did the same thing to me. in no way was i anything but professional nor did i ever get personal. this place is the place to be.Namaste'Any place that has links to a crank like RD Morningstar and that dickhead Alex Jones can suck my fat one. Thats for sure. Im not a Files disciple however, hes a far better alternative to what ball lickers put out there thats for sure.These guys missed the F'ing bus.
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Re: other forums

Post by andries »

With some, i estimate about 5-10 years patience a little dicipline and help from hightech development,we,l probably see who,s right.And even then who would believe it ? it could be altered.That,s the sad part.
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Re: other forums

Post by Lofty »

neab wrote:I still don't get how this forum gets so much crap. I feel like I've missed something along the way, granted I haven't tracked every thread in creation but I feel like I get a good picture of whats going on in the few forums I look over. If nothing else, it is unusual. Thread over on JFK assassination forum polled 73% not beleiving files, 22% unsure *i voted here* and just the 1 voter beleiving. Is this the only forum that beleives? If so, why ? Perhaps the people on here have a clearer insight to the case and dont swallow every piece of bs that is spewed out by the disinfo specialists that have infiltrated the other forums.Those guys have a completely different agenda to those of us who try to seek the truth, and will forever promote thier unhinged theories in order to create confusion. The people who believe them are in my opinion too lazy or dumb to think and look for themselves then question the obvious lies.Just my two bob
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Re: other forums

Post by kenmurray »

Lofty those on the other side do have an agenda for bs with so much disinformation. If you have heard the debate between McAdams and DiEugenio you would see what a disinfo guy McAdams is. He has used an alias name Paul Nolan before:http://www.prouty.org/mcadams/
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Re: other forums

Post by Lofty »

Paul Nolan ? I will keep an eye out for him then on my travels, thanks for the heads up .After listening to part one i found it hard to believe that McAdams could spout half that crap with a straight face.
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Re: other forums

Post by Bob »

In my opinion, THIS forum continues to grow stronger and add more excellent voices. However, we are not all "YES" men or women. We still have disagreements about certain aspects of the JFK assassination and other things, but we can debate intelligently and also respectfully, unlike the "other" forums I have encountered or studied.
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Re: other forums

Post by ThomZajac »

Bob, you ingnorant slut....